Saturday, August 10, 2013


© Evan Izer

Or father
court in heaven
shall be dining biking them,
but I will be done
on corporate as it is in heaven
give us this day ordeal the bride
and for guests are trespasses
as a brief for give those who trespassed against its
and leave us not into temptation
to deliver us from evil
for design to step forward
and glory forever,
on and.

The interpretive output of an IBM computer running miscalibrated vocal dictation
software into which I read The Lord's Prayer, 9 September 2001, 1:04 PM


chickelit said...

The TV's look cubic close-packed which is way lower in entropy than scattered around the room.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Significant date.

deborah said...

Siri, you've come a long way, baby.

chickelit said...

Are you posting from Canada, Lem?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Yeap. There is a computer in the lobby.

I've up loaded some flicks to flickr

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The phone takes for ever to load up the site. I'm not getting good phone service here.

edutcher said...

Another one is listening to the voice recognition on the answering machine try to tell you who's calling.

deborah said...

Have a good retreat, Lem. I have great memories of the ones I've been on.

chickelit said...

Yes, have a good retreat, Lem; the British have fond memories of Dunkirk.

Mumpsimus said...

Entropy--disorder--increases in language as it does in physical systems. Before computers there were careless scribes, sloppy translators, garbled transmissions. That Lord's Prayer reminds me of the old game Telephone.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Have a good retreat, Lem. I have great memories of the ones I've been on.

Its not a "retreat", if by that you mean a spiritual thing.

It's just a fund raising trip.

Dunkirk - Wikipedia says its a place in the north of France.

Chip Ahoy said...

Brittany, at the top corner of France, in France, almost like France.

The evacuation assisted by weather known elsewhere also as the milagro retirarda.

Withdrawal, because treat is tratar and retratar is "portray."

And it was a miracle withdrawal and not a miracle retreat, a word suggesting a second helping of sweets.

↑ partially made up.

Simon Kenton said...

I told my phone "Futaleufu" in dictating an email mentioning a descent of one of the world's great rivers. It produced "food label fool," which I thought

-- damned good considering, and
-- a reasonable assessment of those vapid souls obstructing the supermarket aisles, poring over junk in the hopes it will be transmuted into nutrition and they into sensible non-addicted consumers.

chickelit said...

Begins with a Boolean operator "or" and end with one, "and" too.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Now I remember.