Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Christian Nation

I'm sure most of you have already seen this on Ace of Spades, but just in case you haven't (and I was hoping to read some of your comments about it):

Some idiot penned an alternative history masterpiece, Christian Nation, in which McCain wins in 2008; Palin takes over after McCain dies mysteriously; and she turns the US into a theocracy.  It appears to have been written by a special-needs seventh-grader.  And some joke of a publisher is actually publishing this.  Ace has some very amusing and ruthless takedowns of this literary abortion here and here.

It's probably nothing, and will be remembered by no one a few months from now; but who knows.  They sold about eleventy kabillion copies of "Fifty Shades of Grey", the amateurishly written masturbatory fantasies of a semi-literate housefrau.  And JK Rowling, the anti-Hemingway (her motto:  Say something with as many words as you possibly can, half of those words invented gibberish) has somehow sold more books than anyone in history.

My only comment:  I couldn't be more proud of my fellow atheists, willing to take their very lives into their hands and boldly speak truth to power, by going after this vile cult bent on world domination, without regard for their own safety at the hands of its murderous zealots.  Particularly a religion that regularly executes homosexuals, subjugates women, and persecutes non-believers.  That's courage.

What's that?  It's "Christian Nation"?  Christian?  Oh.  Oh, I see.  Never mind.


Methadras said...

This is all scare mongering tactics. Using this alternate what-if scenario as a means of a political screed to further embolden leftists and harden them against any perceived threat to the dogma.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Properly understood as an allegorical expression of the trauma the author suffered during toilet training, Christian Nation might not be all that bad a read.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Anything, but face the reality of what they have wrought.

Chip Ahoy said...

A Handmaiden's Tale

Icepick said...

Yea, things are terrible... we fucked up picking an amateur moron for president.


Lem the artificially intelligent said...

He's a professional moron.

I didn't want to give him too much credit.

YoungHegelian said...

it's really strange & frightening to watch the Left, which has always considered itself the party of "natural reason" go all unhinged like this (I mean, an imprint like Norton publishing this piece of crap?).

While the political reality of the last 50 years has been bad enough for the Left, I think the real problem is that there is no longer any ideological underpinning for the Left. It used to be that the Left consisted of a continuum along a Marxist axis, but now, almost no one believes in Marxism. They may carry along the themes & tropes, but they no longer believe in the ideology. Now, the Left is a mish-mash of postmodern ideologies & identities, and as this fact works its way through the system, you'll see such spasms as this.

deborah said...

In the clip the guy is using an electric typewriter.

Something tells me this will be a better movie than book.

edutcher said...

She's such a moron, they say, but still Miss Sarah scares the Lefties witless.

And it looks like Ted Cruz is going to be for Hispanics what she is for women.

PS 3 yoots murder an Australian baseball player.

For fun.

If Choom had 3 boys would they look like him?

chickelit said...

It sounds like soft-core political porn for left 'Ingers.

JAL said...

Noam Chomsky hisself figured out Sarah P had the little O's #. There are a lot of others not willing to speak the unspeakable.

But isn't it ironic -- Sarah P did not turn Alaska into a theocracy and actually made an appointment which went against an endorsement by that SPLC officially designated eevil hate group the Family Research Council.

And lefties still seem to believe that Sarah was the presidential candidate, even to the point of writing adolescent fantasies about it.

Weird, huh.

chickelit said...

It certainly sounds like the author of "Christian Nation" took a page from these guys.

ricpic said...

Any expression of the normal order of things is bigotry! This is the committed leftist's response to normality. Why? Two reasons. The obvious reason is that what the leftist believes in, total equality, is totally at odds with the normal discrimination between good and bad, better and worse. The less obvious reason is that the leftist suspects, even though it drives him crazy, that the average walking around citizen, exposed to any expression of the normal order of things, will instinctively prefer it to the chaos of "All must be equal!" Ergo the hysterical reaction to Christianity (or any other expression of the normal ordered world) as bigotry. The purpose being to scare normal people away from their natural affinity for normal order. The Left is simply the expression of anti-normality raised to the nth degree.

virgil xenophon said...


Ah yes, the West Hollywood gay political mafia. The LA Times has done several really cogent pieces of analytical commentary dissecting this crowd over the last few years..

virgil xenophon said...

Sorru, Chickenman, I meant the LA WEEKLEY!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Remember when the collective left were certain that GWB was going to take over the world with...

wait for it...


Good times.

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

...the dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.

--Tom Wolfe, 1976

Palladian said...

