Friday, August 23, 2013

Camera got them images, Nothing’s shocking…

88-year-old WWII vet beaten to death by two black teens...
Suspect photos released...



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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I was surprised to learn it wasn't a couple of 88-year-old Japanese guys coming back to finish the job.

deborah said...

Knockout king.

KCFleming said...

Lem is guilty of Noticing. Come to think of it, the article Noticed, too.

Only Not Noticing is permissible.

Noticing is racist, like peanut butter sammiches and the Constitution.

KCFleming said...

The media has it right, of course, in how it continues not noticing that Aussie baseball player Chris Lane was killed in a racially-motivated murder.

That's how it's done, fellas.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama, MSNBC, NBC and ABC have blood on their hands.

Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Chris Matthews - racists with blood on their hands.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nothing like proving your manhood than reacting to what Obama says and then beating up an old man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Does Obama look like the perpetrators?

It could have been Obama beating up an old man.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The latest episode of SVU - Preaching and manipulating America's vast landscape of stupid.

Anyone who watches SVU is a fucking moron.

Cody Jarrett said...

The latest episode of SVU - Preaching and manipulating America's vast landscape of stupid.

Anyone who watches SVU is a fucking moron.


KCFleming said...


SVU is a stupid TV propaganda drama where they get to Hate the White Man by taking stories 'straight from the headlines' and twisting them into a lefty wet dream.

Paula Dean killed Skittles n' Tea!

but reality is a horror they could not show. Gotta go to Drudge for the actual crimes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media lied over and over in a successful effort to hide the facts in the Treyvon Martin case.

George Zimmerman was attacked by Martin, hid head was smashed into the pavement by Trevon Martin and George Zimmerman's nose was broken by Trevon Martin.

Instead - NBC doctored the 9/11 tape to make it sound racist, when it wasn't. All for the glory of their false god Obama. Obama came out and said to the world "I could be Trevon" and "If I had a son he'd look like Trevon". What a fucking moron. Didn't he realize the rage and anger he'd unleash from the black/hate/gang community?

Obama, NBC and MSDNC all have blood on their hands.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

See Drudge.
SVU pro-democrat hack propaganda. (like most everything on tv) The Paula Dean kills Treyvon episode "ripped from the headlines" is just he latest effort to keep Americans stupid. It works. Americans are in fact really really fucking dumb.

Unknown said...

John McCain should quip that "Shorty could have been me."

KCFleming said...

SVU is for true believers.

Just think what kind of asshole would write a script where the real killer is a famous southern white woman TV star killing a completely innocent black teen.

Shit, you know when the writers finished the script, in their post-orgasmic glow, they felt they had perfected reality.

That the real Trayvon was a thug up to no good cannot be seen, not by them. Paula Deen is to blame. Literally.

God, I hate those people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Zimmerman were black - we never would have heard about the case.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The black/victim/hate/gang community, spurred on by the media and Obama himself, are not finished killing innocent people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The reality the media ignored.

Now, innocent people will continue to die. Thanks Jesse Jackson!

Cody Jarrett said...


I've never watched an episode of SVU. I think I want to watch one--(I think it's SVU) because Roy Scheider plays a serial killer and I'd like to see that--but I've never bothered.

I quit watching the parent show after Jack McCoy went nuts suing the gun manufacturers (even though the judge destroyed him at the end).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People magazine has blood on its hands.

deborah said...

"They're feral."

About 20 years ago I saw a clip, I think from Florida, of three black teens, around 14-17 years of age, being put into a paddy wagon. They were spitting and cussing, and they looked feral. That wasn't the word in my head at the time, but it was so sad to see humans so non-civilized.

deborah said...

I don't watch SVU because sex crimes make depressing and upsetting storylines Besides I don't care for the male lead. Comes across as a pouty baby. Yuck.

chickelit said...

Ignoring this sort of problem is the kind of liberal mindset that originated in Cambridge, MA.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The first rule of popular entertainment is to flatter your audience.

edutcher said...

These animals know the cities are theirs because most blacks won't drop a dime on a "brother" (Romulus - Remus, Cain - Abel) and, because the city fathers are Democrat, nothing will be done because the Demos can't live without that black vote.

AprilApple said...

If Zimmerman were black - we never would have heard about the case.

Or brown.

ricpic said...

It could have been Obama beating up an old man.

It WAS Obama beating an old white man to death. Wake up!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Reason 31,259 that I am glad I live far far away from these sub-human scum. IT is too bad though, I would have liked to visit San Francisco again.

This will not end well.

(Note to self: buy more 12 gauge shotgun shells and .380 ammo.)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Obama did not come out and claim Chris Lane looked like his son...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Obama had a white son, he'd look like this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"One of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus is an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Barack Obama, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
Dylan Bleier, one of the two students, organized a voter registration drive on behalf of Obama before the 2008 election. That voter drive is still listed on the website for Organizing for Action, the non-profit group whose mission is to advance Obama’s agenda."

No mention from the MSM.

ndspinelli said...

Obama had a grandfather who helped raise him who fits this very demographic. But, he threw his grandmother under the bus in the 2008 campaign. Probably the same scenario here.

edutcher said...

The Demos have an interesting dilemma here.

Even if they finally are able to import those 35 million slaves from Mexico, they still need the white vote and, since some of those white people may eventually think their lives are of even more value than their benefit checks, eventually demands are going to be made something be done to put the savages on the reservation.

And, unfortunately, Choom and AG "my people" accusing them all of being rrraaaacccciiisssstttt is not going to stop them.

ricpic said...

I don't think the ruling class can keep a lid on this anymore. It's sinking in for a great many country class whites that the race war has already begun. Except that it's one sided: black on white. Soon these black thugs will attack a white and be shot dead. We all know that at that moment the entire force of the ruling class, through its MSM, will be brought to bear on the white who DARED defend himself/herself against the angelic blacks.

No, there are stories all the time with that scenario and nothing happens.

The Choom Gang needed something for the community organizers to work with, but it didn't turn out as hoped and now they have a mess on their hands.

The Republican Party will either join the pack or be silent. At that moment, since nature abhors a vacuum, a new political force will arise in this country to defend the interest of the white race. Of course it will be called racist, fascist and every other smear term available. But the political landscape will have undergone a seismic shift. Never to return to the complete dominance of the liberal lie.

The Whigs "will either join the pack or be silent"; the real Republican Party (or what it ends up renaming itself) will be the force ric mentions.

As he says, nature abhors a vacuum.

PS If there's a race war (a civil war, actually), blacks will be outgunned - unless Big Sis and her Civilian Defense Corpse comes in with its 2 billion rounds of ammo and its MRAPs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSNBC, NBC, ABC, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Obama -should be proud. This is the America they have created.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CNN doesn't mention skin color.

CNN obsessed over Zimmerman's skin color.

chickelit said...

But, he threw his grandmother under the bus in the 2008 campaign.

He whitewashed his grandmother, calling her typical. Because he's an expert, you see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NBC and MSNBC both obsessed over Zimmerman's skin color/race.

No mention of the perpetrators skin color/race here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ABC "news" doesn't mention this story at all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CBS news mentions race a few paragraphs down.

edutcher said...

B-b-b-b-but you have to remember, this is a residual trauma of slavery.

Which also justifies this latest version of the St Louis Blues.

