In case you haven't seen this story: The mother of an autistic boy in Ontario received a horrible anonymous letter from one of her neighbors complaining about her son:
"You selfishly put your kid outside every day and let him be nothing but a nuisance and a problem to everyone else with that noise polluting whaling he constantly makes!!!...That noise he makes when he is outside is DREADFUL!!!!!!!! It scares the hell out of my normal children!!!!!!!!"OK, now I can believe someone complaining about the noise. This neighbor is Canadian, after all, and Canadians are all huge assholes.
"He is a hindrance to everyone and will always be that way!!!!! Who the hell is going to care for him?????? No employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him and you are not going to live forever!! Personally, they should take whatever non retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science."
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Shea Weber, Sicamous, British Columbia: Asshole extraordinaire. |
I'm going to make a prediction here: They don't find the neighbor that wrote this, because the mother wrote it herself. OK, go ahead and smash my head into the glass in the comments.
I hate noise too...and get off my lawn!
In all fairness to the mother, if you've got Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, an autistic kid doesn't give you much to work with.
You may be correct.
You may well be right, is this another of those Conservative hate crimes perpetrated by a Lefty to get another "Trayvon" campaign going?
In all fairness to the mother, if you've got Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, an autistic kid doesn't give you much to work with.
Comment of the day!
Whaling is strictly limited by international agreements.
Who cares. It's Canada.
I sounds too much like a made up story. Trying to get sympathy for the parents of the kid.
HOWEVER, I'm also going to take a stand that I will likely catch hell for......If you have a kid who for "whatever reason" (retarded aka: special needs in new political correct speak....or just an undisciplined piece of crap because you won't take control as a parent) and your kid is a disturbance to the neighborhood, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that he/she isn't irritating and annoying the living shit out of the neighbors. If your kid screams all day,.....shut him/her up! That especially goes for those little girls with the ear piercing screeching. Gaaaah. You can play without breaking everyone's ear drums.
You can shut your yapping barking dog up too. Damn it. We CAN take care of the dog problem for you if you won't. It is just a bit harder to do with the screaming, noisy, obnoxious kids. If you refuse to do anything about either your dogs or kids, don't be surprised that maybe someone somewhere someday might reach a breaking point and will be YOUR fault.
Dogs are at least cute and furry.
Please don't shoot anyone's kids. Control yourself first.
When I was a kid I went to Catholic grammar school with a kid with Tourette's syndrome. We called him Louie Nerve. He would wail and curse like a sailor which was a lot of fun in the first grade. The nuns didn't care for it but regarded him as one of God's children so they mainstreamed him before the commie teachers union thought that shit up. Of course they smacked him around when he was out of line but not that much more than they did the rest of us. So he managed to get at least a grammar school education. Of course his folks couldn't afford high school so he went to the public school where they threw him out in six months.
I think this letter is pure bullshit. I think Jenny McCarthy wrote it.
Whoever wrote it, they should be brought up on hate crime charges. It assumes heterosexuality.
What if the boy grows up and wants another boy marry (or love)?
Discrimination is a terrible thing.
The non retarded body parts was a nice touch. If it was written by a neighbor within hearing distance, it should be easy enough to track him/her down.
It could be real. Remember the case of the mom who killed her daughter's cheer-leading competitor? Some people are crazy.
Remember the case of the mom who killed her daughter's cheer-leading competitor?
Yeah but wasn't that in Texas?
Texans are way crazier than Canadians.
Especially about football and related subjects.
They play 6 man football down there, for high schools that are so small they couldn't field a real team.
It's like arena football only with less defense.
I refrained from mentioning Texas out of politeness. That's how I roll.
I have to agree with Pasta ... just too cute by half. So much that isn't what does it mean the kid is outside? Doing what? On a leash or tie out? What? Or just turned loose in a fenced yard to run around banging his head and hollering? Unaccompanied? What?
Nah, this one has that odor du barnyard.
Autistic is the new black.
It was a lot easier when they were just stupid.
Vaccinations cause autism. Birth control causes autism. The phases of the moon cause autism. I think gluten causes autism.
Oh yeah and sugar too!
You forgot induced labor as a cause, Troop.
And yes--there's some that isn't said in the letter or the post, but there are tons of articles about it.
Boy is dropped off at his grandmother's house several days a week where, from the sound of it, he's allowed to run wild.