Both theocrats and leftists scare me, because they're both Statists.

Sarah Palin never struck me as much of a theocrat.

Fr Martin Fox said...

I don't know if any serious liberals are taking this seriously, but, if they are, here's my question:

If you really think it's that easy for the President to sweep aside the Constitution and the rule of law...

Then you can't use the "don't be silly" line when people point to actual disregard happening right now...


Revenant said...

I should add that while I think the "waah, why aren't you complaining about Muslims instead of Christians" argument is idiotic, this Sarah Palin anti-fanfiction sounds far worse. :)

Trooper York said...

It is much more likely that Barack Hussein Obama will refuse to step down when his term is over.

Especially if Hillary is the Democratic front runner.

Trooper York said...

Number of lawsuits by atheists trying to stop Christians from following and celebrating their religion: approximately 2,500.

Number of lawsuits by Christians that tries to stop atheists from being atheists: zero.

What does that prove?

Lydia said...

An interview with the author here, in which he says, wait for it, that he was a Republican until...
"...during the time I was writing the book, I was still registered as a Republican, as I was for most of my life. But the most recent Republican Presidential primary season—with the party fielding people like Bachman, Perry and Santorum as serious candidates—it was just too much, and I switched to independent."

And about Palin, the theocrat:
"Sarah Palin claims that she talks to God and then tells us what God wants. When the people in control of the country think the same way, you've got a theocracy."

"talks to God" -- does he mean praying?

Revenant said...

Number of lawsuits by atheists trying to stop Christians from following and celebrating their religion: approximately 2,500.

Number of lawsuits by Christians that tries to stop atheists from being atheists: zero.

Waaah, mean atheists are making Christians obey the law! Mommy, make them stop!

Trooper York said...

No atheists are forcing Christians to follow their religion. The free expression of religion allows us to have our processions and crosses and statutes of saints because that is what we worship. And since the atheists don't believe in anything they have the right to just shut the fuck up. It's simple really.

Trooper York said...

If an atheists wants to make a commencement speech in which he says he doesn't believe in anything and when we die we are just worm food than that is fine. Nobody wants to hear that shit but knock yourself out. But if some valedictorian wants to credit his faith in God and the help he gets from prayer than he should be able to do that too.

Revenant said...

No atheists are forcing Christians to follow their religion.

That is correct.

On the other hand, Christians used to force atheists to participate in Christian rituals, until atheists sued and made them stop.

Trooper York said...

I think I worded that wrong. There should have been a comma.

Atheists are forcing us to follow their religion of not having any religion at all. While it reasonable and proper to not have a government sanctioned religious observance it is not reasonable to force out all mention or practice of religion in public which is what you godless heathens want to do.

dc said...

The bad news.It will be required reading in all the schools.
The good news.Only half the kids will be able to read it.

Revenant said...

Atheists are forcing us to follow their religion of not having any religion at all.

Are you insane or just stupid?

Anonymous said...

"Atheists are forcing us to follow their religion of not having any religion at all."
"Are you insane or just stupid?"

August 20, 2013 at 6:16 PM
Sometimes I just love me some Rev :)

Lydia said...

Atheists are forcing us to follow their religion of not having any religion at all.

Don't agree with that, but the more extreme atheists are doing their best to delegitimize religious values and thus the participation of believers in public discussion.

chickelit said...

Revenant answered Trooper: Are you insane or just stupid?

I'm guessing that Trooper means the changing of laws regarding abortion, and more recently the funding of contraception and the state recognition of same sex marriage -- all of which conflict with certain religions and which happen to align perfectly with an emerging secular religion of state (cf the name chosen for the "put-upon" protagonists of this political SciFi thriller--"secs").

Are you being obtuse or just trying to pick a fight of some sort?

chickelit said...

Don't agree with that, but the more extreme atheists are doing their best to delegitimize religious values and thus the participation of believers in public discussion.

This is why the most extreme atheists deserve as much mock and derision as the most Phelpsian theocrats.

Pastafarian said...

Revenant, I'm not sure how or why you'd compare Christian proselytizing with Islamic proselytizing. One is involves cajoling over apple cobbler; the other's usually done at the pointy end of a butcher knife.

That's what I'd call an apples-and-oranges comparison. Jesus fucking Christ, number of people butchered by Christians in the name of Christianity in the last 20 years, versus Islam's corresponding number -- there's your scoreboard.

I'm all out of patience with the cowardice of the modern atheist movement. I can no longer stomach their like-clockwork attacks on the one religion that won't punch back, coupled with their consistent silence with regard to Islam, a metastasis on the asshole of civilization.

