Sunday, August 4, 2013

money is illusory

So says Bloomberg. 

Actually, I'm reading Ed Driscoll and he says Bloomberg says that. I haven't looked because I'm easily confused and right now I'm hungry.

But there is a very telling paragraph that kills me all over the place. Because, where do you even start if not, "Well, you must be thinking of Star Trek economics then, aren't you?" 
As economists have come to understand that money shortages are essentially illusory, if infinite and unlimited money is made available to some but not others, then only racism can be the reason.
Shortages illusory, money infinite, it's only just a number, this is the same understanding I extracted from the young grocery checkout clerk with the body shaped like a cone, honestly, in less than 60 seconds idle conversation, with the unfortunate effect of drawing the hipster behind me in closer. The young clerk doesn't make any connection between his grocery store work and that kind of money either. It's meaningless. And since it is meaningless withholding it is racist. 


Synova said...

"Monetary racism is a relatively new branch of economic study. In fact, its pioneers are mostly found in the Yale English department."

Oh, burn!

"Star Trek economy" indeed.

BTW, this makes me think of the new movie, Elysium.

(Hear-say spoilers follow.)

Elysium seems to rest on the economic plot device that on the space station every family can have their own personal "auto-doc" in their homes capable of curing anything short of death but people on Earth can't get medical care at all.

Because meanness, or something.

Maybe I heard wrong and there is only one magical medical device on the station? If there is scarcity that makes sense that some would have and others would have-not. Without scarcity, where money and all it can buy are illusory the scarcity *has* to be contrived.

Because meanness.

ampersand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Money is only illusory if you have enough.

Otherwise, try paying your bills with philosophy.

rcocean said...

Other Bloomberg headline:

Amnesty supporters in Senate mostly rich, old, white guys.

Plus, Rich white Facebook Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg will push amnesty on Monday when he speaks at a screening of "Documented," a film about illegal immigrants and former Washington Post reporter Jose Antonio Vargas.

So, rich old white guys can cool, unlike those who oppose our Black President or won't give any free money to Detroit. Which is 80% black - not that black people are in anyway responsible for Detroit being the way it is - unless that's a good thing.

rhhardin said...

It's going to be a really hot day.

Two guys make lemonade to sell.

Carrying the stuff to market, it's already hot.

One of the guys offers a penny to the other guy for a cup of lemonade.

Now the other guy has the penny, and it's still hot, so he too buys a cup of lemonade.

This happens back and forth in the hot and hotter sunshine until all the lemonade is gone.

Their entire stock was sold for a penny.

The rule of Lemnity said...

In this case, it is less math, more intimidation.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

SQUATTER: Don't get uptight, man. Join the scene and other phrases. Money isn't real.

SURGEON: It is where I'm standing and it blows my mind, young lad.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There is a moneypenny "tribute" on the internets. It isn't real either.

Shouting Thomas said...

What happened to you guys following our beloved leader, Althouse?

She's gone ballistic recently.

No comments on the bathetic, scolding treatises she's been writing lately on the great, horrifying persecution of the gays?

It's been a bloodbath.

deborah said...

To my regret, I don't understand economics, though I do have Economics For Dummies sitting on the shelf, unread.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

ST: if she is writing that nonsense again, I'm glad I'm not seeing it. I don't visit her site anymore so it doesn't matter to me.

Synova: I saw the previews to that movie recently also, and it looked to me like it's going to deliver some Matt Damon-approved preaching about immigration. You know, everything's beautiful and perfect here, and we just want to keep out the teeming hordes because, as you say, meanness.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

So the only thing for the righteous man to do is lead an assault/invasion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Let us take Bloomberg - and the entire left's - money can be printed and given to all who need it to the conclusion.

Nothing gets done. no work. no infrastructure. Why bother? Money is free and you get it from the government. No need to do anything.


no wait-

Cody Jarrett said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

April: but it has electrolytes!

Cody Jarrett said...

Ann and Meade celebrated their anniversary this weekend.

One of the first comments to the news of their marriage was this one:

Palladian said...

Congratulations dear Althouse and dear Meade. Blessings be upon you both.
8/3/09, 6:00 PM

Now square that with Larry's behavior toward the same individual just a couple of weeks ago, and there you'll find a perfect illustration of the character of Larry Meade and his wife.

Shouting Thomas said...

I like Althouse, and Meade. They've got their quirks. Who doesn't?

One of the good things about Althouse is that she's clearly struggling to escape being trapped inside a universe of ass kissers, which is what she undoubtedly faces in her job.

She's out there slugging it out with the dirty masses. God bless her for that.