PS The final word on Oprah and the racist dress.

Darcy said...

This story made me so sad. My dad was a WWII vet. There are precious few alive.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSN finally gets around to mentioning the sad story - no mention of race/skin color of perps.

Cody Jarrett said...

AprilApple said...

"One of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus is an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Barack Obama, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.
Dylan Bleier, one of the two students, organized a voter registration drive on behalf of Obama before the 2008 election. That voter drive is still listed on the website for Organizing for Action, the non-profit group whose mission is to advance Obama’s agenda."

No mention from the MSM.

Lem posted that already as a blog post. Of course, you'd never really know it because he felt he had to title it something goofy and involve that idiot law professor from wisconsin he and eddie utcher are in love with.

Cody Jarrett said...

B-b-b-b-but you have to remember, this is a residual trauma of slavery.

I have an ancestor who came to 'the new world' as a slave--or basically a slave. The life of an indentured servant wasn't a hell of a lot different.

So fuck them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cody - lol. That's why I missed it.

Chip Ahoy said...

I felt my blood pressure rising as I read AprilApple's link, 'This is the America they have created.' And a tiny voice said inside, "don't let that happen." So I stopped reading. But I wanted to finish it, so I took steady breaths with my fingertips connected, like, "oooooooom" and just like that I could feel the blood pressure subsiding, finished the article calmly, removed from it. Better living through better breathing.

edutcher said...

Cody Jarrett said...

B-b-b-b-but you have to remember, this is a residual trauma of slavery.

I have an ancestor who came to 'the new world' as a slave--or basically a slave. The life of an indentured servant wasn't a hell of a lot different.

And a lot of others had to put up with "No Irish Need Apply" (and, yes, it did exist) or being blamed for losing the battle of Chancellorsville because a Union officer wasn't going to let a "damned Dutchman" tell him what to do or being thought you were in league with the Devil because there were a lot of tomatoes in your cuisine and some idiots though tomatoes were poisonous.

Methadras said...

Outrage from blacks on these highly publicized killings in 3... 2... 1... oh, who the fuck are we kidding here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sorry Chip. I am just so pissed off at what the media and this administration are doing to this country.

I didn't mean to raise your blood pressure. I need to calm down myself.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As linked by Edutcher.

More death for Treyvon. Thanks, Jesse Jackson and MSDNC!

virgil xenophon said...

Calm yourself down? AprilA, one word: Barbancourt 5-Star.

Taken in "mass quantities."

Cody Jarrett said...

My blood pressure was 194/125, measured on Monday afternoon.

Is anyone shocked?

Cody Jarrett said...

I kinda wish I lived in an area where there was a chance of that revenge for Trayvon shit happening.

I carry a .45 loaded with bullets possessing a ferocious nasal configuration and I'd be downright thrilled to score a little justice for Delbert Belton, aka Shorty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Virgil - I do like good run. Is it Friday happy hour yet?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

run = rum

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys are funny:

You thought it was crazy for blacks to freak out over a black kids' death.

But now Lem - good ol' kind-hearted Lem - is going to let DRUDGE lead you by the nose into behaving the same way.

And the best part?


You shame yourselves, but especially Pogo:

I sincerely thought you were too smart to be manipulated,...

The Crack Emcee said...


You need to get a grip.

Every word I've ever read out of you is unAmerican,...

Cody Jarrett said...

Yes Crack, because the numbers of black kids killed by white people are so equal to the numbers of whites killed by blacks.

And of course, the circumstances are the same after wannabe thug attacks guy, gets shot in self defense versus these animals that just attacked an old man for the fuck of it, or the animals earlier this week that killed the guy in OK just for the fuck of it.

Yeah, it's exactly the fucking same.

I'd have never really said you were racist until these past couple of weeks.

Cody Jarrett said...

The Crack Emcee said...


You need to get a grip.

Every word I've ever read out of you is unAmerican,...

Every single one?

Who the fuck are you now, Joseph McCarthy?

Cody Jarrett said...

How (and what) do you define un american, btw crackers?

Cody Jarrett said...

And maybe try to answer the question without the self serving link to a random entry on your blog that has nothing to do with the matter at hand.

Bonus question: when I post on your blog complimenting your music, do you consider those words anti-american?

Why or why not.

Cody Jarrett said...

I see. Crack drives by long enough to take a shit--kinda like Titus--drops a self serving link to his own place and runs.

Have a nice weekend, Crackers.

ken in tx said...

I always assume when the race is not mentioned in a reported violent crime, the suspect is black. When crime is one of corruption, and the political party is not mentioned, I always assume the suspect is a Democrat.

I am almost always right.

William said...

That woman, Ms. Tuff, who talked down the shooter, has received a fair amount of fame and celebrity. She seems a remarkable woman of not just courage, but of kindness and decency. She's been invited to the White House and deserves all the good things that are happening to her...She's a very nice person, and, if you've never met a black woman like her, you haven't been looking. I say these things in the hope that Crack will understand that I do not think all black women are Rachel Jeantel. But some black women are like Rachel Jeantel and, if you form a negative opinion of Rachel, you're not being a bigot.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know why Crack acts like his best friends have turned on him when he reads comments here in regard to black Americans.

William said...

This is the unintended consequence of the Trayvon Martin shooting: there are so many murders that are so much more savage and inexplicably evil than that of the Martin killing. In these killings the perps are nearly always black. Mostly their victims are black also, but, frequently, the victims are white. All that saturation coverage about Trayvon being another Emmett Till was bound to generate pushback. For the next few weeks, we'll read plenty of stories like this. They're nothing new and are notable only for their stark contrast with the Trayvon shooting---not just in the barbarity of the crime but in the media's coverage of the crime......The media who were absolutely certain that Zimmerman's motivation was racial are now telling us that the Oklahoma shooting was random or gang related, but had nothing to do with racial animus on the part of the shooter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media lied about Treyvon Martin, portrayed him as an innocent little boy who was lynched for buying candy. Now gangs are killing people at random, for sport, and on behalf of Treyvon.

Connect the dots and you're a racist.

edutcher said...

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys are funny:

You thought it was crazy for blacks to freak out over a black kids' death.

Crack, it's not one incident. It's a pattern of violence that started long before last year.

You know that. I understand you go after everybody, that's what a good satirist does, but we're seeing a trend here stoked by a campaign of hate brewed over an incident that had been properly handled in the first place.

PS I see the She Devil of the SS is looking for a Lefty lynch mob again.

virgil xenophon said...


The sun is always over the yard-arm somewhere on this planet, so EVERY hour is happy hour!

(PS: It might amuse you to know that the old Baton Rouge Morning Advocate, before the MADD PC police forced them to stop, used to have a column on the OPED page with the heading; "I'll Drink to That!" and under would be whatever "national" day Congress had designated (i.e., "National Pickle Day" etc.) for that calender day. Gave one an official excuse to toddle 365/yr. LOL!)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dear lefties. Please watch this and then comment. I'd enjoy your take on it.

You cannot comment because the honesty and real story don't fit the bad faith narrative.

The Crack Emcee said...


The media lied about Treyvon Martin, portrayed him as an innocent little boy who was lynched for buying candy. Now gangs are killing people at random, for sport, and on behalf of Treyvon.