I'd have no problem with my fellow atheists if they criticized both major religions, equally (even though I'd say Islam is, of course, much more deserving of criticism). They don't, they never have, and they never will, because they're afraid. And that's really disappointing to me. I always thought it took some balls to be an actual atheist, to be able to face your own mortality like a man, without resorting to the comfort of religion.

I've seen more balls from the religious right in the last 20 years than I've seen from atheists.

Trooper York said...

You are perfectly correct in your view Rev that holding traditional religious views are both insane and stupid. That is the view of most atheists just not stated as forthrightly as you just did.

Religious people and religious practices and religious teachings are considered insane and stupid by atheists, liberals, secularists and Democrats. That is where they are coming from and they will continue their assault on your values and beliefs. They just manage to not state it as baldly as Revenant just did.

They will not be happy until there is no car in every garage and an abortion in every pot. Most Christians are fat and stupid and not worried about it. But the day is coming where the government will control religions. You can see their plans already in Obamacares attack on Catholics and their beliefs.

Trooper York said...

Soon enough government burecrats will demand that churches, temples and mosques perform same sex marriages and that religious hospitals allow abortionist privileges to perform their vile acts in their hospitals. They are chipping away at your freedom of religion day by day and inch by inch.

People like Rev will cheer them on. Because they will never defend religion or religious practices. They want the force of government to obliterate religion in public. And no doubt in private as well.

Anonymous said...

Rev wants the government to obliterate religion in public and private?!

yashu said...

Palin happens to be a devout Christian. If you look at her actual record and political views (as opposed the grotesque caricatures of her propagated by the media), you might notice she also happens to be among the most small-l-libertarian of candidates to appear on a national ticket, Republican or Democrat, in the last few decades. (And gay-friendly, too. Though naturally, the left made sure to paint her as a homophobe, based on nothing but their own political needs and biases, contrary to the facts.)

I've seen more balls from the religious right in the last 20 years than I've seen from atheists.

I'm (mostly) small-l-libertarian, and atheist too. (Maybe I should use the made-up word "athea" instead; since I don't consider my lack of belief/ religion a coherent ideology or defining of my identity.) And I consider religious conservatives (not all, of course, but by and large) as my political allies-- more important allies than those presumably closer to my own views (e.g. atheist libertarians).

Because for me, the danger (this seems obvious to me) is grossly metastasizing government power. Not the fact that some of my neighbors have different beliefs than mine, or (horrors!) might even disapprove of some of my beliefs and lifestyle, or vice-versa. I don't see the problem: I say, viva diversity, viva free speech.

Religious conservatives are on the front lines here; under the Obama administration, they are among the first to feel (and take seriously) the reckless, peremptory advance of government power, damn the Constitution. (E.g., under Obamacare.) And because this governmental encroachment threatens their deeply held values, they have the balls to stand up and protest; whereas the so-called libertarians shrug, and pass the bong. The IRS and especially NSA revelations have woken some libertarians up. But that's why this book is so conveniently timed. It's the perfect fantasy for those desperate to justify their votes for Obama.

Sure, Obama is like the worst POTUS ever. But if he hadn't won, we would've had Palin-Romney-Hitler-Theocracy! Whew, thank god we were spared that. Aw, the Obamas just got a new puppy, SO CUTE!

chickelit said...

whereas the so-called libertarians shrug, and pass the bong.

We need a photoshopped sign for BHO's desk: "The Bong Stops Here."

Paco Wové said...

"Number of Christians who have personally, to my face, insisted I adopt their religion and/or insulted my beliefs: 2500 (estimated)"

2500? Really? Jeebus. For myself, that number would be about ... 3.

What's wrong with you that you piss people off so much?

Fr Martin Fox said...


Wait: you're big complaint is that, in your life, a bunch of people have tried to sell you their religion, or been "insulting"?

That's it?

Man up, man.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I've been recently listening to The Terror of History: Mystics, Heretics, and Witches in the Western Tradition. I like the guy's accent, Professor Teofilo F. Ruiz.

Next, when I'm through with that, I was thinking of getting a lecture series on Martin Luther or maybe about the Reformation, in general.

I've listened to a bunch of these lecture series things and they all seem to agree on the historical proposition that nobody really knows anything about God, etc. and for many centuries people have been just making stuff up and some of it sticks and some of it doesn't.

I don't think that's the same as atheism.

Pretty sure about that.