Her emotional investment in glorifying gaydom and fantasizing the persecution of gays is goofball and hilarious.

But, what can you do? Everybody's got a burr up their ass about something.

Meade said...

Gay hate.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, Meade, refusing to join in Althouse fantasizing about the great persecution of the gays is gay hate.

As I said, everybody's got their quirks.

I'll assume the role of rude busy body here for a moment.

How to you deal with Althouse's lifelong habit of scapegoating men? She did it when she was a kid with the feminism bullshit. Now, she's right back to it with the fantasizing of the great oppression of the gays.

If I were actually dealing with her on a personal level , it would be a battle to the death over these emotional extortion tactics she's so fond of employing in her scapegoating of men.

Paco Wové said...

The Bloomberg story Driscoll comments on is quite extraordinary.

"House Republicans Set to Defy Obama are Mostly White Men", Bloomberg says. The horror! Mustn't defy the president! And white people! The shame!

You'd almost think they were deliberately yanking peoples' chains.

ricpic said...

The human dreck that calls you racist for having what they covet but feign to disdain are...well, they're dreck and that's an end to it. Social justice dreck, equality dreck, whirled peas dreck: forget the modifiers; remember the essential: they're ALL dreck.

Paddy O said...

Bloomberg doesn't believe this. People who believe money is truly an illusion let it blow away with the wind.

Bloomberg is among those who fancies himself a philosopher king, but he's neither. He's a rich busybody. More than this, he's dangerous.

Because all his philosophy is a tool to grab more power. He's a caudillo without a Latin American country to run.

He wants to control people, rule them. His ego dominates him. Money is the only tool he has.

Let go your money, Bloomberg, sell everything and give the money to the poor, only then you'll be perfect.

Watch him walk away.

Meade said...

ST: Your scapegoating premise is illusory.

Meade said...


Shouting Thomas said...

Meade, she's certainly moderate by the standards of the lunatic feminist harpies she's surrounded by.

By, no, she's scapegoating men. She has been her entire life. It's just a nasty habit now.

The amusing thing is that she would be in the same position in this life without resorting the feminist crapola.

It was all bullshit.

Meade said...

No, ST, yours is all bullshit. And it is you who are scapegoating... Althouse. Why?

Paco Wové said...

A few days ago I ran across an NPR editorial advocating for universal guaranteed employment. Disregarding the rich farrago of economic garbage in the main piece, there was an earnest commenter who patiently explained to all comers that because the government printed money, all the money really belonged to the government, and the rest of us had some only because of the government's largesse.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Looks like they've got everything else working perfectly fine in Pennsylvania so it's finally time to get around to STOPENS TEH HATZES!!!


Paddy O said...

Is the moving towards an Althouse is like Bloomberg analogy?

Or are we going back over ground covered a while ago?

ST, welcome! Know that there has been intense discussion of Meade/Althouse in the last few weeks, so the topic wasn't ignored, it just didn't move forward.

rhhardin said...

I don't mind scapegoating men. It fits the theory.

Men are being sent on a quest.

But men are failing to go on it.

That's a short circuit.

Shouting Thomas said...

No, ST, yours is all bullshit. And it is you who are scapegoating... Althouse. Why?

Because she's invented a history of persecution of gays that never happened.

I'll spare you the details, but I've been right in the middle of gay communities in SF, NYC, Champaign and small town Illinois all my life.

Althouse is, quite simply, lying on a fucking industrial scale about mistreatment of gays. The lying is so bizarre that I'm struggling to make sense out of how and why she's sunk into this bullshit.

You name any other issue and Althouse is a pretty sane, intelligent woman. Talk about the gay shit and she becomes a raving, scolding hysteric.

That's what I'm talking about.

The proprietary bullshit she's started to display toward gays is just plain nuts. Lately, she's been instructing us on the proper way to talk to and about gays. She's become Miss Manners for the proper abject fealty to gays.

Is there something going on with her sexually that is driving her to this goofball shit?

ricpic said...

You're both full a' bull!

ricpic said...

rh's circuitry has always been haywire.

Shouting Thomas said...

You're both full a' bull!

No doubt.

rhhardin said...

Althouse wonders

I wonder if looking like Putin will scare any Americans away from the anti-gay agenda. The resonances here are subtle enough that those who don't want to see them won't.

I wonder if a china closet can be used as a gravity wave detector.

It makes distant helicopters audible enough.

You need a nonlinearity as well as a resonance, though.

rhhardin said...

If you want government money for the china closet gravity wave detector, you'd be better calling it a china closet gravity wave observatory.

Bender said...

