Friday, September 27, 2013

With just so much civility

Barbara Mikulski answers a panel on MSNBC led by David Gregory regarding Ted Cruz long speech, this is where I tuned in, this is what caught my attention,

"This is by a small minority, these teabaggers..."


That went right by, that is normal description within her longer answer. She's telling the panel that tea party is to be dismissed as hostile minority, unreasoned people who do not want to pay taxes.

(I'll be very happy to have this photo off my harddrive.)

She is quite cross with the obstruction of pragmatic people eager to get down to business without these senseless obstructions to the hard work of providing the good that flows from smoothly operating mature government, economic development, innovation, job growth, economic growth. Obama won the election, it is the law of the land, they need to get on with government, this is ping-pong politics, reduce debt, increase growth, 21 hours air time, now it's all about him and not about the important work that needs to be done, delay tactics, delaying essential government services, holding hostage over debtceiling,focusingonpragmaticsolutions,not nay sayers, thishsis jsjsuot obaja lml kenelns lskmofkniehrksdnllkshsls hjksolkm.

So there.


And the whole time I was thinking, "You dreadful cow." How I would like to challenge point by point but there are too many points crammed together, as you do, all premises, all wrong, a weird alternate reality there where every point is challengeable , and completely100% utterly hostile that describes itself as compromising, as having already compromised far too much to unreasonables.

Teabaggers is it? Okay. Senator, you cow, every word that came out your vile sinister Party mouth was heard a hundred times already.

Just previously to her I was following  a Democrat senator (I was fascinated by his hair that appeared false) testify listening carefully and following  sympathetically as he recalled events from his pov, "... and then at election the people spoke conclusively that they wanted the health care bill passed."


And then Elijah Cummings. Sabotaging Darrell Issa's Benghazi information gathering visit. Cummings didn't want the hearings, didn't want the visit,  then wanted Democrats to join the visit. Failing at fact blocking, finally, desperately broke the law and leaked the visit. Here is the obstructionist.  (comments there are meanie-pants)

"I sure hope nothing happens to Darrel Issa on his secret visit to Benghazi, that's a dangerous place over there and we do have enemies, you know." That is not a precise quote. But Cummings leaked that.

And that, sir, is a despicable thing to do.

And the whole time I read about Elijah Cummings being a creep again, this after calling us racist after  unnecessarily and provocatively charging in phalanx through a crowd of peaceful protestors with Pelosi weirdly wielding a cartoonishly oversized mallet, declaring righteous victory over visigoths one supposes, and later claimed they were spit upon repeatedly when they were not. And $10,000 says so. And no apology either.

The whole time I was reading that I had the best music running through my head without any headphones!

Man, that song is wrought, the other versions are.

Wikipedia, font of modern day received flexible wisdom, says Pelosi did not want Cummings to Chair the hearings, she felt him insufficiently fierce, insufficiently aggressive. And suddenly I go from thinking of Cummings as dith-pickable Party operative to cuddly inept Teddy bear dragged around and pushed around by overbearing Pelosi, suddenly I have sympathy and I think, "Oh dear, you are completely trapped."  So that is what is meant by "made" in the Mafia. It means you're completely trapped.


ndspinelli said...

Didn't she marry the Mayor of Munchkin Land?

Calypso Facto said...

Please do not ever refer to Mikulski, tea bagging, and cummings in the same post ever again. The horror!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Senator cow for life infuses Reductio ad Absurdum

The democrat party wants to tax the shit out of you. So, therefore, you are not paying your fare share so you, therefore, are not paying any tax at all. teabaggers.

American senators hate you. teabaggers. Regular folk.

Did you know that, dear tea bagger tax payer greed-head, you don't pay any taxes at all? No, you don't. So it's time to pay up.
How is Babs Mulcowski supposed to waste your money if you won't pay your taxes? teabaggers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Note how the "Media" uses the word "Obstructionist"
If Obstructionist were a drinking game, we'd be comatose.

Methadras said...

Smarmy little communist cow.

test said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
test said...

Nothing will ever top Barack Obama saying Bush refused to help Katrina victims because they were black and then whining about coarsening politics as if the problem lay with others.

It's a sign of how completely dishonest the left is that their leaders make such idiotic statements while vilifying anyone who disagrees. If even five percent of their voters were honest they'd have to stop.

chickelit said...

