What Ryan is trying to convince House Republicans to do is vote for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) which would fast-track at least three highly secretive trade deals—specifically the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP)—and potentially more deals.
Right now, TiSA and T-TIP text are completely secretive and unavailable for even members of Congress to read while TPP text is available for members to review—although they need to go to a secret room inside the Capitol where only members of Congress and certain staffers high-level security clearances, who can only go when members are present, can read the bill.
I am confused by this situation. Or maybe shocked. I don't know how to describe it, actually.
I live in Paul Ryan's district, and have worked on his elections. I'm on one of his district committees. And I just don't get why he is all over the media humping this damn bill. I thought Republicans were opposed to secret bills, to passing into law bills that hey cannot or have not read.
About 1 month ago, Hugh Hewitt had a debate on his radio show between two conservatives - one FOR the trade deal, and one AGAINST the trade deal.
note: Hewitt tired to remain neutral but said he was generally for it. Anyway, after I listened to the debate, I thought the guy who was against the trade deal made the better case.
Hey congress creature, c'mere, we're stripping away the last vestige of American sovereignty, but don't tell anyone cause it's a secret. So remember, hush hush.
If it can be public after it has been "approved" -- without knowing what is being approved, then it can be made public NOW -- the hell with whoever's political international relations will be offended.
Remember when "keeping secrets" was a bad thing unless we are hunting terrorists and protecting American citizens? Now the people who elected these people (snakes?) are too stupid to know what their "representatives" are doing and why?
No one should be allowed to vote then. Oh. Wait. That's what this is about, isn't it.
"If it can be public after it has been "approved""
Exactly. So the only reason to keep it secret now is to get something passed that could not survive the sunlight. This is what politician do when they know they get reelected no matter what they do.
I understand when at war keeping strategies, such as funding levels, secret. I get in Trade deals, so will be happy and others will not. But if anyone thinks our government should habitually pass secret laws and then levy them on the people afterwards, we have lost the Republic. You cannot be my representative while also hiding from me what you are doing for me.
Or we don't like this, perhaps we should get a million people to march on the Imperial City and demand to see this secret bill. What would they do shoot us if we charged the doors where they are keeping this bill? I would go.
I am confused by this situation. Or maybe shocked. I don't know how to describe it, actually.
I live in Paul Ryan's district, and have worked on his elections. I'm on one of his district committees. And I just don't get why he is all over the media humping this damn bill. I thought Republicans were opposed to secret bills, to passing into law bills that hey cannot or have not read.
This is rotten.
So have you called his office to find out why he's lost his fucking mind?
Maybe somebody has some dirt on Paul Ryan. That's what it smells like. He will have to answer for the secrecy business to his constituents. The question is, do they care?
Michael Haz said... I am confused by this situation. Or maybe shocked. I don't know how to describe it, actually.
I live in Paul Ryan's district, and have worked on his elections. I'm on one of his district committees. And I just don't get why he is all over the media humping this damn bill. I thought Republicans were opposed to secret bills, to passing into law bills that hey cannot or have not read.
Darrell Issa (my Congressional rep) is all on board with too. He's also big on wide-open H-1B visas. I won't be voting for him again.
Hook, Line & Sinker. ... well said by those below this title line:
JAL said ...
No one should be allowed to vote then. Oh. Wait. That's what this is about, isn't it.
Leland said ...
... if anyone thinks our government should habitually pass secret laws and then levy them on the people afterwards, we have lost the Republic. You cannot be my representative while also hiding from me what you are doing for me.
Methadras said...
I think it's safe to say now that we have lost our republic when hiding secret legislation...Seriously, it's time to start removing these people by force per AJ Lynch
MY COMMENT ... Just what was all that about "representative" governance again? This seeming innocuous action is one more severe step in the removal of the Legislative Branch and they seem to not know it or acknowledge it. Or they do not care...bought the kool aide already It's like a "Jim Jones" mass suicide of 535 representatives. "WTF" certainly fits here. "Representation" (??) by a very chosen, no make that politically selected few, and massive secrecy (armed protection?)...Just how can "trade bill(s) be so secret as to require such restricted oversight? Every state deserves to be heard before a vote. I might favor some of it, but not in the blind. It defeats the purpose of legislative debate and discussion. Short form: You, Joe & Jane Sixpack get no say...your "betters" do. Worst aspect...it seems to justify Obama's Administration, and Pelosi's & Reid's, methods...rule buy diktat....efforts to go around Congress (implemented by Congress)...e.g., if Congress can't or won't tell you what's going on, why bother?