On the one hand, money is illusory. That piece of paper in your hand with a "100" is just that, a piece of paper with a "100" on it. It has no intrinsic worth.

Because it is just a piece of paper, even though a paper that we decide to treat as if it is valuable, all those rich white folks can print as much of it as they want (or have their bed pals over at the Fed and Treasury print) and they can get even richer. The poor dumb black guy on the street that tries that will go to prison for 10 years for counterfeiting.

The answer is not to give more of that Monopoly money to the poor dumb black guy, but to turn off the printing press, to stop treating some Xerox copier as if it is a money machine.

rhhardin said...

You can also use it to detect anti-gay agendas.

Meade said...

Shouting Putin.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but it has electrolytes!

Don't question the electrolytes.

Obama Pelosi Hillary! big corrupt government electrolytes.

Meade said...

Vladimir Thomas

rhhardin said...

Actually, if you want economics.


Money is not wealth.

It's a ticket in line to say what the economy does next, presumably something for you.

The Fed (in normal times) creates and destroys tickets so as to keep too many tickets from bidding for the same stuff, or too few tickets from letting the economy go idle, all based on what the economy can do at once.

It creates tickets by buying back federal debt and burning the debt.

It destroys tickets by selling federal debt and burning the money.

Wealth is not affected by either of these, just the number of tickets out there.

In normal times (again), the Fed uses "leading indicators" of inflation to judge whether there are too many or too few tickets.

If there are too many, it raises its target interest rate a tiny bit, and sells debt until the interest rate (an output from the economy) goes up to the new level (an input from the fed).

If there are too few, it lowers its target interest rate a tiny bit, and buys back debt until the interest rate (ditto) goes down to the new level (ditto).

Dealing with the interest rate rather than the number of tickets imposes the smallest distortion on the market economy. It only needs to know whether there are too many (inflation coming) or too few (no inflation) dollars out there. Then it makes a tiny change in the interest rate target, and comes back a month later to see what the new situation is.

The fed's leading indicators of inflation have to the orthogonal to the intest rate, lest it blind itself by its own intervention.

Today the fed is so heavy handed that it has no idea what the hell is going on. It blinded itself long ago now.

That's the latest from economics.

Thank you for listening.

I'm here all week.

Tip your waitresses.

Meade said...

"Because she's invented a history of persecution of gays that never happened."

The History of the Persecution of Homosexuals in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust by Ann Althouse

Shouting Thomas said...

So, some answers are starting to emerge here, Meade.

You play the toady?

You're the good, sensitive man, unlike us miserable Neanderthals.

We've got plenty like that in Woodstock.

Is it giving you cover from the Evil Eye?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ah, so Meade, America during Althouse's lifetime is just like Nazi Germany!

Godwin's Law has now been evoked.

rhhardin said...

That explains why the Nazis were careless with plaids.

You have to be so careful with those.

Meade said...

Sodomy Laws in the United States

Shouting Thomas said...

You know, Meade, Althouse once responded to one of my comments that she would never be romantically interested in me.

This surprised me, since I hadn't expressed any interest in her, nor would I subject myself to her feminist brow beating.

I wondered for some time what the fuck that was all about... And, here it is... my best guess..

Althouse is sick of toady men, but nothing else is available to her. She interpreted my hard ass response to her emotional extortion attempts as a romantic gesture... because she desperately wants to encounter a man who won't eat her shit.

Just as Althouse is sick unto puking of the ass kisser students and sycophants arounds her, she also sick unto puking of apologizing, self-debasing men.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, now, I will retire from this conversation because it turns Althouse on.

She likes to fancy herself as akin to Dylan, in the eye of the creative storm with everybody fascinated by her whims. Sorry, Althouse, your life and work is arguing incessantly about backstabbing office politics.

I regret playing that game with her even for the few moments that I've succumbed here.

Phil 314 said...

ST and Meade, take it outside.

Shouting Thomas said...

"Whats she need is real man as Shouting Thomas Putin, да?"

I'll leave the toady act to you, Meade. Considering her options, you're a pretty good deal.

What size do you take in a hair shirt? I'll send you one as a makeup present.

betamax3001 said...

I've Got My Mind on My Money
and My Money on My Mind.

And it is Just an Illusion?

I Better Get back to the Gin and Juice.

Aridog said...

How did a post and thread about economics and money become one about butt fucking?

betamax3001 said...


Where they Coincide: Taxes.

Meade said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"...since I hadn't expressed any interest in her..."

Sort of like the way he's fixated on Ann Althouse.

Paco Wové said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

BTW, edutcher said it best:

Money is only illusory if you have enough.