His mother has MS and can't care for him properly when school's out.
I refrained from mentioning Texas out of politeness. That's how I roll.
One of my bestest friends (and business partner) is from and lives in Texas. I mention it every chance I get.
Hawaiian Shirt Syndrome, very contagious. Symptoms include becoming too cool for school.
I'm with you. This is a hoax.
Okay, if it's a hoax, why was it sent to the grandmother's house and not the boy's actual house?
Because the guy who wrote it was autistic.
I'm with Pasta on this.
It's a phony letter.
I call dibs on the retarded liver.
Please don't shoot anyone's kids. Control yourself first.
I got a genuine laugh out of that. thanks Inga.
I'm not saying it isn't--but so far I haven't seen an argument that makes me agree it's phony. I've read a bunch of news articles about it, and from what I can tell, the kid is an obnoxious little shit who's dropped off at his grandmother's house where he spends the morning being incredibly annoying (as in annoying outside to the neighbors).
He wails and carries on and he flings balls over the fence into neighbors yards and against houses and stuff.
One of his balls was found in the backyard cut up into little pieces.
He flings the balls into other yards so much that they started writing his name and address on them so he could get them back.
I can see someone reaching a breaking point, kind of like what DBQ mentioned earlier.
Did you forget to do something you said you were doing, Leominster?
Lem forgets a lot.
He forgot to mention that the Yankees took two out of three from the Red Sox.
Oh and that A-Roid spanked them Sunday night. Oops.
I can see someone reaching a breaking point, kind of like what DBQ mentioned earlier.
I'm not encouraging anything, but people need to realize that THEIR actions (screaming kids, barking dogs, loud music and other irritations to the community) can have consequences. There are some not so stable people out there and it can be that one last "straw" that breaks the camel's back.
Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
The only way this should make the mother cry is if she's knows it's true. Otherwise it's just some asshole, and you really should be able to deal with assholes before you have children.
Mother has MS.
Maybe she has a little less of an emotional reserve, dealing with that and a little monster of an autistic kid?
Sounds phony to me also. We go to a municipal pool. There is a group home for autistic males nearby and the staff take the kids there fairly often. There's one boy that looks to be ~18-20. He is very big, ~6'2" 250lbs. When this kid is w/ staff he'll scream "Fuck" maybe once or twice and the staff let him know if he doesn't stop, he's leaving. I've seen them take him out quickly. So, this kid gets it. However, mom brings the kid sometimes and is clueless on how to handle him. He yelled "Fuck" and other obscenities numerous times. Mom was trying to distract him. I felt horrible for the parents and kids having to hear this. Some smaller kids were scared. But, the pool staff were afraid to say anything to this horseshit mom. Whether a kid is autistic or not, if he/she acts up in public and won't stop, you get them the hell out.
Lem forgets a lot.
He forgot to mention that the Yankees took two out of three from the Red Sox.
Oh and that A-Roid spanked them Sunday night. Oops.
Yankees scored 9 runs Sunday. I don't think his one HR is what did it.
And Dempster has been suspended 5 games. Which is hilarious, since he didn't even get tossed Sunday night. It's like the NFL fining players for shit they see on the super slo-mo replays on Monday.
Also hilarious is that Dempster will serve his suspension, while the Pride of the Yankees continues to be a typical Yankee twat, ducking responsibility.
Spinelli, if you see that kid acting out and not being controlled by his mother, why does it sound phony to you that a neighbor might get fed up with something happening in the same vein?
Don't ask me to defend A Rod.
I think all those dirty Dominicans should be thrown out of baseball. They stink up the game.
A Rod is the only Yankee who ducks responsibility. I mean Jeter always pays for the abortions and Andy Pettitte never stiffed the guy giving him the human growth hormones.
Yankees pay their debts.
Get rid of the Dominicans and you don't have much of a game left. You'd have to contract the League down to about ten teams.
I don't get taking GH. There are so many legal things that're better to take. Things that stimulate the pituitary to release more natty GH instead of taking exogenous GH that only shuts down the pituitary.
Pastafarian: Where's the part where you catch hell? You're playing to the audience here, not against them.
Judging by all the OT comments, I'd say we need a coffee break. Someone forgot to put on the morning pot...