Connect the dots and you're a racist.

No - but allow yourself to be manipulated into a mouth-frothing mess and, yeah, you just might get there.

Plus - being the vast majority against 13% of the country WHO AREN'T PART OF THE MEDIA THAT STARTED THIS LIE - that's sure to get us all where we want to go.

You guys are stupid, expecting me to get over race when you harbor people saying they'd be glad to kill over a news item.

i don't care if the speaker is white or black, you're sick.

All Matt Drudge's bitches now,....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Virgil - LOL.
What do ya know - today is National Ride the Wind Day.

Calling Bagoh!

I will definitely drink to that.

The Crack Emcee said...


That woman, Ms. Tuff, who talked down the shooter, has received a fair amount of fame and celebrity. She seems a remarkable woman of not just courage, but of kindness and decency,...I say these things in the hope that Crack will understand that I do not think all black women are Rachel Jeantel. But some black women are like Rachel Jeantel and, if you form a negative opinion of Rachel, you're not being a bigot.

I never assumed anything of the kind. You know why?

Unlike a lot of fools here, I don't live my life - or choose my enemies - based on assumptions,...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - It may surprise you to know that I really don't give a rats ass about race or skin color either. I care about truth and honest reporting in our media.
do you?

The Crack Emcee said...


I really don't know why Crack acts like his best friends have turned on him when he reads comments here in regard to black Americans.

I said they're being manipulated - I don't assume this is what's in their hearts.

Your heart I'm more-than-familiar with and blacks have always been hurt by liberalism,...

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack - It may surprise you to know that I really don't give a rats ass about race or skin color either. I care about truth and honest reporting in our media.
do you?

You talk like an idiot - I've defended George Zimmerman from Day One.

But guess what?


The Crack Emcee said...

How many of YOU have stood before a group of blacks and defended Zimmerman?

How many of YOU have stood before a group of whites and defended the black reaction to Trayvon?

You haven't. You don't the knowledge, the skills, or the balls.

You huddle here together - a nice safe white enclave and spout your racist garbage in the safety of your clan (or is it Klan?)

I'm expected to do our heavy lifting.

Fuck you.

edutcher said...

If anyone wants to say that some of these perpetrators are going to seed because of economic and social conditions, they get no argument from me.

The economy and employment picture* are just that much worse for blacks.

*Looks like Gallup needs another visit from Solly an da boys. They're saying unemployment is 8.9%.

PS I picked up this story late yesterday - not from Drudge. And, yeah, some sites seem to specialize in them, so I try to be a bit circumspect.

But the knockout game predates Z and Trayvon by several years. This is a real problem exacerbated by the community organizers.

Can I have an Amen?

PPS Hasan guilty on all charges and specifications.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"The denunciation of the young is a necessary part of the hygiene of older people, and greatly assists the circulation of their blood."

-- Logan Pearsall Smith

Anonymous said...

They won't appreciate your efforts Crack.

The Crack Emcee said...


The knockout game predates Z and Trayvon by several years. This is a real problem exacerbated by the community organizers.

Can I have an Amen?

Nope. I got hit in the face by a tiny white girl, trying to prove to her friends she's "over" racism, while I walked down the street.

I don't know why y'all will run to everything but putting critical thinking in the school curriculum, but - HEY - obviously living with madness suits some people,...

chickelit said...

I sense another ripple in the force, Lem.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

No - but allow yourself to be manipulated into a mouth-frothing mess and, yeah, you just might get there.

First of all....I'm not frothing at the mouth. It is too difficult to take a steady aim and hit your target if you are frothing. Unlike these sub-human kids, I am not going out hunting for people of a color other than myself to kill for the sheer fun of it. If these were white kids doing the Knock Out King game on black kids or beating old black men to death for thrills, I would feel exactly the same about them. That is.....they need to be exterminated and eliminated from society. Put down, just like you would a rabid dog. No mercy. Forget rehabilitation. Waste of time. Just eliminate the bastards and bitches too.

While I'm not out hunting and wilding....I am more than willing to protect myself and my family. I wouldn't feel the least bit bad if I had to take down one of those who want to harm me and others. Not a bit. I won't shed one tear or have any sad feelings if someone else does either. In fact.....I think a little happy dance might be in order.

Second....This IS where they (the progressives and the Obama fascists) want us to be. At each other's throats. They can't be in control if the people are at peace with the world and with each other. They WANT us to be racist. They WANT us to be class warriors. They WANT turmoil, envy and dissension amongst the Proles and the Serfs.

You don't think that all of this backwards progress in racial relations isn't on purpose?

Anonymous said...

Crack, you are not observant. You do not see people for who they are. If you think I'm a feminist, you have shown yourself to be lacking in discernment, which I know you pride yourself on having an inordinate amount of. Crack, I think you may be living in an alternate reality.

I respect your efforts here and elsewhere to show the other side of the coin. But I think your efforts fall on dead ears here and maybe there too. I suspect you give people too much credit for being decent and intelligent. Too bad, you do have good things to say many times.

Cody Jarrett said...

3 things:

1. Crackers is a coward and a racist.

2. DBQ has always impressed me and been one of my commenter heroes, her most recent post here has pretty much cemented her in at number 1 (not that I think she really cares or needs the affirmation).

3. If we're all so very, very bad in so very, very many ways...why the fucking fuck does Inga bother to keep coming around?

edutcher said...

The Crack Emcee said...

The knockout game predates Z and Trayvon by several years. This is a real problem exacerbated by the community organizers.

Can I have an Amen?

Nope. I got hit in the face by a tiny white girl, trying to prove to her friends she's "over" racism, while I walked down the street.

The world is full of idiots and they all must prove it daily.

All I'm saying is this is a sword with many edges (The Blonde has cousins in a town in TN where blacks are only allowed in when it's daylight).

And I don't believe I said anything specifically criticizing what you said. The Choom Gang has jacked up an already bad situation into something truly dangerous. With a little effort, Little Zero may even beat out James Buchanan as not only the First Gay President, but also the Worst Gay President.

Darcy said...

Who is that ↑ ??

Darcy said... 3:10

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Nobody should have to die over such stupidity

Tell that to Shorty.

Cody Jarrett said...

El Pollo Raylan said...

I sense another ripple in the force, Lem.

Really? Ripple? In the middle of Crack going into high racist freak out mode you're going to start making racist remarks about cheap wine?

Maybe you shoulda mentioned Newports and orange soda too.

KCFleming said...

Not sure I understand, Crack.

Are these incidents of violence, which are NOT reported in the news (except as "too many guns" or the fault of the victim), are they not in fact happening?

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

1. Crackers is a coward and a racist.

Says the man who hasn't said a single word I've ever felt comfortable with, and who's announced he's got his gun at the ready because he read a news item.

Shit, I'm shocked such a nimbskull CAN READ,...

Cody Jarrett said...

With a little effort, Little Zero may even beat out James Buchanan as not only the First Gay President, but also the Worst Gay President.

Ed, have I told you today how much I really luv ya?

One of the best lines of the week. Made me laugh. Thank you.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Maybe you shoulda mentioned Newports and orange soda too

White Port and Lemon Juice Called Shake'm Ups where I grew up.


Actually a pretty good drink on a hot summer night...over ice of course.

Cody Jarrett said...