Otherwise, try paying your bills with philosophy.

Bender said...

How did a post and thread about economics and money become one about butt fucking

It is pretty obvious that that is what Obamanomics is doing to people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Synova - bless you for suffering through a Matt Damon movie.

Who created and toiled to create the "auto-doc"?
Was the creator of the "auto-doc" forced to create it by a non-mean government? Did the creator of the "auto-doc" get paid? Remember, profit is mean, unless you're a Hollywood actor.

Phil 314 said...

When "money is infinite" meets "zero sum" shit happens and we all go broke.

A Greek tragedy.


Phil 314 said...

Prow dog, prowl dog.

Aridog said...

Bender ... yep, my bad. I should have distinguished between the fiscal ass rape of Obamanomics and the social aspects of buggery and Godwin's Law.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As economists have come to understand that money shortages are essentially illusory, if infinite and unlimited money is made available to some but not others, then only racism can be the reason.

They (the elites who never think that THEY will be affected by any of their own policies) really really really can't wait until they have started a really real race war.

Socialism. The goal is to divide people from each other, keep most people downtrodden, ignorant and enslaved and appropriate the earnings and production of those who have the unmitigated gall to actually try to do something. must be racist or something if some people have worked and created wealth. Because in the minds of the Progressives, it is a zero sum game. If I have something I must have stolen it from some black person. Right?

Have the temerity to work hard, save, create something, independent of the government employ people? Buy things, sell things? Make a profit? Baghoh20 should be watching his back. There is a big fat target on it.

Note to self: buy more ammo, canned and dried foods and of course scotch.

Aridog said...

Phil 3:14 said...

When "money is infinite" meets "zero sum" shit happens and we all go broke.

Technically aren't we already broke ass?

WC: 24

rhhardin said...

Butt fucking and free drink were Anna Marie Cox's two great temptations, back when she was at wherever it was and was still funny.

Not a real life temptations but comic touchstones intruding on essays covering this and that Washington function.

rcocean said...

"Money is not wealth."

People never understand this. Or grasp the implications.

Dante said...

The article Meade points, which makes the case for Homosexual Victimization in Nazi Germany looks like it left out the Brownshirts.

On the other hand, there have been studies that indicate homophobic men are aroused by homo-erotic material. In other words, gays hating gays. As I recall, there was also a study showing men convicted of violent crime against homosexuals had similar responses to homo-erotic material. And by homo-erotic, I mean gay male porn.

That's a pretty cool trick. A group kicks its own ass, then complains they are discriminated against. And some believe it.

William said...

Those who think that we have triumphed over homophobic feelings should work for a week as a transvestite prostitute in Soho. The amount of abuse you get from so called sophisticated New Yorkers is astounding.

Synova said...

"Synova - bless you for suffering through a Matt Damon movie.

Who created and toiled to create the "auto-doc"?

No, no. All I suffered through was a Vanity Fair review.

So I could be wrong about what Damon's character needed to get to Elysium for, but it sounded like he was ill (from an industrial accident, natch) and had to reach the auto-docs in the sky on a dead line.

This actually made sense from a motivational point of view, even if it still didn't help much from a plot point of view.

rcocean said...

Please provide connection between 2013 Gay Marriage in USA and Nazi Germany 1945.


Meade said...

I don't know that there is a connection. There is a commonality: Oppression.

Shouting Thomas said...

Christ, Meade, I didn't know that you were that much of a meathead.

You actually read through that godawful bullshit?

This explains the Althouse thing and you.

Meade said...

No, I didn't read it. I just liked the photo. Why, what's so bad about it?

Shouting Thomas said...

Meade, if you want to read one of the seminal works on this arcane subject, I'd suggest Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

This book took the left wing of the Catholic Church by storm in the 70s, and led renegade priests in Nicaragua and El Salvador to join the ranks of the communist rebels.

Pope John Paul II put an end to this in his legendary visit to Nicaragua.

virgil xenophon said...

I keep asking: Why is Meade even here? Seems to me some weird combination of "Come back Shane, come back!" attempts to lure commenters here back to bost his wife's decling page views (the ever so solicitous, ever so reasonable and helpful Meade--Mode I) and a sadistic desire to twist the knife in the backs of the fleeing troglodytes (Mode II)

Meade, as I've said before, it takes a Lake Superior-sized vessel full of unmitigated gall to insert yourself into these conversations. But of course you do it for the same reason a dog licks his pvt parts--because he can. You just can't help yourself, can you?

The Dude said...

Meade gets his money the old fashioned way - his "wife" gives it to him.

virgil xenophon said...

