Thursday, September 19, 2013

'McCain OpEd Pravda - Not the one he wanted'

"Senator John McCain has a message for the Russian people: “I am pro-Russian, more pro-Russian than the regime that misrules you today.”
In an opinion piece titled “Russians Deserve Better Than Putin,” published by the Russian news website, McCain took aim at the current Russian leadership, including President Vladimir Putin.
“They punish dissent and imprison opponents. They rig your elections. They control your media,” the Arizona Republican said in his piece.
The piece by McCain comes one week after Vladimir Putin made headlines by publishing his own opinion piece, “A Plea for Caution from Russia” in the New York Times...
There are two publications called Pravda (“the truth”) in Russia.
The Pravda McCain had publicly said he wanted to be published in is one of the oldest Russian newspapers, founded in 1912.
Maybe McCain wanted the one that was the New York Times of the USSR.
While editors at the communist Pravda publication said last week they were not going to accept an op-ed by McCain, a spokesman for the senator said McCain submitted one anyway, in addition to, since there was confusion over the two different Pravdas. As expected, it was not published by the newspaper.

Who's Line is it Anyway - Let's Make a Date


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

To get the pissing contest started, McCain should have opened with "Let's take a closer look at those pecs."

Synova said...

No matter if I agree with him or not, I really *really* hate when any foreigner does this in the US. My first thought is... what a jerk. My second thought is... is this a hoax?

If I think longer I wonder, how is it different than Voice of America? But I think it is different, maybe because VoA is less personal... or something.

Synova said...

"Let's take a closer look at those pecs."

Might be worth changing the rules so Arnold can run for US pres... (Though apparently Paul Ryan is a pleasant shirtless sight.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pravda for them - Media Matters for us.

Just make sure you get the real Media Matters.
All the fake ones are junk.

The Dude said...

“They punish dissent and imprison opponents. They rig your elections. They control your media,” the Arizona Republican said in his piece.

Try and say that around here, buster!

rhhardin said...

Sit stay from an early walk owing to the internet being down.

Never pass up a distraction.

Now I'll read the news.

rhhardin said...

video, I should have warned.

Birches said...

Off topic. But I've got a question to ask of all the Catholics in this community.

Have you read the article with Pope Francis where he mentions abortion, homosexuality and contraception? Is this groundbreaking? And if its not, why is the press (and my leftist friends) constantly using this as a hammer to show that the Church will soon be changing to their satisfaction?

Birches said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Look out. Kerry is on again about Syria on CNN.

Kerry is reporting about a UN report on the chemical attack in Syria.

They are talking up war again?

I don't get it.

"There you have it"?

I told you so?

Is Kerry spiking the ball? about the evidence?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Obama Putin match is going to the dogs.

Trooper York said...

I recently saw an episode of "Hot in Cleveland" which is a show about some old time sitcom stars. The had a reunion of all of the girls from the old Mary Tyler Moore show. You know. Phyllis. Georgette. The Happy Homemaker. Rhoda. And Mary Richards.

Mary looked terrible. She is basically very feeble and blind and had to sit at a table as she could not walk without assistance. She shook and could barely talk. It was very sad. Heartbreaking. That someone we thought of so fondly had deteriorated so badly.

You know what she reminded me of?

John McCain.

The Dude said...

John McCain does not have type 1 diabetes.

Trooper York said...

No but he does have senile dementia.

At least it sounds that way.

He is Admiral Stockdale back again.

Trooper York said...

He needs to step down for the good of his family, his party and his nation.

He deserves a chance to rest.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ rhhardin

What a very good dog you have!! I love the little contained barks that she (he ?) is suppressing. And the confusion on the other dog's part because they aren't getting the reaction that they expect.

Now, if we could only train McCain and the rest of those bozos to sit-stay and only speak upon command.

edutcher said...

Well, Vlad wants to go longer than Uncle Joe .

Junior may be right for a change.

PS Troop, Mary Tyler Moore has had diabetes for the last 50 years.

Surprised you didn't know that.

Trooper York said...

I knew that Ed.

It is just that she looked so terrible and out of it that it was a shame that people exploited her and put her on TV.

I feel the same way about John McCain.

The poor man should sit on the porch in a rocking chair under a blanket like Hank Worden in "The Searchers."

It just ain't right.

virgil xenophon said...


I love dobermans! We had a female (Gretchen) when we lived in the "Old Louisville" section of Louisville a block off Central Park. She would sleep in our then young son's bed lengthwise beside him with one leg and paw draped protectively over him. Great dogs..

virgil xenophon said...


Yes, it actually almost physically hurts me to see McCain in action these days..

Hagar said...

I believe McCain and Graham have quite taken leave of their senses.

ricpic said...

While Arnold was guv he didn't go to the bathroom without first checking with Maria. He was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kennedy machine. So much for big pecs.

ricpic said...

It's not safe to throw your hat in the air in the Twin Cities nowadays. I mean, after all, a vibrant one might notice you. And then attack you. While the cops look the other way. It's so much better now, so much more sensitive. Forward!

Methadras said...

“They punish dissent and imprison opponents. They rig your elections. They control your media,” the Arizona Republican said in his piece.

Yup, sounds like the Urkel administration sending the IRS after you. Just another day in Alinski land.

Trooper York said...

The thing is how would you feel if you look ten times worse than somebody with terminal brain cancer?

It was horrible.

rcocean said...

I disagree with those who say that McCain is old and senile and declined with age.

He's just as stupid as he ever was. No decline at all.

rcocean said...

MTM is 77. I don't want to see her as an old woman. I want to remember her as the Laurie Petire in her Capri pants.


ndspinelli said...