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

1. Crackers is a coward and a racist.

Says the man who hasn't said a single word I've ever felt comfortable with, and who's announced he's got his gun at the ready because he read a news item.

Shit, I'm shocked such a nimbskull CAN READ,...

LOL. I notice you don't go after DBQ when she says very similar things.

That's one of the reasons I think you're a coward.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

Dust Bunny Queen,

I hate arguing with you, hon, but you're asking for it:

Nobody should have to die over such stupidity

Tell that to Shorty.

Ahhh - so I'm not supposed to be moved over Trayvon, but Shorty is O.K. for your rallying cry?

You talk of Obama working this shit - how dumb are you guys to play into it?

And now feel justified?

You've played YOURSELVES,...

Anonymous said...

Cody, I love y'all. So much so, that I, like Crack, point things out in the HOPES that some of you will do a bit of introspection.

Of course I try to look at myself without my own rose colored glasses from time to time also. It's probably healthy to be a bit more cynical than I am am, I'll work on that.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Years ago I went out on a date with a nurse. I think she was an LPN.

Throughout the evening she was pretty much critical of everyone and everything we talked about. I mean, she worked at a big hospital and she thought the doctors were dumb.

We were back at her place, still talking, and after a while I got fed up and I asked her, point blank, "Have you ever, in your entire life, ever met anyone who was smarter than you?"

She pondered the question for only a moment and said flatly, "No."

That was the end of that.

Driving home I felt this odd sense of relief. It came as an unexpected comfort to write someone completely off and yet be so certain that I wasn't overlooking something.

vza said...

"But who’s to say what would happen if black America exerted even half of the emotional fervor and brainpower it does over cases like Martin’s to thinking about how to keep black boys from going wrong? Annette John-Hall had some wise words on this last year. What kind of self-image do we have to assume we can only change others, but not ourselves?"

Read more:

KCFleming said...

" I'm not supposed to be moved over Trayvon"

Moved by what, exactly?
What do you think happened there?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cody Jarrett said...

The Crack Emcee said...


I'm blaming the media. And so you, Crack, say "Blacks are not the media!". I assume you mean that my blaming the media means I blame blacks - or all blacks.

Not even close.

No, Dummy, you defended Coby's stupidity with you supposedly connecting the dots.

There are no dots - you're being manipulated.

Nobody should have to die over such stupidity,...

Here's the thing, Crackers:
I don't go looking for people to hurt or kill.

I've never hurt or killed someone just because they were a certain color or gender or orientation.

I never would and never will.

On the other hand, there are many documented cases of black youths attacking and killing white people simply because they're white.

Defending yourself (or another) against such an attack isn't racist or evil or even wrong.

That you'd try to spin it otherwise tells us a great deal about your soul.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ahhh - so I'm not supposed to be moved over Trayvon, but Shorty is O.K. for your rallying cry

You know that old game that kindergartners play? "One of these things is not like the other" Try that with the Trayvon and Shorty situations.

I bet you can tell the difference.

The Crack Emcee said...


Not sure I understand, Crack.

Are these incidents of violence, which are NOT reported in the news (except as "too many guns" or the fault of the victim), are they not in fact happening?

Of course they're happening, but I'm not Trayvon and you're not Shorty.

What all of this is about, when you get away from the hype, is the ignorance of youth.

Trayvon. Shorty's three killers. The girl that hit me.

I say put critical thinking in schools so kids have better reasoning ability.

THAT's how you stop nonsense.

Not by becoming Cody,...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So when the perp admits he did it for Treyvon, we should just ignore it and feel manipulated. Ok then.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ahhh - so I'm not supposed to be moved over Trayvon, but Shorty is O.K. for your rallying cry?

Again, how are the remotely the same?

Trayvon: wannabe thug. Attacked Zimmerman. Beat on him. Got killed.


Shorty. Old man. Minding his own business. Set upon and beaten to death for no apparent reason other than he was a white man and a couple of black youths felt like killing a white man. And were apparently too chicken to go after someone younger.

How is the the fucking same, you simpleton?

Unknown said...

So when the perp admits he did it for Treyvon, we should just ignore it and feel manipulated. Ok then.

August 23, 2013 at 3:27 PM

I may have missed something- did that happen?

Cody Jarrett said...

I wish Crackers would tell me ("not by becoming Cody") what exactly I've done that's so much more evil than what the other people here have done.

Just because I'd like to know. His logic (or lack of logic) always amuses me.

The Crack Emcee said...


Moved by what, exactly?
What do you think happened there?

I don't - I defended Zimmerman. That's the point:

This idea that just because these isolated incidents are framed by the media as racial confrontations we should be choosing sides is ridiculous.

Trayvon meant nothing to me. Shorty means nothing to me. Innocent people should go free. Guilty parties should be locked up - or out.

That last bit is directed at Cody,...

William said...

Money, sex, and race are part of every equation, but to balance the equation you have to give them their proper value. I just think all the reporting on George Zimmerman as being some kind of unhinged racist was manifestly unfair. I'm not aware of a single black (or, for that matter, white) celebrity who spoke out on his behalf....The respectable or, anyway, Hollywood opinion is that George Zimmerman was guilty. If you say anything to the contrary, then you're probably a racist as well. You can't even criticize Rachel Jeantel without catching flak......There's been more coverage of the Oklahoma shooting than I expected. Well and good, but there does seem to be a deliberate effort to downplay or mitigate the racial element in the shooting. That was certainly not the case in the Martin shooting. The hypocrisy wears you down.

The Crack Emcee said...


So when the perp admits he did it for Treyvon, we should just ignore it and feel manipulated. Ok then.

First, who cares what a killer's motive is?

Second, why should that become your motive?

Third, since when is the media (or politicians, etc.) accepted as our friends?

It's crazytalk,...

The Crack Emcee said...


The hypocrisy wears you down.

Finally - Amen to that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

First, who cares what a killer's motive is?

Really, Crack? Who cares?
I care.
I care if the media is pushing a false narrative that only aids in ripping our nation apart on racial lines.

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cody Jarrett said...

Pogo, Crackers thought you were smarter than this.

You let him down.

Unknown said...

I agree with Pogo's barbarism of youth comment but it's not racial. Black kids are overrepresented but it's a lot of white kids too.

And I'm still trying to figure out- was there a report of the thugs stating motive related to revenge for Trayvon or is that supposition? Seems like a stretch, and needless injection of race, if that hasn't actually happened.

KCFleming said...

My sons live in Milwaukee.
Last year at the State Fair in MKE, hundreds of young blacks were beating the shit out of white people, only whites, pulling them out of cars, kicking them in the head, etc.

What am I to think?
It affects my sons, so it affects me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

There's been more coverage of the Oklahoma shooting than I expected. Well and good, but there does seem to be a deliberate effort to downplay or mitigate the racial element in the shooting.

You know why there has been more coverage in the Oklahoma case? Those guys had the bad luck to not just pick some random white guy to kill for thrills and because he was white. No....they picked on an Australian and a popular athlete as well.

SO instead of it being random white guy number three hundred and ten killed by black thugs in a murder for race, it is an International incident.

Had it been some random white guy or white gal even, someone like my husband getting off work, like your brother coming home from the grocery store, your cousin walking his would have been just another statistic and the media would be ho-hum.....sweeping the dirt under the rug. BUT....because it wasn't random white guy and instead Australian athlete....hoo boy....NOW the media has to pay some attention.