Hey we can even let some broads play. There have to be a few burly lesbians that can make the cut.
The letter was "found" in Grandma's mailbox.
It may well be fake.
It reads like bullshit, and 'too good to be true.'
Plus, too many "!!!1!"s.
Most annoyed neighbors would write about the annoying behaviors they want stopped/checked or just call the cops or call CPS.
Most annoyed neighbors would write about the annoying behaviors they want stopped/checked or just call the cops or call CPS.
Having dealt with a particularly unhinged neighbor (long, loooong story) I have to say...that's not really true.
People that are crazy only get crazier.
And it was found in Grandma's mailbox cuz that's where the little bastard spends most of his time when he's not in school. He runs around there being annoying.
I have crazy neighbors, too.
One tried to sue us (!) when I yelled at her kid for hitting my kid in the head with a plastic bat.
Yeah, they wrote weird shit. Over and over.
But this letter reads too much like Grandma looking for sympathy and/or donations.
Hits too many buttons. Too perfectly evil.
Like Grandma got unloaded on verbally, maybe a few times, and she wrote this as a 'response.'
But I was serious Lem;)
Could be true, I guess, but who cares?
Why did Grandma tell anyone about it? I wouldn't have, and I have an intermittently annoying retarded brother.
Ahhh...they told people about it because that's what people do these days.
In the old days you'd just throw it away, maybe the man of the house would wander over for a quiet word with the man of that house...but these days, you gotta put everything out there immediately.
Plus, maybe donations!
Or maybe gramma's been unloaded on a few times and decides to do this to shame whoever it is.
Who knows.
And it was found in Grandma's mailbox cuz that's where the little bastard spends most of his time when he's not in school. He runs around there being annoying.
Maybe Grandma wrote it to herself so that she wouldn't have to care for the little prick every day. If it appears that he might be in danger at HER place, his mom who doesn't take care of him will have to find someplace else for him to go. For his own safety....of course.
I watched the vid here and I think it was grammaw
Cody, I think the mom of this kid has gotten numerous complaints from neighbors. So, she decided to take the offense, construct a horrible letter that makes neighbors look evil, because she doesn't want to have to control her kid, like the pool mom. However, we're all just guessing really. The letter just sounds too offensive...contrived.
I think youse guys are just terminally cruel. There has always been a place for autistic people. They were always around crushing rabbits or befriending small southern girls with a daddy who is a lawyer or being the Kennedy sister that nobody talks about. The best thing to do is let them live their life as best as they can and ignore their nonsense. Every a slack jawed drooling cretin is less annoying than your average Obama voter. Live and let live!
Most of your Obama voters are slack jawed droolers with bad social skills.
How do you tell them apart?
I think A-Rod is autistic. A dirty purple lipped dominican fairy boy autistic twatwaffle.
Every a slack jawed drooling cretin is less annoying than your average Obama voter.
Aren't they the same thing?
The best thing to do is let them live their life as best as they can and ignore their nonsense.
I'm on the A-spectrum. What nonsense of mine do you ignore?
Well lets start with the smell buddy.
I mean you really are drenched in too much perfume.
Showering a little more might do the trick. Just sayn'
I mean you did say you don't ever take off your clothes even in the shower!
I can understand thinking it's fake and it may well be, but it could be real as well. I kind of get a vibe like a post abortive woman who disposed of her own disabled child and is supremely pissed off that she now has to deal with someone else's disabled kid.
That's just my gut reaction of course. There's not enough Incormation to know if the mother should be suspected of creating this hoax, or if not, than whether the complaint was legit or not ( however it was expressed.)
Well lets start with the smell buddy.
I mean you really are drenched in too much perfume.
I thought that combination of vintage Miss Dior, meat juice and gay sex was rather fetching.
Or is it retching...
Difference between the scent of meat juice and gay sex is...?
Difference between the scent of meat juice and gay sex is...?
You must not be doing it right.
Well... unless Peter Singer lives next door... in which case I'd believe it.
I don't know how many times I've told my kids that if they "kept that up" that "the neighbors were going to call the cops."
You must not be doing it right.
oh come on. I know it wasn't the greatest ever...but gay sex...meat...meat sex...
Synova, Taken For Granted is available on Nook.
Thanks ndspinelli :)
Seems like an odd letter from a neighbor. Then again, it is Canada.
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