Oh, and about the views of Bloomburg, et al about money? As others here have intimated, it's the old "All your base are ours" bit redux--as ever.

Shouting Thomas said...

Meade is here, I think, because he's a very admirable, old fashioned man who is determined to do his chivalrous duty to protect his wife against every slight.

Aridog said...

Shouting Thomas .... "Chivalry?" Really?

He's like the myopic guy in the television commercial who yells at a manikin for leering at his wife.

virgil xenophon said...

ST, I love you like a brother, but if Meade had any honor he would have the decency stay the fuck away. Why would either he or Ann care WHAT people said whose views she had decided were so intellectually unworthy of listening to at her place that she summarily banished them? Why go where one is not wanted? Meade should leave we philistines alone..

Shouting Thomas said...

I sort of agree with you, virgil.

And, I appreciate the love. Jesus loves you, and I'm trying, as Imus likes to say.

Meade would do better to stay away from these opposing blogs. Althouse has placed herself voluntarily in the position of taking arrows and insults from every conceivable direction.

It's a fool's errand to try to fight this. He can't possibly deflect and defend against every attack, and I think he's running himself ragged trying.

I don't think Althouse cares a whit about the criticism, but Meade feels compelled to answer every perceived attack.

Bender said...

So there was this couple and one of them routinely would criticize the other, usually in a passive-aggressive manner. One day, during a particularly pissy time, this person had a hissy fit, but added, "we should break up."

The other immediately said, "OK." And the first person thought inwardly, "oh shit." But it was too late. The other went merrily to another place, where the first would come by, look in the windows at the other doing just fine, and would get all pissy again.

Shouting Thomas said...

The financial arrangements Althouse and Meade have made aren't any of my biz.

If they've found some happiness together, God bless them. Happiness is short lived. Age and death are never far away.

Whatever imperfect form of love we can find in this vale of tears should be embraced.

Aridog said...

Shouting Thomas said ...

Meade feels compelled to answer every perceived attack.

And that is his problem. The majority of "attacks" are in his imagination. Every comment about or "allusion" to Althouse is not an attack. I, for one, could care less... unless he intentionally hurts someone even just with his words. Even then, I do my thing such as it is, and subsequently don't care a whit about Ann or Laurence, it all passes by and everything moves on. I am responsible for me, not them.

WC: 94

Meade said...

ST, Virgil, Adog: I was here before any of you were. I helped launch this site. So kiss my ass.

ST: I read that book about 8 years ago and thought it was very good.

I have a theory of why you big macho men feel a need to oppress people of homo orientation but I don't care to argue about it. History is not on your side and, in western civilization, homo-haters are dying faster than new ones are being made. That probably makes you sad.

Ah Pooh said...

This is so sad. Meade, just stop.

Ah Pooh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

You old so-called conservatives are exactly like many lefties on the internet who can't stand dissent. Free speech for thee, not for me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"I was here before any of you were. I helped launch this site. So kiss my ass.

Wow. There is delusion and then there is DELUSION.

Just wow.

Meade said...

"Meade feels compelled to answer every perceived attack."

What grandiosity it must take to think you know what others are feeling.

Shouting Thomas said...

"I have a theory of why you big macho men feel a need to oppress people of homo orientation but I don't care to argue about it. History is not on your side and, in western civilization, homo-haters are dying faster than new ones are being made. That probably makes you sad."

That's so stupid, Meade. I mean really stupid.

Agreeing with your political views has nothing at all to do with "oppressing people of homo orientation."

You've just committed one of the most stupid fucking errors of the modern political scene.

My gay friends don't agree with your politics. I just got off the phone with my friend of 30 years who is gay. I nursed him through his stroke and he held my hand when my wife died.

Quit acting like a dumb fucking bastard.

Since you don't agree with the politic views of my gay friends, let me take this opportunity to say that this makes it certain that you are a homophobic SOB who probably like to beat the hell of 15 year of gay boys in public bathrooms.

Clearly this is true, since you don't agree with the political views of my gay friends. Can't be argued.

Shouting Thomas said...

Now, Meade, take my sage advice and stay the fuck away from here.

You're wife's honor is not at stake here.

You're behaving like a damned fool high school boy.

Shouting Thomas said...

My financial advisor for the past 25 years is a Jamaican black man who is a born again Christian.

He disagrees with you completely on these gay issues.

So, you are a rank racist bastard.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Shouting Thomas said...

Do you have any other preposterously stupid things to say, Meade?

Meade said...

"Do you have any other preposterously stupid things to say, Meade? "

Just this, ST: I love you. But Jesus loves you the best.

Shouting Thomas said...

There you go, Meade.