I'd like to hear Mikulski explain the origin of "teabagger" to her grandkids (if she has any). Next will be Michelle mouthing off like that.

Another dreadful face of the Democrat party.

chickelit said...

Can anyone link to a poll of the alleged precipitous decline in popularity of the Tea Party?

You know, the support for the latest onslaught of smears.

yashu said...

So are the labor unions opposing Obamacare now "teabaggers" too?

I'm Full of Soup said...


Mikulski is a lifelong lesbian.

chickelit said...

@AJ: That doesn't mean she can't have grandkids, AJ (but it mystifies her knowledge of "teabagging).

chickelit said...

But if she insists on calling people like a teabagger, I reserve the right to call her a carpet muncher.

And she started it!

Some civility

test said...

And note Allen West lost a gig allegedly for referring to someone as a Princess. At Breitbart.

To understand the context:

Right opinion publications hold right commentators to higher standards than our media applies to Democratic Senators and Democratic Presidential Candidates.

It's just astounding. Not only are these Democratic politicians hateful, disgusting people, but the media has betrayed any their responsibility to the public.

sakredkow said...

"This is by a small minority, these teabaggers..."

I can be tough on the tea party. But that's not a term I have ever used or ever would use.

I'm tough on them (or I think I am) but I genuinely like and respect many of them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

tea·bag·ger [tee-bag-er]
When an employee at CNN or NBC takes his balls and drags them across your face in an unwanted sexual encounter and then calls you an obstructionist.

chickelit said...

I get the meme that Cruz must now be destroyed or Alinsky'd but getting cheap shots from the wrong people isn't going to help.

That's the comment I kept leaving in Althouse's numerous threads about Cruz (which seem to have dried up).

I reasoned that knee jerk posts deserved knee jerk comments.

Calypso Facto said...

Pollo, here's LI's takedown of the "precipitous" (within the margin of error) decline in popularity (and unpopularity it turns out).

Alternately, here's The DC talking about how Cruz (followed by Rand!) leads GOP contenders in the latest PPP poll, so what does that say about the movement's momentum?

Calypso Facto said...

Oops. DC Link.

test said...

phx said...
"This is by a small minority, these teabaggers..."

I can be tough on the tea party. But that's not a term I have ever used or ever would use.

Note how he tries to distance himself from the statements to make you think he doesn't support them, but does not criticize those making them. It's a stark contrast to his constant whining about random internet commenters from the right. In those cases he's quite clear with his objections.

You have to wonder why he holds random internet commenters to higher standards than Senators. As with everything phx the only fact that explains his different standards is the Party.

edutcher said...

As Lester Kinsolving once said, "All the charm of the northbound end of a southbound bus".

chickelit said...

@CF: Nice links! I should prepare a contentious blog post about the conflicting data.

Ritmo can help us sort it out!

edutcher said...

PS The Lefties are scared. Cruz and Paul (Pablo Cruise, if you will) are showing the kind of fire in the belly that means no more reaching out across the aisle to their friends in the Democrat Party.

sakredkow said...

@Marshal do you have to always lecture everyone about what my comments demonstrate about me? Is there anything more tedious than your pompous comments about my comments, like you're some sort of professor explaining to your students where I've gone wrong?

My comments speak for themselves - and people can decide whether or not I'm full of shit without your nagging them about me.

Even among the hard core righties here, it's probably a toss up what's more annoying to them: my comments or your ridiculous comments about my comments.

Most people here might think me wrong, lacking in character, full of ulterior motives, and sending my own soul to hell in a handbasket. But I'll bet they don't find me as boring as you are.

Why don't you try arguing with me like a human being sometime?

The rule of Lemnity said...


sakredkow said...

I generally respond well when people talk to me like a human being. Just argue with me like a mensch and I'm okay with you.

Whine about me in the third person and you lose my respect.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I'd take ten of Phx anyday over even one Ritmo or one Garage.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I'm Full of Soup said...

1 2 3

I'm Full of Soup said...

Is this thing working Lem? Heh.

sakredkow said...

Well, maybe some people find me boring.

sakredkow said...

Thanks AJ Lynch. You might prefer me you old sinner, but you deserve Ritmo and Garage. :D

chickelit said...