Talk about hypocrisy. Until crime is treated the same, whether committed by black, white or hispanic or whether the victim is black, white or hispanic, the hypocrisy and the injustice just reeks.....and it reeks from all sides.

KCFleming said...

This year, the same day my son and his girlfriend were at a music festival at the lake in MKE, some black women started beating on a white girl who was a street musician .......because she was playing Minnie the Moocher, yelling that a white girl shouldn't be playing that song.

What am I to think?

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

William wrote (and I take out of context): The respectable or, anyway, Hollywood opinion is that George Zimmerman was guilty.

I for one would like to know why that is. I spend more time in Hollywood now because of in-laws. I got into a terrible argument last weekend with my SIL about who pulls the strings in that town, who makes people toe the line or else. IMO, it's basically why Obama came to that town so frequently during the campaign. It should be talked about a lot more.

The Crack Emcee said...


Really, Crack? Who cares?
I care.
I care if the media is pushing a false narrative that only aids in ripping our nation apart on racial lines.

Then you have as much right and responsibility to hate MATT DRUDGE as much as the rest of 'em. He's stokin' the fire just as much. Oh, he's doing it in reaction to the rest of them! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.

I am not here to be played with.

I care about my country, and I want the news to inform us so we can make good decisions in what, we all agree, are perilous times for our nation - and as individuals (You guys are aware I've been in bed with two bulging discs in my back, broke, for seven weeks now, don't you?) Trying to get Cody to start bragging about his gun in relation to killing black people - maybe me since we only interact online - is NOT the reaction I'm looking for, or will ever grow accustomed to expecting.

We deserve better,...

chickelit said...

What I'm trying to say is that the top-of-the-food-chain-Hollywood could stand a lot more creative subversion coming their way.

edutcher said...

The Crack Emcee said...

What all of this is about, when you get away from the hype, is the ignorance of youth.

Trayvon. Shorty's three killers. The girl that hit me.

I say put critical thinking in schools so kids have better reasoning ability.

THAT's how you stop nonsense.

On that, you have my unwavering support.

To do that, you need the government, the teacher unions, and the media behind it. You're also going to have to have a strong family life. A tough proposition, but the people have to decide.

PS Question - and I'm serious:

I agree that the whole scenario of kids like Trayvon Martin is a tragedy because the deck was stacked against him from an early age and he had no real support.

Problem is, wasn't he, at 17, on the threshold of becoming what the murderers of Delbert Belton had become?

Seems to me, YMMV, that we need a lot more Bill Cosbys and a lot fewer Al Sharptons out there to start getting people to think.

How do we do that?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Last year at the State Fair in MKE, hundreds of young blacks were beating the shit out of white people, only whites, pulling them out of cars, kicking them in the head, etc.

Let's talk about terrorism. "the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion".

Some terrorism has political motivations. Keep you from voting for a particular person. Stop the US from being involved in Iraq etc. Other terrorism is motivated by religious or ideology. Anti abortion clinic bombings. Muslim jihadism.

What we have now with the random, purposeless killings and beatings of whites by roving gangs of blacks; the massive property destruction and looting and the accompanying beatings again by roving gangs of blacks can be classified as terrorism.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm terrified to drive through Oakland California at night. The fear of being in places where these types of things can happen is terrorism. The result is that white people fear to go where there are large concentrations of young urban blacks. It isn't racist. It is natural fear for your life and safety.

What is the purpose of this black on white terrorism? Political. Ideological.

Who gives a fuck. We have had generations of discouraging of the same horrific actions of white on black violence and thankfully, except for a few areas and instances that haven't been stamped out, the crimes are fewer and non existent in some ares. You don't think that blacks in the deep Jim Crow south weren't terrified? You bet they were and it was wrong. Just as wrong as what is going on now. The difference is that while the government and media did their best to crush the first....they are actively encouraging the second. Turning a blind eye to black on white. Encouraging the youths to act out because they know that there will be no consequences.

Once again. This will NOT end well for anyone.

Cody Jarrett said...

Trying to get Cody to start bragging about his gun in relation to killing black people - maybe me since we only interact online - is NOT the reaction I'm looking for, or will ever grow accustomed to expecting.

Crackers, did I suggest I wanted to shoot or kill black people or did I suggest I wanted to defend myself and/or others against senseless violence, case in point this old guy "Shorty" who was randomly killed by a couple of black youths?

I'm pretty sure what I said. So why are you distorting it?

And when I say "distorting" I mean "lying like a fucking oriental rug about it".

Is it because you need a villain to rail against, and you're scared of treating DBQ the way you treat me?

I think it is.

Cody Jarrett said...

And Crackers--I'm sorry your back is still bothering you. Last I understood you were up and moving around, which sounded like progress.

I've also offered to make a couple of suggestions that might help--but every time I've tried you've pissed on me.

Cody Jarrett said...

BTW, Crackers: nice artistic license usage in your new blog post, all about how eeeeevil all of us are. Especially, apparently, me.

I still maintain the only racist here is you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sorry your back is hurting, Crack.

chickelit said...

@Inga: Your link posted allegations from the NAACP. Can you find a follw-up piece to find out what happened.

Now just imagine that an organization with the acronym NAAWP even existed...would it garner anyone's respect or credulity?

The Crack Emcee said...


This behavior never ever happened where I grew up. Not once.

That's cheap. I grew up with it. Funny what happens when the majority makes minorities fight for citizenship.

But I ask you, where is the expectation we - WE - can do better? Frank Zappa told Tipper Gore the reason why her kids were inundated with the sex song Sugar Walls was because Tipper wanted to be "hip" - not because Prince and Sheena Easton had done something worthy of an ostracizing label. They got the label anyway, and Al Gore now makes millions from world-wide fraud.

I keep wanting you guys to consider the road not taken - and then take the motherfucker.

Now all across the US it's happening.

And the adults, going for each other's throats, is gonna help how?

My neighbor's wife waved at a young black man walking by her house, she was sweeping the porch, and he flipped her off and said Fuck the dumb white bitch.

NEWS FLASH: Not Every American Is Gracious! Experts Ask: Is It Especially Alarming If They're Black?

What am I to think?
That what's happened in St. Louis and Detroit and Seattle and Oklahoma has nothing to do with me?

Didn't you look at The Race Map? In racial terms, the blue dots are you. The green dots are me.

Somehow, I'll stay more concerned about the green dots disappearing than the blue, thanks. To think otherwise is crazy.

We're living in a terrible time, and some people have gotten a mind to make it even more terrible.

We sure are. And you guys keep following Glenn Reynolds and Matt Drudge and giving money to Ann frickin' Althouse (she redid her house - aren't you proud?) like they offer you something more than you could get with common sense.

I am not able to pretend not to notice it, not anymore.

O.K., I'll join you, and start putting the metalhead white kids I meet in their own special box too because - and I know this from personal experience and news accounts - they do drugs in a different form than blacks, the commit different crimes than blacks, they've even been known to kill in a different manner than most blacks do.

That'll be my reasoning for not coming to terms with the fact we're Americans - ALL OF US - we speak the same language, eat the same foods, watch the same TV shows and movies, and on and on and on.