Have we now reached the slimy bottom of that "slippery slope?"
I think AllenS is right ... in the 2nd comment no less. But it us worse than bad. Understated that it is...it is worse than "not good" ... it is depreciation of representation, in our unitied republic of one man/one vote states within a federal structure designed to give elected states' representatives first call, by the votes of the states, in short they don't get a vote with foreknowledge. Without knowledge, what is the point of a vote at all? Is that the idea for the future now that recent legislation has been the camel's nose in the tent flap?
It may be a "nervous Nelly" but I consider this worse than the Civil War, which had at least humanitarian & economic grounds for carrying out, not to mention the Revolutionary that was was all about representation per se.
Being from Michigan, land of the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the lapel pin. The last boon doggle tax increase for "roads" (actually only 66% for roads)was roundly defeated by a large margin by the electorate since it was put up as a referendum...funding all manner of nonsense & non-road pork....buried deep in the texts. Is that defeat meaningless now?
It sounds crazy & absurd, but we may very well have to storm the Capital as AJ Lynch implies? I'd join him if it comes down to that.
Short of violence, can a Constitutional Amendment be passed require a 60 day "read" of ALL legislation? Or would that require the hens to join the fox in the hen house?
We live in scary times and it appears we've become our own worst enemy.
I checked, and both my Senators supported the Trade Promotion Authority act that required trade text for public viewing be available for 60 days prior to Congressional vote. I expected Cruz to think that way, but I am happy to see John Cornyn onboard. I'm hoping to see my Representative say something about it, but then the House usually isn't involved in these things.
Thank you, Mr Ryan, for warning us.
Whether you meant to or not.
Not good.
I am confused by this situation. Or maybe shocked. I don't know how to describe it, actually.
I live in Paul Ryan's district, and have worked on his elections. I'm on one of his district committees. And I just don't get why he is all over the media humping this damn bill. I thought Republicans were opposed to secret bills, to passing into law bills that hey cannot or have not read.
This is rotten.
I found the bill online. Link here. Still not happy about the secrecy in the other bills.
What has happened to my beloved paul Ryan?
About 1 month ago, Hugh Hewitt had a debate on his radio show between two conservatives - one FOR the trade deal, and one AGAINST the trade deal.
note: Hewitt tired to remain neutral but said he was generally for it.
Anyway, after I listened to the debate, I thought the guy who was against the trade deal made the better case.
Hey congress creature, c'mere, we're stripping away the last vestige of American sovereignty, but don't tell anyone cause it's a secret. So remember, hush hush.
No no no no no no no.
If it can be public after it has been "approved" -- without knowing what is being approved, then it can be made public NOW -- the hell with whoever's political international relations will be offended.
Remember when "keeping secrets" was a bad thing unless we are hunting terrorists and protecting American citizens? Now the people who elected these people (snakes?) are too stupid to know what their "representatives" are doing and why?
No one should be allowed to vote then. Oh. Wait. That's what this is about, isn't it.
I have noticed a distinct decline in the level at which I am able to write about political and social things these days.
I never used to swear publically.
"If it can be public after it has been "approved""
Exactly. So the only reason to keep it secret now is to get something passed that could not survive the sunlight. This is what politician do when they know they get reelected no matter what they do.
Insta asks... why aren’t all these opposed Dems being accused of being “obstructionist” and probably racist, too?
I understand when at war keeping strategies, such as funding levels, secret. I get in Trade deals, so will be happy and others will not. But if anyone thinks our government should habitually pass secret laws and then levy them on the people afterwards, we have lost the Republic. You cannot be my representative while also hiding from me what you are doing for me.
Cmon people,our betters know best.
Or we don't like this, perhaps we should get a million people to march on the Imperial City and demand to see this secret bill. What would they do shoot us if we charged the doors where they are keeping this bill? I would go.