You'd think that PC sensibilities would lead to an abandonment of the term but remember, this is a party led by a man who occasionally gives his opponents the finger in public.

chickelit said...

Of course, I may may be fighting against some who feel that the President -- being who he is -- is entitled to give people the finger.

I'm Full of Soup said...


So I have a list of people I'd like to punch in the mouth- does that make me a bad person?

sakredkow said...

AJ Lynch so long as I'm not on it that's negotiable.

test said...

phx said...
Why don't you try arguing with me like a human being sometime?

Because you have nothing substantive to say, and treating a propagandist like an honest commenter encourages them to continue.

Why don't you become an honest commenter instead?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Nah you are not on it. Not even close.

sakredkow said...

Why don't you become an honest commenter instead?

Fine, keep lecturing everyone how "phx never criticize the Dems
and "phx is such a hypocrite" and "phx is not an honest commentator" and see who the fuck will miss you when you give yourself an ulcer or a heart attack.

I see hospital gowns and barium enemas in your future!


sakredkow said...

You know who will be the ONLY one who will say anything good about you, Marshal? The ONLY person, when you end up in a hospital because all the bile backed up on you???

ME! I'm the ONLY one here who would probably give a rat's ass that you made yourself sick hating on me!

sakredkow said...

Damn gomer.

Icepick said...

I love the latest paid of headlines on Drudge:


chickelit said...


Isn't he sort of filling a campaign promise though? Give him points for integrity, the same as you would Ted Cruz.

Icepick said...

Sibilance. Sibilance. 1-2-3....

Icepick said...

That's true, El Pollo. Obama has always been kinder to the likes of the Ayatollahs than to domestic opposition.

test said...

phx said...
when you end up in a hospital because all the bile backed up on you???

Sick? Decontructing your bullshit is more like my daily anagram.

Even here you've avoided admitting your liberal standard bearer is a disgusting race baiter and tried to draw attention off the subject.

YoungHegelian said...

Milkulski is one of my senators. I sent her this at her web site:

Today on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports show, Sen Milkulski said during her call in:

"The reason Ted Cruz stood up and asked for a delay was so that he could have a vote during today where his — the tea baggers in his tea party were going to watch,”

I was unaware that the Senator thought it permissible behavior to use a slang word for an homosexual act as a slur against her political opponents. Would she think that it was permissible for a Republican to refer to the Democratic Party, which truly does support equality for gays, as the "C*cks***er party"

It is no defense to claim that the various Tea Party organizations have adopted this term, as many minority groups have done to terms used to demean them. This is simply not the case, as even a brief examination of Tea Party web sites & the right wing media will show.

Even if said in anger, such language demeans political discourse. Senator Milkulski owes her constituents an apology, I'm afraid.

Once nice thing about being an ex-lefty is that I know what phrases & buttons to push so that the critique reads as an inside & not external critique. It makes it all the more difficult to dismiss.

Titus said...

senator cow-lol

bagoh20 said...

"I once teabagged myself just to see what all the fuss was about." ~ Bagoh20

He's the most interesting man in the world.

sakredkow said...


Sorry, yes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Wow Bagoh. You're flexible.

sakredkow said...

- Drudge

Ha ha ha! The Republicans are more intractable than the mullahs!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is the man radical leftists like the vile Milkcowski(D) - vilify.

Cruz is a good man.

virgil xenophon said...

What everyone here has to understand is that, to the left, people like the Iranian mullahs are mere irritating obstacles to be not so much overcome as "managed" from a PR standpoint. Those Americans on the right side of the political spectrum, otoh, are THE ENEMY......and therefore Must....Be.....Destroyed!

bagoh20 said...

"Wow Bagoh. You're flexible.

Nope. Feng Shui. The secret is proper placement of the furniture, ropes and leather. If you do it right, you can even fall asleep like that.

sakredkow said...

Those Americans on the right side of the political spectrum, otoh, are THE ENEMY......and therefore Must....Be.....Destroyed!

Yeah, that's not rhetoric.

virgil xenophon said...

And of course they are not wrong. Much like Chiang-Kai Shek, who viewed the Japanese as mere transitory obstacles, while regarding the Chicoms under Mao as the true long-term existential threat to his Nationalist regime. And he was not wrong. The left has much to fear from types like Cruz and the people they represent..

sakredkow said...