We are commanded to love our adversaries.

Now, when are you going to stop with the homophobic, anti-Asian hate shit?

My friends disagree with you. I'm a representative of blacks and Asians, since I have black and Asian friends.

When are you going to stop this oppressive homophobic, anti-Asian hate speech? My friends are offended.

Meade said...

What does who and what your friends are have to do with anything, ST? Are you okay? You seem to be a bit off the rails.

Meade said...

Also, I don't view you as an adversary.

virgil xenophon said...

Yea Gods, Meade! It was enough to let us know you helped develop this site (a commendable act of helpful altruism, if true, tho one could have done w.o. the accompanying expletive.) but you TOTALLY destroyed your reputation and credibility with all thereafter. Who the H even brought up the subj of homosexuality here? Or are you equating opposition to the demise of DOMO at AA as being "homophobic?" More to the point, I, for one, did not comment on that point at TOP, so your presumptuousness in jumping to conclusions about my views only reveals you to be a man of ill-considered judgment. More's the pity..

Shouting Thomas said...

No, Meade, you don't have the capacity to get it.

Let me try to explain this to you very slowly.

Agreeing with your fucking political views...

Has absolutely no fucking bearing...

On how I view and relate to gay people.

It is the height of idiot arrogance to assume that your political views represent some sort of enlightenment because those views accord with leftist gay activists.

My gay friend for years was one of the leading writers and organizers of men's issues groups, until he suffered a stroke.

Now, do you get it? You don't get to wear a fucking halo because you think that your views on homosexuality accord with gay activists. My gay male friends worked diligently to wean me away from feminist 30 years ago.

Have I explained this sufficiently?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Have I explained this sufficiently?

@ ST. You will never be able to explain anything to Meade. You are wasting your time and frankly allowing him to continue to 'clutter' up this blog and he is playing you. Meade is not a 'good faith commenter' according to the Althouse rules.

And we were doing so well, too.

I can't tell anyone what to do, but ....I would refrain from engaging with Meade, especially on this topic of homosexuals, since he is just pretending to be a white knight carrying a banner for his lady's homosexual son(s).

Carry on.

Shouting Thomas said...

Good advice, DBQ.

I'll do my best to take it.

Aridog said...

Shouting Thomas ... yes, one must not cause Meade to pitch a snit.

Pssst: Sorry DBQ, I couldn't resist.

WC: 18

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Now....if only I could take my own advice.

Joe Schmoe said...

I have a theory of why you big macho men feel a need to oppress people of homo orientation but I don't care to argue about it.

Maybe you can enlighten us on why you chose to publicly cut the heart out of Palladian on this site. He's a gay man, no?

Michael Haz said...

Meade is Lem's father?

Dante said...

I have a theory of why you big macho men feel a need to oppress people of homo orientation but I don't care to argue about it. History is not on your side and, in western civilization, homo-haters are dying faster than new ones are being made. That probably makes you sad.

Did you read the NIH study (or at least the abstract) I posted? Gay haters are probably gays themselves. At least watching gay porn gets them off.

Why are you so full of ad-hominem attacks against ST? He makes a lot of good points. Like, gays proclivity for buggery has caused HIV infection to be far more wide-spread than it would have been if these people had used condoms, for instance. It's simply irresponsible.

Meanwhile, I'll say it again. There is evidence those who are homophobic and violent against gays are gays themselves. I gave you an NIH study on that. No, it's not definitive, but its damn interesting. And gays were a huge part of the SS in Nazi Germany, yet the historically revised article you linked to doesn't even mention the brownshirts.

And the whole Althouse thing of "You are oppressing people because you don't want gays to marry," is such garbage. The only reason the state has an interest in marriage is as the social unit that best raises the next generation.

Gay marriage is a stupid idea. It's not about constitutional rights. It's about carving out another group of victims.

Shouting Thomas said...

Careful, you "homo haters."

If you disagree with Meade's politics, you hate gay people. It's your moral obligation to agree with Meade's politics.

I have my own version of this.

If you disagree with my politics, you clearly want to rape 13 year old girls.

You have a moral obligation to agree with me!

The Dude said...

It is dark. Too dark to mow the lawn.

His wife has had too much box wine and has passed out.

It is Sunday night - what else does the poor, literally, schlub have to do?

What's the matter, can't you find a dog to bother?

Bad comment you!

Shouting Thomas said...
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rcocean said...

Even Meade.

chickelit said...

Meade said...
ST, Virgil, Adog: I was here before any of you were. I helped launch this site. So kiss my ass.

The written record here does not support that assertion, Mease unless you were doing things with Lem behind the scenes.