I can forget all that because the construction and maintenance of that box is waaay more important than deciding to grow up.

Really, Pogo,...

The Crack Emcee said...

C Stanley,

I'm still trying to figure out- was there a report of the thugs stating motive related to revenge for Trayvon or is that supposition? Seems like a stretch, and needless injection of race, if that hasn't actually happened.

Even if they did say it, why is it relevant to anything but the case itself and the media's culpability?

Why make me worried now about Cody and his gun?

Don't you guys see it's a fucking game?

Anonymous said...

This wasn't hard to find Chickie

Cody Jarrett said...

Don't forget about DBQ and her guns, Crackers.

If you're interested in being at all fair, and not just in trolling for some sort of monster so you have something to rail against (and blog about).

Just try to be honest. It'll only hurt a little bit the first time you try it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

the blue dots are you. The green dots are me.

Thankfully, I live in one of the white space areas of that map where there are very few dots of any color.


Cody Jarrett said...

That'll be my reasoning for not coming to terms with the fact we're Americans - ALL OF US - we speak the same language, eat the same foods, watch the same TV shows and movies, and on and on and on.

Crack, you're right about this--kind of.

I'm not sure that we all do speak the same language. I'm pretty sure we don't watch the same shows and movies and on and on.

But you're right (I've read this on your blog before)--we are all Americans and should be more interested in that first than anything else.

And yet--here you are. Pretending you don't understand what various posters here have said.

See the irony?

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett said...
"I kinda wish I lived in an area where there was a chance of that revenge for Trayvon shit happening."

Where do you live that there is no chance of that happening?

"I carry a .45 loaded with bullets possessing a ferocious nasal configuration and I'd be downright thrilled[...]"

Sounds like you are looking for revenge. Not justice. Not due process. Not rule of law. Revenge.

As you said: you want to see more of "this type" getting "their asses shot the fuck off" in order that they get what you call "the message".

What if you make a mistake, Cody? What if you ID the wrong guy when you shoot his ass the fuck off? Would that be giving "this type" the "message" you aim to give?

Cody Jarrett said...

Thankfully, I live in one of the white space areas of that map where there are very few dots of any color.

Lucky you.

LOL. I was arguing with a black man a while ago (about the Zimmerman thing, post verdict) and finally I had to tell him (he was preaching that whites should just leave blacks alone) that I could sympathize--since I didn't really want to hang out with most white people either.

He appreciated that.

Cody Jarrett said...

Hello lawnboy. Did you grow weary of your wife's ministrations with her strap on and decide to come slumming?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love Drudge. I wish we had Drudge TV.

@ Amartel - You have slayed an army of straw men today....
I was thinking the same thing a while back. Too tired to type it. Glad you did.

AllenS said...

I'm old enough to remember black kids that I knew in the 1950-60s. I can't think of any that didn't have a mother and a father. That's the problem. Black Crack can't think of anything but chasing white women. Would he even think of supporting and marrying a black woman? NO!

Until black men stand up and be proud black men who will marry black women and support their offspring, nothing will change.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, Crack Black, find a nice colored girl and get married. It would be the best thing for Black America.

You won't do it, or course, because you'd rather bitch and moan. I'll bet that when you want to date a white girl, you say this when she says no to a date: "You must be a racist if you won't go out with me."

You have no answers, you have been part of the problem.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Horrible race-hate crime. It disgusts me. Still, I want the media to let me know about these stories without lying and twisting the truth to fit an agenda.

The Crack Emcee said...


My sons live in Milwaukee.

One of my best friends is a white guy from Milwaukee. He did a cross-country trip and told me about it when he reached California.

Do you know there are entire swaths of this land filled with white supremacists, who have strongholds, and no one's ever complained or been bothered? You can see a lot of them gathering in National Geographic Specials and the like (always with disapproval) but there they are.

My friend said they'd gladly hang me.

Oh, excuse me - we were talking about how you "feel", right?

Well, Oh My Word, have any of you been on an INDIAN RESERVATION lately? Oh man, good times are happening there! Whew! If unrelenting depression is your thing, have I got a scene for you! It's fucking WILD! They have NOTHING! And it's not on the news, or the plots of your favorite TV shows, or anybody's concern. THEY JUST DIE.

And nobody ever talks about it.

You're a doctor, aren't you, Pogo?

I wonder how your outlook, and fear, would change under the wheel of a projected lifetime of grinding poverty?

How about just plain ol' poverty?

You guys need to stop,...

KCFleming said...

"NEWS FLASH: Not Every American Is Gracious! Experts Ask: Is It Especially Alarming If They're Black?"

Since statistically violence is more likely that way, yes.

And blacks are telling their sons it's "open season" on young black men, by whites, when the reality is it's been open season on them for decades now, by other blacks.

See: Chicago.

Am I supposed to be unaware of how violent that town is, given how I visit there?
Because of that violence, now I won't visit there.
Is that me being sucked in by Drudge?

Cody Jarrett said...

Yeah. White skinned punks kill black person...federal hate crime arrest, trial and plea.

Black skinned punks kill old defenseless white man...nary a mention of the race of the attackers.

In an honest world the media would report both crimes the same way. And they'd be prosecuted the same way.

The Crack Emcee said...


This year, the same day my son and his girlfriend were at a music festival at the lake in MKE, some black women started beating on a white girl who was a street musician .......because she was playing Minnie the Moocher, yelling that a white girl shouldn't be playing that song.

What am I to think?

People are stupid?

And there ought to be critical thinking in our schools, TV shows, movies, etc.

I don't know what you expect under the ignorance and sex regime we live under.

Why don't you support better?

Cody Jarrett said...

Do you know there are entire swaths of this land filled with white supremacists, who have strongholds, and no one's ever complained or been bothered? You can see a lot of them gathering in National Geographic Specials and the like (always with disapproval) but there they are.

Hang you? That's probably the kindest thing those sub-animals would do to you if they felt they had reason or opportunity.

Do you ever wonder why they make it to NatGeo specials though?

KCFleming said...

"My friend said they'd gladly hang me."

But in Milwaukee and Chicago and St. Louis and Detroit, it actually happens.

Where are the roving gangs of white supremacists killing young black men, shooting them in the back of the head on the side of the road, pulling them out of cars at the Iowa state fair, gang raping a young man and his girlfriend and burning the bodies, beating an old black dude up in a VA parking lot, or punching out a black street musician for playing a Frank Sinatra tune?

Anonymous said...

Where are the white supremicist groups? Breeding mass murderers? But here is a positive that came out of the Sikh Temple murders.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...


PS Question - and I'm serious:

I agree that the whole scenario of kids like Trayvon Martin is a tragedy because the deck was stacked against him from an early age and he had no real support.

Problem is, wasn't he, at 17, on the threshold of becoming what the murderers of Delbert Belton had become?

Seems to me, YMMV, that we need a lot more Bill Cosbys and a lot fewer Al Sharptons out there to start getting people to think.

How do we do that?

I got my nephew when he went into baby gang banging. Fucking with guns, realizing he was bigger than others, etc. I used three things to straighten him out:

1) Critical Thinking.

2) Tough Love.

3) High Expectations.

He went from a failing student to a B.

Then his "hip" mother wanted him back, so he went home, and in within two years he met Ike Turner's nephew, they robbed a check cashing place together, and my nephew was handed 12 years.

