Saturday, May 28, 2016

More Red Meat

That is from yesterday's Trump rally in San Diego. The two young men unfurled their banner as they walked with the crowd leaving the rally. Most of the protesters had been sequestered across Harbor Boulevard in the background.  They are shaded by the shadow of the Convention Center. The fellow on the right with the cap was bellowing the whole time in an affected "southern" accent about how he hated Muslims and Mexicans. Shortly after I took the photo, three uniformed police escorted them back to their safe zone before they met any harm.
In the comments: Chip Ahoy brightens the protesters' day:

 And, Lem links to Telemundo caught in the act in San Diego.


chickelit said...

I could not get closer enough to either anti-Trumper in order to tell whether they had a "Fuck Trump" chest tattoo.

edutcher said...

So the guy in the cap was one of those who can always be counted upon to the the perp when a fake hate crime goes down.

I recall you said the protesters were mostly Anglos.

chickelit said...

So the guy in the cap was one of those who can always be counted upon to the the perp when a fake hate crime goes down.

Yes, provocateurs.

chickelit said...

There were a couple of minor protests inside during the rally. I was nowhere near them and unable to get photos. But Trump had the press nailed. During each of the incidences, half of the cameras on the press platform would swing right to zero in on whatever was happening.

There was also a large light fixture swinging erratically overhead which caught everybody's attention. I was immediately thinking chandelier scene in "The Phantom Of The Opera."

chickelit said...

I recall you said the protesters were mostly Anglos.

Lots and lots of virtue signallers.

chickelit said...

90% of #NeverTrump activity is virtue signalling, in my opinion. There are valid things to bring up about Trump but nobody in the anti-Trump camp brings them up. They are focused on shadowboxing.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

There was also a large light fixture swinging erratically overhead which caught everybody's attention. I was immediately thinking chandelier scene in "The Phantom Of The Opera."

Funny you say that. when we were still getting to know each other, The Blonde and I went to see "Phantom" at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia.

When the lights on the chandelier went off, I just about jumped out of my seat. as it was a balcony, it could have been a disaster. Herself still gets a chuckle out of it.

There are valid things to bring up about Trump but nobody in the anti-Trump camp brings them up.

Trump's got his shortcomings like the rest of the human race. He does, however, fight back and he's willing to take some unpopular stands on important issues and those are important points for me. That he's not all that wonky is a big thing with some people, but position papers seem to exist more for the media to pick apart than what happens when you have to implement them.

Methadras said...

Go on youtube and see if any of you can find a clip from the old days of Howard Stern when he used to have Billy West doing impersonations for him and he does this hilarious one of Marge Schott, the owner of the Reds, where she is doing a Christmas apology to all the darkies and the niggahz!!! then come back and tell me if Trump is even remotely close to what this impersonation sounds like. :D

chickelit said...

@Methadrus: I think the mere association of Trump and Howard Stern condemns Trump in some people's minds. They.Just.Can't.Get.Over.It.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Telemundo cameraman caught posing San Diego anti-Trump protesters"

Methadras said...

I love how in the video people get all legal when that little punk ass hits the guys camera and spits on him and the little chola bitch blasts out, leave him alone he's a minor. A minor. Who talks like that.

Chip Ahoy said...

Photo midtones adjusted, contrast forfeited, put up on flickr. Come on, Boys, come out of the shadows, you didn't do all that coming out of the closet to skulk around in the shadows.

We see you.

Wide open borders or hate. False dichotomy rejected. And, Boys, KKK, really? That's all you got? After all this, that's all the f you got? Hear something you don't like and automatically KKK. *Whistles* I'm calling my little sister from when she was ten. You're kindred spirits. I'm hooking you two up. On second thought, go back to your closet and give all this some more thought. It means you haven't any imagination. At all. And that's the real pity. Come. Forget what I said about the closet and thinking some more, thinking is not for you, come with me, let's go explore a few ways to be engaging with the political counterbalance imaginatively.

Come on! Let's go make a papier-mâché Trump effigy from flour and strips of newspaper. I have plenty of paint. With a jaw that moves and says "WALL WALL WALL" when you pull the cable and open the jaw. I got the idea from a video circulating on the internet and as it turns out all around town as I found. Funny stuff.

We could build a trebuchet and fling people over badminton net onto a mattress and call it the immigrant ride and sell tickets, and sell some kind of concessions, and sell Trump Immigration Trebuchet merchandise.

We could rent a nearby pool and arrange a swimming contest from one side to the other and call it the Rio Grand Immigration Rally and sell tickets and concessions and sell Rio Grand Trump Immigration Competition merchandise.

We could rent a hot air balloon, weather permitting of course, and rename it temporarily the TRUMP BLOWING HOT AIR OUT HIS ASS ride, sell tickets for brief rides over the ground, concessions, merchandise, insurance.

See, there's three ideas right there. They don't have to be good ideas to be better than yours. Frankly, Boys, KKK is not worth the effort. You might as well write, "I'M WITH STUPID" and a Hillary style downward pointing arrow. If that's all you got, you got nothing.

Chip Ahoy said...

No wait, that's four. I got more. We could have a tunneling contest. Those little chihuahua dogs gotta be good for something innit. Like terriers. We could have a Trump Rat Tunneling Hunting contest for tunneling dogs. Sell contestant fee, sell admission tickets, sell concessions, and sell, what? Sell Trump Rat Tunneling Hunting contest merchandise.

Wait, there's more. We could have Trump Bullshit Fights. With real bulls. And sell contestentadmssionconsessionsandmerchandise. How fun. Torero cape, shiny jacket, hat, pink tights, bull horns, bull tail. See, it's not so hard to think beyond KKK and hate

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What a sad bunch of posers and losers those protesters are. It is Memorial Weekend and no one invited them to the beach to play vollyball or body surf, to go boating on the lake, or to a great barbecue with adult beverages. All the things that 'normal' people in California do when it is a beautiful sunny spring almost summery extra long weekend.

Instead they make badly crafted signs, dress in their hipster gear and go marching around bothering other people who are just going about their own business. They are probably so annoying that they can only hang out with each other. Can you imagine the boredom of having to converse with one of these guys at a party. "Ummmm...yeah....all that is very interesting. Oh wait I see my cousin (or anyone else you can use as an excuse) on the other side of the pool...Catch you later.....I need to go refill my drink.....(run away as fast as I can)

Poor losers and posers, uninvited again :-D

Rabel said...

One day Trump's a David Duke loving Klansman, the next he's an ultra-liberal Manhattanite. You gotta admire his versatility.

rcocean said...

Those two look very Twee and Gay. Leftism seems to attract the Pajama Boy type. Not sure why.