"Toronto Mayor Admits He Smoked Crack"
In a day of high drama, Mr. Ford told reporters that he smoked the drug "about" a year ago when "in one of my drunken stupors."
Speaking outside his office at City Hall, the mayor said, "Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine," after having repeatedly denied reports of drug use since they first emerged in May.
Mr. Ford also said he would remain in office, raising questions in Toronto about how the controversy will affect the running of North America's fourth-largest city by population and whether the global attention its mayor has garnered will hurt attempts to position the city as a world leader in culture and finance.
"I love my job, I love this city," Mr. Ford said, fighting back tears.
Wall Street Journal
"I love my job, I love this city, do you have a light?"
He's become a distraction. He should go get his life together and only then make a comeback.
He clearly is qualified to be mayor of Detroit or DC.
If he remembers smoking crack in a drunken stupor he needs to improve his drinking capacity.
Did you catch the view from inside on Ace's sidebar?
Reading the letter the company insider wrote, the whole time I was thinking, this sounds like the sort of thing an outsider could have written. It comports with all of my biases automatically. Every sentence fits exactly, as if I had written it myself without actually being there but based on my own experience and my own prejudices. Yes, pre judgements, the things that I keep for convenience the things that work consistently. The things that surprise me when they're countered. The letter is very good. Too good. About things already known. And short on specific details that are new.
I love the excuse that I got high because I was drunk. It's actually the truth, and everyone who has ever been drunk knows it. For me, it completely explains it. It doesn't excuse it, but I understand. The danger, as with Clinton and Monica, is blackmail. If I was at that party, I'd have a nice cush government job with a corner office.
I can't drink any more. Well, I can, but my face would explode from rosacea.
Drinking is the first step toward all the other sins of lust and gluttony.
I sure miss it.
I need a drink!
If the mayor claimed he does meth so he can go for hours on end scrutinizing the city's operations nobody would believe him.
"Drinking is the first step toward all the other sins..."
Which is exactly why it's been so popular for so long. It's not even possible to imagine human history without it. The proverbial apple of Adam and Eve was, I suspect, fermented.
It will spur new avenues of turist interest. ;)
And to your right is our mayors crack den.
Drinking is the first step toward all the other sins of lust and gluttony.
It's funny how you can remember something somebody said 30 odd years ago.
I used to work with a guy who once said, "If it weren't for alcohol I'd have never gotten laid."
We were drinking once after work and he got so drunk I had to physically restrain him because he had leaned over the bar and was trying to drink from a beer tap.
Another co-worker told me that he once opened his fly and pissed standing at the bar because the place was crowded and he didn't want to lose his spot.
Gee, now that I think about it, maybe the guy had a drinking problem.
Operate a $500 car after 2 beers and they'll throw the book at you. Operate an $11 Billion city while on crack .... no big deal!
A proven strategy for success in this situation is "The bitch set me up."
This explains Obamacare.
Alcohol is a hell of a drug.
Imagine throughout history people drinking beer all day instead of water. Even kids. And that was normal. Everyone bumbling around drunk all the time. Occasionally doing brilliant things. Occasionally sustaining their brilliance for periods but for the most part lit.
Rodney Dangerfield did a bit about how he smoked marijuana once - "Hey, I was high on cocaine at the time!"
Life imitates comedy.
Michael Haz ... Detroit just elected its first white mayor since 1974, by 55% to 45%. It is also the first time since 1974 that both candidates, black and white, were good candidates. It also just elected its first Hispanic Councilperson ... enabled now that the Common Council is made up of district representatives instead of all at-large candidates.
As for the Toronto Mayor and crack cocaine: The fat faced pig has no idea what he's messed around with. Keep it of pork-chop, you'll soon enough be one skinny dick in a ditch....all for that 10 minute blast of bullshit.
Crack is not wack anymore?
He's a conservative. Imagine the MSM if this was the US. Never mind, a conservative could never be a mayor of a big city in the US.
Any guess on what the mayors Crack Body Index might be?
Aridog - The good candidate probably won because there's no money left in Detroit for the usual candidates to steal.
Canadas Crack Cocaine Calamity, The untold story.
Now I think of it.
Republicans Stalled ObamaCare utntil Meth Subsidies Match Crack Subsidies. The Untold Story.
Torontos Top Cracker.
He was driven mad by all those sentences ending in "eh?"
A conservative in Toronto Canada is like a liberal democrat in the U.S.
Detroit voters know if you're going to beg the rest of Michigan for money, its better to have a white point man.
The Loser in the Detroit mayor's race was "Benny napoleon"
Cool name.
Toronto wants to be more bat shit crazy than New Jersey, Florida, Detroit and Louisiana.
I'd fire him for the tie. He wore an NFL tie (circa 1995 judging from the logos) at this press conference.
Can't a crack-smoking idiot from Toronto wear a CFL tie?
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