Sunday, October 20, 2013

"Dershowitz Says Angela Corey Violated George Zimmerman’s Civil Rights"

Pat Dollard , Fox News Huckabee


chickelit said...

On top of everything else, Corey is ugly to boot.

Who will dare defend her?

ricpic said...

Did I hear Dershowitz right? Did Corey charge Zimmerman with child abuse? Holy cow!

Synova said...

You missed the child abuse thing?

Revenant said...

It would be nice if prosecutors who abused their authority were subjected to prosecution themselves.

But I ain't holding my breath.

Synova said...

I've long thought that it was wrong to elect judges or prosecutors. (I'm not entirely sure about electing Sheriffs.)

*Recall* them both... yeah, people should be able to do that.

Shouting Thomas said...

"Dershowitz Says Angela Corey Violated George Zimmerman’s Civil Rights"

No shit!

edutcher said...

Nice to see someone with some juice back him up.

Chip Ahoy said...

Last night I heard Dershowitz, say when asked about shutdown and edging toward default, begin by saying,

"First, I must say that I believe universal healthcare is the greatest thing I've seen in my lifetime."

Something very close to that. * click *

That wasn't the question, Alan.

I go all all Borg in my imagining when I hear a statement like that. It may very well be the greatest thing, but the way it was brought about is utterly unAmerican, and if you say that it is American, then its destruction by those same means is equally American. To have pleasure with the result of this legislation and all its affects is distinctly different from the tender desire for universal healthcare for all humanity on Earth forever, or even just for this country right now before massive immigration is passed the same or similar way. Suggesting one is good because the other is good is just flat fucking stupid. Too stupid to bear. Too stupid to listen to. His opinion is irrelevant.

That's the Borg part.

The Borg collective speaks directly to Picard when they kidnap him. I just now saw that again. (Lame: While his security is distracted by Mature Borg that materialize and on bridge and adapt immediately to their attacks, a child Borg appears at Picard's side and latches onto Picard's arm while materializing, Picard just stands there surprised, doesn't shove the kid or anything while the rest are fighting, just dematerializes with the child Borg.)

The voice speaking to the actors, Borg drones holding Picard, standing on a narrow set placed in front of a large backdrop painting depicting the interior of a Borg cube, basically a lattice work of all metallic building material, clattery planks and so forth, very well done. The cube appears to be nearly infinite. Effective theatrical devices there, with no sci-fi corridor between sets, bridge and Borg ship. The disembodied male voice speaks directly leaving no possible conversational repost or retort or rejoinder, nevertheless Picard enjoins the voice, for drama sake to deliver dialogue. The collective speaks through the disembodied voice. The collective says to Picard:

The Borg: Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you lead the strongest ship of the Federation fleet. You speak for your people.

Capt. Picard: I have nothing to say to you; and I will resist you with my last ounce of strength.

The Borg: Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours.

Capt. Picard: Impossible. My culture is based on freedom and self-determination.

The Borg: Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply.

Capt. Picard: We would rather die.

The Borg: Death is irrelevant. Your archaic cultures are authority-driven. To facilitate our introduction into your societies, it has been decided that a human voice will speak for us in all communications. You have been chosen to be that voice.

Very much like Federal healthcare instituted by Democratic power.


And my response to that is behave the same way.

Shouting Thomas said...

The South Park Zimmerman episode was great.

Oddly, it generated very little comment, and most of the people who did comment were baffled by it.

The subject was white liberal guilt.

Chip Ahoy said...

Actually, it was worse than that. He went on, "Finally, the united states joins other 1st world civilized societies," Something like that. Indicating healthcare socialized at the federal level is the only civilized alternative available, anything else is less than 1st World. And I hear that and think, "and you're a fucking lawyer?" I wanted him right here so I could argue that, starting with that, and point out being communist is very unAMerican, other that options exist. Put on your ears, Maude, and listen.

Amartel said...

ST-I saw a couple of those reviews and had to laugh. Basically, the complaint was that it wasn't funny for some strange reason they couldn't quite articulate.
Which made me laugh some more.
Dear White Liberal Majority:
I'm laughing AT you not WITH you.

(That right there just now was a hint, blockheads.)

William said...

I saw the South Park episode. I couldn't figure it out. Very ambiguous. It did take a strong stand against Brad Pitt and World War Z, which was actually an ok movie.......I read somewhere that seventy percent of white people thought that Zimmerman was innocent. The other thirty percent must all work in Hollywood and the media. I was hoping for something better from South Park.

rcocean said...

Sorry, I don't listen to Alan Der- Shit.

Even when he says something right, its almost always for the wrong reasons.

Just because Stalin hated Hitler didn't make him less evil.

JAL said...

About time.

Go Dershowitz!

Pummel the MSM with the info.

Get Corey disbarred.

The FL State Bar should be hustling to distance themselves. Assuming there are lawyers in FL who follow and uphold the law.