I just looked through Lem's first week of blogging and comments. You made one early comment but deleted it. You didn't comment in earnest until after rhhardin and betamax and other former Althouse regulars showed up and the blog gained traction.

If you helped launch the site, why didn't Lem make you a co-blogger?

You were one of the first if not the very first donors to the blog so I guess that buys you some interest.

Shouting Thomas said...

And, I might add, when they are told what obnoxious sanctimonious shits they've become...

They imagine themselves to be martyrs.

The Dude said...


Or perhaps it is just more apparent now that they have always been that way.


virgil xenophon said...

@Joe Schmoe/

Lefties only love people as theoretical groups as seen thru their ideological lenses--it's the individuals in real life they can't stand.

virgil xenophon said...

PS to Joe S:/

Which is why NOW remains silent when Donkey politicians rape, fondle grope or otherwise sexually harass women, or, worse, throw them under the proverbial bus in defense of their lefty male political darlings (Think Linda Trip, et al--good thing Monica kept that dress, right?)

Paddy O said...
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Phil 314 said...

Just looked at TOP and now I realize Meade's rant with ST was plugging his wife's blog.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Meade opined: History is not on your side and, in western civilization, homo-haters are dying faster than new ones are being made. That probably makes you sad.

Francis Fukuyama got on the wrong side of history because history does not like final solutions like he predicted. And Meade, what's the point of your western civilization schadenfreude when western civilization is becoming less relevant demographically? The irony is that what we both vigorously defend is a dying out.

Trooper York said...

My dear Holmes,

It is your most humble petitioner, Inspector Lestrade and once again I must ask for your assistance in a matter of the upmost urgency. It concerns the matter of the dowager Lady Chatterley and her gardener cum lover and their strange and mysterious activities that have come to the attention of the Yard.

You will of course recall the strange and troubling matter of Doctor Henry Jekyll in which the Yard called upon you to offer you consulting services. Dr. Jekyll was well known as an honorable and caring member of the medical profession. But as you will well recall a hulking and devious mountebank took over the estate of Dr. Jekyll in the form of one Mr. Hyde who proceeded to dissipate his fortune and bring his name scandal and disrepute.

It seems that the same events are repeating themselves in the behavior of the gardener cum lover of the spinster Lady Chatterley. The most vile and scurrilous language has issued from said personage as he wanders the streets importuning passerby for a tuppence to honor the great contributions Lady Chatterley has supposedly made to Her Majesty realm. He is boisterous and rude and affects the countenance of a drunken sot who is beyond the dictates of civilized social intercourse. In fact Inspector Gregson has posited the lack of intercourse has driven him mad. This rude gardener has taken to pounding on the doors of the former members of Lady Chatterley’s salon to demand payment of what he considers their just due. Of which all who encounter him just shudder and turn away. Locking their doors and securing their windows.

There is a further complication that has aroused some serious concern within her Majesty’s government. Although this obnoxious gardener has disturbed the grace of many former acquaintances it is indeed the effect he has on their pets that is passing strange. It seems that the spirited canine companions of most these complainants will not bare their fangs even when the gardener becomes abusive and deranged. I know you had solved the mysterious case of the Hound of the Baskervilles when you realized that the dog did not bark. But what does it mean when these noble beasts cower and whimper and hide their anus?

It is most important that you enlighten me since as you know Her Majesty is very fond of animals and would not countenance any abuse of
any of the four legged residents of her realm.

Once again I must beg to ask your forgiveness for my incessant requests but in the interest of avoiding a tragic denouncement such as occurred in the case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I must beg your counsel. Please convey my best wishes to you brother Mycroft and tell him that matter of the lascar with the protruding harelip has been resolved without any repercussions to either his reputation or standing at the club.. Please assure him that we do not believe anything about the unfortunate incident and it will not be part of his permanent record.

I remain as always,
Your obedient servant,
Inspector G. Lestrade
Scotland Yard
December 29, 1899

Meade said...

Does anyone even read Trooper Jim's boring repetitive gags anymore? Anyone?

deborah said...

Meade, he is scaldingly on point with regard to your behavior here and amazing in his send-up of Lestrade.

(Though I do not condone the dog part...not cricket, and all that.)

The Dude said...

The fact that you are a talentless, jealous, impoverished hack, Larry, does not mean that we don't enjoy seeing you mocked.

And your little dog, too.

Now crack open a fresh box of wine and start drinking. Your demented mistress demands it!

Meade said...

"[Trooper] is scaldingly on point"

The Dude said...