Michael Haz said...
I am confused by this situation. Or maybe shocked. I don't know how to describe it, actually.
I live in Paul Ryan's district, and have worked on his elections. I'm on one of his district committees. And I just don't get why he is all over the media humping this damn bill. I thought Republicans were opposed to secret bills, to passing into law bills that hey cannot or have not read.
This is rotten.
So have you called his office to find out why he's lost his fucking mind?
I wonder how this plays in Janesville.
Devastating-I loved him.
Maybe somebody has some dirt on Paul Ryan. That's what it smells like. He will have to answer for the secrecy business to his constituents. The question is, do they care?
Michael Haz said...
I am confused by this situation. Or maybe shocked. I don't know how to describe it, actually.
I live in Paul Ryan's district, and have worked on his elections. I'm on one of his district committees. And I just don't get why he is all over the media humping this damn bill. I thought Republicans were opposed to secret bills, to passing into law bills that hey cannot or have not read.
Darrell Issa (my Congressional rep) is all on board with too. He's also big on wide-open H-1B visas. I won't be voting for him again.
Hook, Line & Sinker. ... well said by those below this title line:
JAL said ...
No one should be allowed to vote then. Oh. Wait. That's what this is about, isn't it.
Leland said ...
... if anyone thinks our government should habitually pass secret laws and then levy them on the people afterwards, we have lost the Republic. You cannot be my representative while also hiding from me what you are doing for me.
Methadras said...
I think it's safe to say now that we have lost our republic when hiding secret legislation...Seriously, it's time to start removing these people by force per AJ Lynch
MY COMMENT ... Just what was all that about "representative" governance again? This seeming innocuous action is one more severe step in the removal of the Legislative Branch and they seem to not know it or acknowledge it. Or they do not care...bought the kool aide already It's like a "Jim Jones" mass suicide of 535 representatives. "WTF" certainly fits here. "Representation" (??) by a very chosen, no make that politically selected few, and massive secrecy (armed protection?)...Just how can "trade bill(s) be so secret as to require such restricted oversight? Every state deserves to be heard before a vote. I might favor some of it, but not in the blind. It defeats the purpose of legislative debate and discussion. Short form: You, Joe & Jane Sixpack get no say...your "betters" do. Worst aspect...it seems to justify Obama's Administration, and Pelosi's & Reid's, methods...rule buy diktat....efforts to go around Congress (implemented by Congress)...e.g., if Congress can't or won't tell you what's going on, why bother?
Have we now reached the slimy bottom of that "slippery slope?"
I think AllenS is right ... in the 2nd comment no less. But it us worse than bad. Understated that it is...it is worse than "not good" ... it is depreciation of representation, in our unitied republic of one man/one vote states within a federal structure designed to give elected states' representatives first call, by the votes of the states, in short they don't get a vote with foreknowledge. Without knowledge, what is the point of a vote at all? Is that the idea for the future now that recent legislation has been the camel's nose in the tent flap?
It may be a "nervous Nelly" but I consider this worse than the Civil War, which had at least humanitarian & economic grounds for carrying out, not to mention the Revolutionary that was was all about representation per se.
Being from Michigan, land of the only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the lapel pin. The last boon doggle tax increase for "roads" (actually only 66% for roads)was roundly defeated by a large margin by the electorate since it was put up as a referendum...funding all manner of nonsense & non-road pork....buried deep in the texts. Is that defeat meaningless now?
It sounds crazy & absurd, but we may very well have to storm the Capital as AJ Lynch implies? I'd join him if it comes down to that.
Short of violence, can a Constitutional Amendment be passed require a 60 day "read" of ALL legislation? Or would that require the hens to join the fox in the hen house?
We live in scary times and it appears we've become our own worst enemy.
BTW...I'd bet that 38 states would ratify such a mandatory 60 days "read" period for Congress and for the general public on line.
I checked, and both my Senators supported the Trade Promotion Authority act that required trade text for public viewing be available for 60 days prior to Congressional vote. I expected Cruz to think that way, but I am happy to see John Cornyn onboard. I'm hoping to see my Representative say something about it, but then the House usually isn't involved in these things.
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