Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking passed. There are tributes all over the place.

Tender and sensible and mature and respectful, all over the place.

He's been a favorite subject for the goofballs at for the irony that's inherent in his being. They'd photoshop him in ridiculous gags for as long as I've been aware of the site. Flying across the moon silhouetted in his electric wheelchair as the boy on a bicycle with E.T. in the handlebar basket, for example.

It's mean. And it's cruel. And it's also having fun with someone you deeply respect and love, acknowledging the harsh reality of their existence. It's addressing reality face to face, and being silly with it.

It's like me going down the basement steps with friends for cards taking them awkwardly like Hillary Clinton and saying "Run, Forest, run!" And everyone cracking up at the cruel reality. On the street I complained to a friend, "As I walk everyone passes me, a blind woman tapping a cane passes me, a baby in a stroller passes me, and old woman in a walker passes me, Stephen Hawking passes me and flips me off in the distance." And the guy busts a gut right there on the sidewalk visualizing that ridiculous combined cruelty.

Incidentally, at that particular basement card game I was not playing. Neither was Jiva, our Hare Krishna friend. The rest were engaged in their game, silently dealing the cards. I was talking and I didn't think anybody was particularly listening. Nobody was responding to me, but I kept talking, filling the silence. I had no one''s attention. I was telling them about my deaf friends who played this same game of Hearts. A bit like Bridge. They did the same thing after the deal of passing their worst card to the player to their right for one deal, then pass the worst card of the deal to the player on their left for the next deal. So they don't piss off the same guy repeatedly. While this was going on I got to the point in my story about the deaf guy complaining about the bad card he was passed and whereas I told my story in my usual voice, I switched to an unmodulated louder deaf voice to imitate my friend accurately. "Hey! You. give. me. da. black. bitch!" Rather harshly. I was only being accurate. But the relative silence was broken by the entire basement of players and observers bursting out laughing. They pushed away from the table and bent in their chairs. Jiva was especially amused. I turned red as a beet because I was not trying to be funny. I was trying to make my story authentic. For some reason me imitating the way the guy sounds was hilarious to them. My embarrassment at accidentally betraying my friends made it doubly funny to them. They're all just really stupid bastards. There wasn't anything funny about it. Making fun of my own absurdity was one thing but making fun of someone else is another. I felt very small. That showed me how cruel humor is. Insouciant cruelty is funny. And all that makes them no less empathetic. They laughed so hard they had to re-deal the hand.

So I was certain the B3ta members would drag out their old satire tributes and possibly come up with some new ones. I expect this tribute collection to grow larger as the day passes. They keep 13 to a page, I think, maybe 17, some fixed number, however many tributes there are here when you look, if you choose to, there won't be any before the announcement.

Impressive how many are based on Christian belief when so many members, so many British, and Hawking himself are atheist. To suggest his spirit is now released from the daily torture of his body runs contrary to his own disbelief in eternal spirit.

Example: by member killa 1980

Killa 1980 chose a font to show him speaking with synthesized voice. So even in death he's still crippled 


AllenS said...

It's all fun and games to people, until they suffer an injury, or disease where they are in the same situation. How funny is it now?

The Dude said...

In Hawking's case, I am LMAO. But he sure was a handsome devil, bless his heart.

Methadras said...

RIP Professor Hawking. He knows everything now.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I wonder how many young people would take the deal if they could have a mega-brain in exchange for Lou Gehrig's disease.

Maybe a lot of it depends on how often you expect to get laid in the future.

Trooper York said...

I was never a fan.

I think he was an atheist of some sort.

I wonder where he is now.

Amartel said...

He got on the One World Government train in the last part of his life. We all need to stand together to fight the aliens it's the only way. He was very concerned about alien life forms. Remember the bit where he warned that earth should not be sending out invitations and directions because the last thing we need is a bunch of aliens showing up and raping the planet of its resources then leaving which would be the only thing they would bother doing. That would be inconvenient for humans and other living things on earth. But if the aliens are so advanced then they probably already know we're here, right? Crude ridiculous NASA directions notwithstanding. And they haven't done anything. That we know of. Unless some of us (Obama) are actually lizard people from planet Zabu infiltrating our society. For no particular reason seriously why would a highly advanced alien go to that kind of trouble? It seems excessive when you're so advanced that you just show up with your flying vacuums and hoover up all the natural resources you need. But maybe they're studying us, like we study animals. Observing us in our natural habitat.

I wonder if Hawking got to know the mystery? Is he gone, dead on a slab, or is he floating around, free from his earthly limitations, in some sort of math ecstasy?

I tend to stop taking people seriously - no matter how much smarter they are than me and that's certainly the case here - when their views start to line up with the international socialists. Same goes for the pope although that was an easy call since I'm a dirty filthy prod.

ricpic said...

This is the genius who said if mankind doesn't find another planet to hop to in the next two hundred years IT'S OVER, JOHNNY!
Based on what? Based on the old "we're destroying the earth" bunk. Some genius.

ricpic said...

You know how I know the earth isn't on its last legs? My weeds.

Dad Bones said...

The earth is doing fine but I have no idea how long the peeps will be here. All I know this morning is that I have one less day to live than I had yesterday and I don't even know how long that is.