Nice homophobic blast, Larry. You hate the fruit of your "wife's" poisoned womb that much?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Troop, nicely done, but remember the number comes before the month on that side of the pond. 29 December.

Methadras said...

Monetary illusions don't pay the bills, Doucheberg.

Methadras said...

CEO-MMP said...

Ann and Meade celebrated their anniversary this weekend.

One of the first comments to the news of their marriage was this one:

Palladian said...

Congratulations dear Althouse and dear Meade. Blessings be upon you both.
8/3/09, 6:00 PM

Now square that with Larry's behavior toward the same individual just a couple of weeks ago, and there you'll find a perfect illustration of the character of Larry Meade and his wife.

Just like with monetery illusions, so do some peoples emotions too seem to be illusionary. In the respect that one can be genuine in their congratulatory expressions, but the recipients only absorb and give back enough to keep the illusion going until the illusion isn't worth keeping up anymore and the curtains fall. Ignore the illusions behind the curtain, their were never there to begin with.

Methadras said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

ST: if she is writing that nonsense again, I'm glad I'm not seeing it. I don't visit her site anymore so it doesn't matter to me.

Synova: I saw the previews to that movie recently also, and it looked to me like it's going to deliver some Matt Damon-approved preaching about immigration. You know, everything's beautiful and perfect here, and we just want to keep out the teeming hordes because, as you say, meanness.

You say meanness. I say butthurt, retarded, and mongoloid. Illusion.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Gay hate.

Is that the illusionary mantra that you've adopted? I mean, can't you understand that people can be homo-intolerant or homo-discriminant with being gay haters? Or have you tripped going up the sexual orientation stairs and fallen behind the illusionary, yet beautifully hung, gay curtains?

Methadras said...

Paddy O said...

Let go your money, Bloomberg, sell everything and give the money to the poor, only then you'll be perfect.

Watch him walk away.

If Christ himself walked up to Doucheberg and said that very thing to him, Doucheberg would just look at him and tell him to fuck off, then walk away asking one of his minions if he can be banned somehow.

Methadras said...

Bender said...

On the one hand, money is illusory. That piece of paper in your hand with a "100" is just that, a piece of paper with a "100" on it. It has no intrinsic worth.

Because it is just a piece of paper, even though a paper that we decide to treat as if it is valuable, all those rich white folks can print as much of it as they want (or have their bed pals over at the Fed and Treasury print) and they can get even richer. The poor dumb black guy on the street that tries that will go to prison for 10 years for counterfeiting.

The answer is not to give more of that Monopoly money to the poor dumb black guy, but to turn off the printing press, to stop treating some Xerox copier as if it is a money machine.

Ah yes, let's see how far that illusionary treatment of making your own $100 will get you. You can scream that as you are being doomtrooped into a casket or a federal penitentiary. The government absolutely hates competition.

Methadras said...
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Methadras said...

Meade said...

Shouting Putin.

Pouting Shutin.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

I have a theory of why you big macho men feel a need to oppress people of homo orientation but I don't care to argue about it.

No you don't, otherwise you would have said it. I have a theory on why you are an ankle-biting little dink, but I don't care to argue about it.

History is not on your side and, in western civilization, homo-haters are dying faster than new ones are being made. That probably makes you sad.

Clearly mathematics has never been your strong suit outside of grass cutting algorithms of back and forth vs. left to right, but when you have a 2% - 4% entirety of homosexual world wide population, it stands to rest that those that are producing those 2% - 4% vastly outnumber them. What made me sad is the fact that you even said this, but hey, I get it, you gotta white knight.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

You old so-called conservatives are exactly like many lefties on the internet who can't stand dissent. Free speech for thee, not for me.

That is a patently false and pretentious lie, but then again, you will say just about anything at this point to prop up your straw men. I am neither old, nor a so-called conservative. I'm relatively young and a conservative and I have zero issue with letting anyone dissent and say anything they want. Never have you seen me tell anyone that they didn't have the right to speak freely. I will however freely tell them why and how they are incorrect, but then again, those of small minds like you can confuse the two as being the same.

So then the question becomes why you would say something this ludicrous (not the rapper)? One has to wonder what your tiny minded motivation must be for uttering such nonsensical garbage. Too much time in the sun? Too much pushing the vintage mower? Actually, do you do a little mower pushing then run into the house to see if your dog whistle went off or do you get them on your phone now, so as to not interrupt your yard work? Just curious.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

"Do you have any other preposterously stupid things to say, Meade? "

Just this, ST: I love you. But Jesus loves you the best.

If you found out that Jesus doesn't love you, would you hate him more?

Methadras said...

Michael Haz said...

Meade is Lem's father?