I really think my way is better, guys,...

Cody Jarrett said...

Yes, little larry lawn-mowing grifter boy.

I'm a big part of the problem. All I've done is create successful businesses, create jobs, pay stupid amounts of taxes to fund stupid shit I don't agree with.

I've never yet attacked an old man and beaten him to death or dragged a man to his death behind my car.

I've suggested I would defend myself, and I'd defend others.

Yeah. I'm part of the problem, a big part. You two faced lying strap on loving cunt.

Toddle off now. The meal ticket must be done with her nap by now, and I'm sure those hobbit feet of hers need shaving before you two hit the bars.

Cody Jarrett said...

I really think my way is better, guys,...

I won't disagree with you, Crack. But there's only one of you, and tens of thousands that need the help. Plus hundreds of thousands that wouldn't let you administer that kind of help.

So what then?

Meade said...

"I've suggested I would defend myself, and I'd defend others. "

You suggested? Where did you "suggest" that?

What you did is you "thrilled" at the idea of performing vigilante "justice".

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Well, Oh My Word, have any of you been on an INDIAN RESERVATION lately? Oh man, good times are happening there! Whew! If unrelenting depression is your thing, have I got a scene for you! It's fucking WILD! They have NOTHING!

I have. There are several nearby.

They have a Casino, very good restaurant in the casino as well, a really nice gas station mini mart with the best gasoline prices around (they don't have to pay all the taxes, being a sovereign nation) We buy our gasoline there everytime we are passing through, a full medical and dental clinic, transportation network to take the tribal members to a larger hospital if needed, also transportation for the disabled tribal members to go to the store and run other errands into the town nearby, beautiful newly constructed condominium complex for the tribal elders consisting of 14 one and two bedroom units, a community garden and recycling center, church for those who want (Full Gospel I think). The staff of all of their businesses are derived from the tribe.

They haven't built it yet, but there is a motel/hotel in the planning process to be attached to the casino.

If that is nothing.....gimme some of it.

Yes. I'm sure that there are other reservations or rancherias that are not moving into the modern world and you CAN easily tell if some property or house in question is Indian by the dead appliances and rusting hulks of trucks and autos, not to mention piles of trash. On the other hand, that could also easily be mistaken for some of the redneck white trash that live in the area.

Are there problems with drinking and violence on the reservations. Sure. Same thing can be said for some of the white cowboy dirt kicking towns. SO.....I guess we just can't generalize for everyone.

Basically it is economics and the cultural values that you have been given that dictate your lifestyle. Not race. How you live isn't genetic. If you have values and drive, you can improve your economics.

Meade said...

In order to deliver "the message".

KCFleming said...

"I really think my way is better, guys,..."

I do, too.
But your way, our way, is rejected by the majority of people, white and black.

Then what?

Cody Jarrett said...

Because little larry the grifter boy keeps deleting his posts...

Meade said...

Cody, you said yourself that the kids who attacked and killed Delbert Belton did it "for no reason" not for (your words -) "revenge for Trayvon shit happening".

And then you wrote about how you would be "downright thrilled to score" justice for Delbert Belton by shooting the "asses" "the fuck off" of "this type" in order to deliver "a message"

You, Cody, are big part of the problem. You are the wannabe "George Zimmerman" the race-baiters all wrongly thought they saw - a wannabe racist vigilante.

Yes, grifter boy. Like I said before. I'm the problem. Me. Not the animals who're committing the crimes. Not the liberals who enable them, not the media who protect them...just me.

Yeah. I'm the problem. LMAO.

Now seriously, grifter boy. Run along. Mommy needs her toes shaved and she needs a drink.

You pathetic twatwaffling piece of lying trash.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

Meade said...
In order to deliver "the message".

Excuse me, but what are you talking about?

Unknown said...

@ Crack- I disagree that motive doesn't matter. Obviously knowing wouldn't undo the damage, wouldn't bring back a fine man, and it wouldn't warrant a special crime category for "hate" since all murder is hate. But knowing motive helps define the problem and its roots.

So far this seems rooted more in disregard for human life, not disregard for human life specifically of one race.

I also question your call for teaching critical thinking skills with regard to crime. I am all for better teaching of critical thinking but it seems the wrong prescription for youths who lack moral reasoning.

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett: thrilling at the idea of performing vigilante "justice" in order to send "the message".

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

"I've suggested I would defend myself, and I'd defend others. "

You suggested? Where did you "suggest" that?

What you did is you "thrilled" at the idea of performing vigilante "justice".

What's the matter, lawnboy, asshole still tender from all of mommy's pegging?

Go on, get her another drink, maybe she'll pass out and you won't have to have another go 'round until you've had a chance to heal up.

Tell us, does she make you beg for it?

Anonymous said...

Cody doesn't think that any other black Americans can be good mentors to black youth? The black community is trying, the problem is HUGE and change takes time. What can the white community do to help? Demonization of an entire community of black Americans cannot help.

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett could use remedial critical thinking education. Maybe Crack would be willing to mentor him.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett: thrilling at the idea of performing vigilante "justice" in order to send "the message".

Yes, grifter cunt. Thrilling. Almost as worked up as you get when you think about how you manipulated your way into your meal ticket.

The Crack Emcee said...


See: Chicago.

Am I supposed to be unaware of how violent that town is, given how I visit there?
Because of that violence, now I won't visit there.
Is that me being sucked in by Drudge?

Oh Heavens no - Matt's got ANSWERS for you, doesn't he?

No - wait - he doesn't. He gives a murderous rush of caffeine-like emotion, right?

That's helpful.

And what do we do about Chicago, Pogo, ol' man? I know:

Let's point and make monkey noises. Show 'em Cody's gun. Will & Grace can be shown - Joe Biden said it worked wonders for "gay" marriage.

Anything - ANYTHING - but deciding to establish a framework of common sense.

It's incredible,...

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett could use remedial critical thinking education. Maybe Crack would be willing to mentor him.

Would that be the same Crack you've spent time defaming?

Or do you mean the crack you beg mommy to shove her fake cock into while you bury your head in the pillow and whimper?

chickelit said...

The Crack Emcee said...
How many of YOU have stood before a group of blacks and defended Zimmerman?

How many of YOU have stood before a group of whites and defended the black reaction to Trayvon?

You haven't. You don't the knowledge, the skills, or the balls.

You huddle here together - a nice safe white enclave and spout your racist garbage in the safety of your clan (or is it Klan?)

I'm expected to do our heavy lifting.

Fuck you.

August 23, 2013 at 2:40 PM


Since that was directed at me in part and because I have no first hand knowledge whether any of it is true...

...fuck you back! See, anybody can say it.

The Crack Emcee said...


Where are the roving gangs of white supremacists killing young black men, shooting them in the back of the head on the side of the road, pulling them out of cars at the Iowa state fair, gang raping a young man and his girlfriend and burning the bodies, beating an old black dude up in a VA parking lot, or punching out a black street musician for playing a Frank Sinatra tune?

They were the assholes working the PREVIOUS 300 years.

I think, if we work fast, we can head this new crew off at the pass - what do you say?

Unknown said...

The black community is trying, the problem is HUGE and change takes time.

i think a lot of us would like to see evidence of that effort before giving the benefit of the doubt that they just need more time, Inga.