There's a new book out on the history of the Mary Tyler Moore show. It is on my kindle, either on deck or in the hole. It gets pretty good reviews but several people said the author glosses over Mary's alcoholism. Diabetes and alcoholism is a horrible combo. That is why Mary is so bad off now. I loved the show and think it was one of the best sitcoms of all time. It was a great cast. Ted Knight[Konopka] from Terryville, Ct., right next door to Bristol, was a real Pollack growing up. My mom had a friend to went to school w/ Ted. She said the role was perfect for him because that was him.

ndspinelli said...

rcocean, I rubbed out a few watching Laura.

Icepick said...

rcocean said...

I disagree with those who say that McCain is old and senile and declined with age.

He's just as stupid as he ever was. No decline at all.

Nailed it.

ndspinelli said...

Gary Burghoff[Radar O'Reilly] was from Bristol, Ct. I don't have any inside dope on him.

Icepick said...

rcocean said...

MTM is 77. I don't want to see her as an old woman. I want to remember her as the Laurie Petire in her Capri pants.


Wish I coulda nailed it.

ndspinelli said...

Folks be hatin' on McCain today!

Icepick said...

rcocean, I rubbed out a few watching Laura.

Many did!

ndspinelli said...

I got the Chiefs over the Eagles by 2. I still have a place in my heart for those Chiefs.

Icepick said...

Folks be hatin' on McCain today!

I've been hatin' on McCain since the 1980s.

ndspinelli said...

Icepick, I thought you were impotent.

Icepick said...

Icepick, I thought you were impotent.

This would be a surprise to my wife. And to my left hand.

ndspinelli said...

A southpaw. That explains a lot.

rcocean said...

"It was a great cast. Ted Knight[Konopka] from Terryville, Ct., right next door to Bristol, was a real Pollack growing up."

Yep, he was great in "Caddy Shack" too. Died too young and never got the respect he deserved. Asner won 3 Emmy's; Knight only 2. Those numbers should have been reversed.

Michael Haz said...

Mary Tyler Moore still looks better than Ed Asner, and she always will.

John McCain wrote an op-ed that didn't get published? Fat lot of good that'll do.

Birches - While we await Fr. Martin Fox, I'll offer my opinion that what Pope Francis said is nothing new. His words are a reminder that his flock should focus more on Jesus, and less on contemporary political topics. Non-Catholics are always a-twitter that the Church is about to vault into the kinds of change they want. Doesn't work that way.

Michael Haz said...

My mistake. I see the McCain op-ed did get published in one of the Pravdas.

Michael Haz said...

From the Pravda comments:

'I believe you should live according to the dictates of your conscience, not your government.'

Does this apply to the US government as it becomes increasingly more oppressive?

Icepick said...

A southpaw. That explains a lot.

Nope, not a south paw. But the right hand is for using the mouse.

Or is that TMI?

ndspinelli said...

You whack off to Minnie Mouse?

Icepick said...

Hey, Minnie Mouse is a dirty girl! Uh, I mean rodent. You should see some of the early stuff with her and Mickey smoking and drinking and carrying on. That chick was NASTY. The very first Disney actress to go bad.

Aaron said...

Thanks Michael.

I think my fb friends are using all this new found Pope attention from the NYT to project what they wish would happen to our Church. I don't think they really understand either Church very well.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Many times what doesn't "make sense" to me does contain logic from what I imagine is another perspective.

For instance, since Democrats have a racist history, when Democrats claim America is the most racist place around, they are correct because they are surrounded by Democrats. They just point the barbs at the opposition instead of inward. Of course when any situation deems it effective or the least-worst option this weapon will be depoloyed without regard to undirect damage and with hopes toward larger and more frequent direct hits.

Likewise, McCain can call "his base" fucking idiots because they are, for re-electing him.

Finally, Chief Justice Roberts let the people fuck themselves instead of saving us from ourselves.

I can't hate him for that, and believe there are remedies for the problem that could leave the court looking good in 10 years time. I am not sure about this at all, it is merely a hunch. I cannot think of an apt reason to quote Buckley's "I'd rather be governed by the first 400 (2000/whatevs) names in the phone book than by the faculty of Harvard" as it seems conservative to want to be governed by the idiot, facsist people than by the black robes alone.

William said...

Mary Tyler Moore looked like Mary Tyler Moore for a pretty good chunk of her life. Not many women can say that. Ted Williams didn't have to hit over .400 every season of his life to be considered one of the greats.

subduedchick said...

Birches, what Michael said is accurate. The pope basically stated that the Church has well know views on abortion, homosexuality, and same-sex marriage, and as Christians in the world we have much more to concern ourselves with than simply those three subjects. The MSM, in its typical myopic fashion, chose to pick the 2 or 3 paragraphs out of a 10,000 word interview to focus on as a "break" with the thinking of his predecessors.

Lydia said...

The MSM, in its typical myopic fashion, chose to pick the 2 or 3 paragraphs out of a 10,000 word interview to focus on as a "break" with the thinking of his predecessors.

Yeah, but too bad Francis had to help them out a bit by using the word "obsessed" with regard to abortion, gay marriage, and contraception.

Unknown said...

While I think it's regrettable that the media and opponents of the Church readily pounces on wording like that, I disagree that he should guard his speech to prevent those attacks.

It is much like the way Francis is living out the papacy- unvarnished and unguarded. It makes him open to criticism and even (scarily) to physical attack, even assassination. But that's actually the point, that we can't worry about those things.

Also, don't ignore the context, even of that one word. He wasn't saying that the obsession was specifically with the political football issues of abortion and gay marriage. The sentence in context was about the need for the pastoral mission to focus first on God's love and salvation, and then let the moral teachings flow from that.