How's about one of you mods spin us a Youtube?
How about "I'll Be Your Mirror" by Velvet Underground?

It's been a nice day.

virgil xenophon said...

BTW, phx, to show you how much I have been "touched by evil" when my 1st cousin was Chief of Staff of the old Taiwan Defense command in 1968 I took leave from DaNang to visit him in Taipei and as a young 1st Lt the good General introduced me to Chiang and his wife "The Dragon Lady" (Soon Mai-ling--a Wellesley grad who was a delightfully well-read, intelligent and articulate dinner companion even at her advanced age. The legends were true, DEFINITELY the brains of the operation.--talk about a sharp-as-a-tack smooth operator whose experienced but subtle eyes missed NOTHING!) I'm afraid I was totally corrupted at a very young age by one of the classic bete noirs of the left. I am afraid I am beyond redemption as an unrepentant admirer of the Dragon Lady, lol.

Methadras said...

phx said...

Well, maybe some people find me boring.

I don't, but sometimes I find you to be dishonest in your observations of the very ideology you ascribe to. You have very many dishonest people who believe in very dishonest and immoral things as a matter of public policy and call it truth or what the people want.

sakredkow said...

Incredible virgil. In-f***ing-credible. Seriously had no idea about your background. What a privilege to have met them. You should write the story down somewhere in detail if you haven't.

sakredkow said...

...sometimes I find you to be dishonest in your observations of the very ideology you ascribe to.

You know, I don't really much subscribe to ideologies, not very deeply. I'm not all that committed. Or interested.

I have certain preferences but people here often draw way too many conclusions about me from my preferences.

I'm mostly here to point out where your thinking breaks down. If someone can point the same out to me I'm beholden to them.

Mostly people are a lot more interested in demagoguing, and assume I am too.

I think there's more important stuff for a human than this partisan politics stuff. That's why there isn't anyone here I wouldn't have a beer with after the word wars - or a cognac, or coffee. Even Marshal.

Titus said...

I can suck my own hog but can't get to my balls.


sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sakredkow said...

For my friend virgil xenophon

sakredkow said...

Someone going to post that Velvet Underground song or should I just go fuck myself?

bagoh20 said...

" or should I just go fuck myself?"

Don't be rude - give yourself a little reach around too.

sakredkow said...

Don't be rude - give yourself a little reach around too.

"I can suck my own hog but can't get to my balls." - Titus @ 8:25 pm

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Marshal said...
And note Allen West lost a gig allegedly for referring to someone as a Princess. At Breitbart.

To blame this on the left is insane. Breitbart is a private company with few if any left leaning customers. This was entirely about internal office politics and, apparently, princesses who get want they want when they stamp their little footsies.

Titus said...

no auto erotic Meth.

Just flexiblity and yoga.

it's all natural.


Titus said...

At the age of 42 I can still do the full splits and bend my head back to touch my knee.

Totally Nadia Commiecuchi.

test said...

phx said...
If someone can point the same out to me I'm beholden to them.

phx engages in this banter as part of his propaganda effort. He knows if he appears to be a decent person people won't be as skeptical to his attacks.

Consider, you cannot point out the same about his preferences because he's literally never discussed them. Propaganda 101: when you discuss your own preferences you open yourself, so don't. Discuss only others preferences and compare them to perfection.

test said...

AReasonableMan said...
Marshal said...
And note Allen West lost a gig allegedly for referring to someone as a Princess. At Breitbart.

To blame this on the left is insane.

I didn't blame this on the left, learn to read.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nope. Feng Shui. The secret is proper placement of the furniture, ropes and leather. If you do it right, you can even fall asleep like that.

If you place a leather strap near the front door and extend it over to a waterfall in the left hand corner, you'll be blessed with prosperity and abundance.

Chip Ahoy said...

Titus, that's awesome. At any age.

bagoh20 said...

Yes it is, but he turns it into something dirty, very very dirty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ooo dirty Feng Shui

Sounds hot.

But you have to do it right. A curved pathway to your front door. A mirror and a luminaria point to a rusty chicken.

There are rules!

bagoh20 said...

Rusty Chicken? That's my pornstar name.