Cody Jarrett said...

Inga said...

Cody doesn't think that any other black Americans can be good mentors to black youth? The black community is trying, the problem is HUGE and change takes time. What can the white community do to help? Demonization of an entire community of black Americans cannot help.

Leave it alone, stupid.

Or at least report accurately. The only thing I've said regarding the mentoring issue is that there's only one of Crack and thousands who need his help.

I realize that's probably beyond your ability to comprehend and all.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, why is Cody Jarret channeling Sixty Grit?

KCFleming said...

Inga, a few moments in State and FBI crime stats should straighten you out.

"ATLANTA — Judge Marvin Arrington ...said the majority of people who appear before him accused of crimes such as murder, rape and robbery are black and he wanted to do something about it, one on one."

Atlanta, GA
African-Americans are 54% of the population
From 4/2011-4/2012 they caused:
100% of homicides
95% of rapes
94% of robberies
84% of aggravated assaults
93% of burglaries
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports

Anonymous said...

Yep, Sixty Grit, LMAO! Well it didn't take him long to take his hand out of the sockpuppet.

Unknown said...

The blacks that I see trying are a lot of lower middle class moms, working their own small part of an enormous problem. My heart breaks for them.

The Crack Emcee said...


I'm a middle aged white dude of no importance at all.

Oh give me a break - haven't I always loved you? Never gave you no grief. Always looked forward to hearing from you. I don't buy that shit for a minute.

All the State wants from me is my money and to shut the fuck up.

Well, join the club. But I'm telling you, critical thinking could solve a lot of this shit - in your/our lifetime.

They don't want "better" in our schools, they want more thug culture, black and white and brown.

I don't know who "they" are - do YOU want better?

And they don't want my goddamned opinion.

I just asked for it,...

KCFleming said...

"I think, if we work fast, we can head this new crew off at the pass - what do you say?"

Crack, you're awesome.
But it's true, now the violence is largely the other way. And it's real and cannot be ignored.
I do not have an answer.

As I said, no one wants to hear some white dude whine about crime.

Cody Jarrett said...

Ouch, Pogo.

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett said...
"Leave it alone, stupid."

Inga, I hate to say it but he's probably right. Not that you're stupid but that he's holding that big ferocious .45 and he's such a big courageous macho guy, looking for a thrill. Who hates women (amongst others).

AllenS said...

I remember over at TOP when Crack said his parents were slaves.

Too funny.

Cody Jarrett said...

The crime stats you posted, Pogo, I meant.

And no, Inga, not Sixty.

But tell me, speaking of hands and all...when little larry the lawnboy sticks his hand up your ass to make you talk, does he lube up first?

Or do you prefer it dry.

KCFleming said...

"I don't know who "they" are - do YOU want better?"

I do. "They" are my Governor, my representatives, my Senator, my President, my local school district, my city councilwoman.

All useless turds on this issue.
I went to meetings about local and national issues, spoke my mind, hell, repeated some stuff I read on your blog.

I'm back where I was. Snake eyes.

Now what?

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to argue with your statistics Pogo. Condemnation of an entire class of people won't change your statistics and may even make them worse.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett said...
"Leave it alone, stupid."

Inga, I hate to say it but he's probably right. Not that you're stupid but that he's holding that big ferocious .45 and he's such a big courageous macho guy, looking for a thrill. Who hates women (amongst others).

Oh yes, little larry lawn-lawn.

Such a pathetic little troll. Does mommy stick that fake cock in your mouth when she pulls out, so you can suck it clean? Is that your favorite part of letting your meal ticket fuck you?

Seriously--run along back to mommy.

KCFleming said...

"But I'm telling you, critical thinking could solve a lot of this shit - in your/our lifetime."

You are absolutely correct.

But how?
Our local schools won't tell them, the colleges make them worse, the legislators endorse uncritical thinking, and Hollywood cements it in place.

I'm just a crank with a small lawn and too many ways into my house.

Cody Jarrett said...

I remember over at TOP when Crack said his parents were slaves.

He looks good for being about 150 years old.

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett said...
"Such a pathetic little troll."

Cody must be working on his Blogger profile.

KCFleming said...

Shit, Crack, you'd be the best neighbor ever.

But I live where I live, and they were brought up to hate critical thinking.

Anonymous said...

OK Cody, but are you and Sixty Grit related? In the immortal words of Lieutenant Dan.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

Cody Jarrett said...
"Such a pathetic little troll."

Cody must be working on his Blogger profile.


Cody Jarrett said...

Since I have no idea who Sixty is, there's no way I can really answer that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Cody Jarrett,

I won't disagree with you, Crack. But there's only one of you, and tens of thousands that need the help. Plus hundreds of thousands that wouldn't let you administer that kind of help.

So what then?

You start listening to, and supporting, people who can do it.

Critical thinking wouldn't be hard to implement, and good for everybody, but we've got to start.

Trooper York said...

This is all cyclical. Those of us who were around in the 1960's or the 1970's remember when it was as bad as it is now. If not worse. The apogee of this nonsense in New York was when David Dinkins was mayor during the crack epidemic. People "acted out" in places like Crown Heights where Yankel lRosenbaum was murdered just because he was a Jew. A white Jew.

The reaction to Dinkins was Rudy Giuliani. Who took the handcuffs off of the police and put them back on the criminals.

Obama is David Dinkins on the national scene. An ineffective black racist who always sees things in terms of black vs. white. Who poses as a healer but who only made things worse.

So the reaction will come as it always does. A Giuliani type who will institute the stop and frisk.
There will be an reaction to these actions.

We can only hope that this reaction will be measured and appropriate.

Meade said...

"Doesn't mean I want to retaliate against innocent black/white people, I want to retaliate against our lying hack press."

We all do. A big problem is that we have to, at the very same time, find a way to separate ourselves from the Cody Jarrets of the world who - for a "thrill" - will retaliate against black/white people who Cody is sure are not innocent.

KCFleming said...

Inga, read April's article.

The author is black, writing for Time magazine.

John McWhorter:
"Young black men murder 14 times more than young white men. If the kinds of things I just mentioned were regularly done by whites, it’d be trumpeted as justification for being scared to death of them."

14. Times. More.
Inga? What say you?

The Crack Emcee said...

C Stanley,

I also question your call for teaching critical thinking skills with regard to crime. I am all for better teaching of critical thinking but it seems the wrong prescription for youths who lack moral reasoning.

Moral reasoning is part of critical thinking - or does it sound like I'm arguing for immorality?

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

"Doesn't mean I want to retaliate against innocent black/white people, I want to retaliate against our lying hack press."

We all do. A big problem is that we have to, at the very same time, find a way to separate ourselves from the Cody Jarrets of the world who - for a "thrill" - will retaliate against black/white people who Cody is sure are not innocent.


You keep spinning there, leisure suit larry.

Anonymous said...

As I said a few minutes ago Pogo, I can't argue with your statistics. I won't condem an entire class of Americans either. What can we do to help the black community to change this? Will demonizing them help? If so, how?

The Crack Emcee said...


I remember over at TOP when Crack said his parents were slaves.

Too funny.

And I still stand by your misinterpretation of what I said and the fact you're unworthy of an explanation.

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