Tuesday, January 28, 2014

First Drudge and now the professor.


deborah said...

? Did the president say that, or is that their reaction?

Icepick said...

I didn't need an exit plan, because I never entered.

Icepick said...

Also? If you do a Bing search on "Charlie fucking Chan" looking for the quotes from the dinner scene from Reservoir Dogs, you will instead get approximately four and a half million videos of Charlie fucking Chan, who must have the sorest ass on the internet.

Icepick said...

Diner scene, not dinner scene.

Icepick said...

But the reason I bring this up is, it's a toss-up on whether I'd rather have Chan's prolapsed sphincter or have to listen to an Obama SOTU. If I have to listen to the Republican response, too, I'd definitely rather be stuck with Chan's ass.

john said...

I thought the professor died.

john said...

Although I never saw the last episode. Did they finally get rescued?

deborah said...

I only listened to 50 minutes.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did the president say that, or is that their reaction?

I believe the initial Drudge tweet was triggered by bank failure rumors.

deborah said...

Thanks, Lem. Damn my procrastination. Note to self: keep gas tank full at all times.

General question: I think I heard recently that the stock market has recovered to pre-Crash levels. Is this true?

Icepick said...

I thought the professor died.

Yeah, but he was the professor, so he had a plan - with science, bitchez! He had his brain removed and placed into an Andrienne Barbeau bot, with great chain saw hands. BBBBBBBBZZZZZZZzzzzzzz!!!!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How does one critique a speech like tonight’s? It’s like trying to find rational structure in cotton candy. Poke it too much and it’ll just get all over you and make a big mess. Obama is like an actor stepping into a role that is larger than himself – a Brendan Fraser trying to take on a John Wayne role. He looks the part, he sounds the part, but the gravitas just isn’t there.

President Barack Obama spent more than an hour sweeping between a laundry list of proposals, anecdotes to hide his failures, and what can only be called lies about the state of the union. He took credit for an energy boom that he not only had nothing to do with, but that he has actively tried to stop. He touted Middle East policies that will end with an Iranian nuclear weapon and radical Islamists in control of at least one other state in the region, if not several. Obama never mentioned Pastor Saeed Abedini, the American who is imprisoned in Iran. He pushed for minimum wage hikes that won’t create jobs and may price some jobs off into robotic replacements, and which would only impact about 4% of the American work force. Meanwhile, the labor participation rate in Obama’s economy is still at a historic low. His record on jobs is awful.

Obama’s Mismatched, Misfit State of the Union Is In the Books

Michael Haz said...

Drudge's tweet was made at the end of last week when there were either rumors of bank failures coming in Asia, or one bank had limited withdrawals. That bank, HSBC, did limit withdrawals, but under pressure from depositors lifted those restrictions.

The largest bank in China has a massive payment due to investors at the end of this month. It has said that it cannot make that payment. There has been a lot of concern that this default will trigger a global crisis. The obligation was covered yesterday by an unnamed source. Rumor has it that the US printed billions of dollars for this purpose.

In the event you don't know, the total government debt in the world is now greater that the total currency in the world. One default will trigger a global crisis, a crash in stock an real estate values, and much more.

The exit plan is your way of getting to any banked cash you may have and securing it elsewhere. You might also want to stock up on dried food.

Why do you think the DHS has bought millions of rounds of ammo? Because when the money is gone, or is useless, all hell will break out. No social safety net. No pensions. Worthless 401(k) accounts.

Have an exit plan.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...the total government debt in the world is now greater that the total currency in the world.

I thought 'fiscal cliffs' was fear mongering.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...the total government debt in the world is now greater that the total currency in the world.

Crack says it's racist... or something.

Michael Haz said...

Here's a good article about Drudge's tweet.

Michael Haz said...

There is also speculation that Drudge was referring either to the Sochi Olympics or the Super Bowl. The threat of terrorist attacks in Sochi is real; who knows what's going on at the Meadowlands.

Insty hasn't clarified his identical comment.

deborah said...

Thanks, Haz.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

... who knows what's going on at the Meadowlands.

A lot people pissed off because the money tap the bowl was suppose to open is nearly a trickle.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm glad Troop volunteered to be Crack's token racist for awhile.

Better him than me.

virgil xenophon said...

Hazman is right. It's all a house of cards musical chairs thing. Fortunately I was in the position years ago when silver was $4/oz and gold $275/oz to lay in a comfortable supply--that and lots of bags of silver dimes for barter. Since then its been nothing but guns and ammo and foodstocks--and a fall-back position in the country on a dead-end street off a rural hwy where all the neighbors are likewise heavily armed..

Icepick said...

I deeply resent the comparison of Brendan Fraser (who's actually a pretty good actor - see Gods and Monsters for example) to Barack Obama. Even with the addition of John Wayne to the thing, that's just rude. Even if all he had done was Airheads and George of the Jungle, he'd still have more positive accomplishments to his credit than the President has to his.

Icepick said...

Haz with a long explanation of from which to have an exit plan:

And I still haven't entered. Ain't got no money to withdraw in any given week.

AllenS said...

Never leave home without a Plan B.

Michael Haz said...

It's not just money....time to make a stash of dried food. Beans, rice, dehydrated vegetables, TVP, etc. And a water filter/purifier, and small stove with fuel.

Ask yourself how you will make it of the electric grid goes down for two weeks. Or the food supply is seriously disrupted.

I'm not a prepper....but I do prepare.

edutcher said...

I think Drudge meant something like Costa Rica, but, if the world markets go down, 1929 is going to look like a picnic.

And I doubt there will be any place you can hide.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The exit plan is your way of getting to any banked cash you may have and securing it elsewhere. You might also want to stock up on dried food.

Way ahead of you guys. We have already lightened the bank accounts. Although if it gets really bad, cash will mean next to nothing. Gold won't mean much either. The guy down the street with the chickens and goats will be the rich one.

For years now, we have stocked up on food and other supplies. Mostly in case of bad weather, like what those of you in the East are experiencing. Those winters are the norm for us. This warm and dry weather is freakish. The other reason to stock up for us has been that we are very rural and IF there were a catastrophe, a natural one, like an earthquake in the coastal areas our food and other supplies would be cut off for some time.

Guns and ammo as well, of course. Note to self, get more shotgun shells and extra 22 longs. I have enough other ammo for now. We also have a big workshop that is full of tools, chain saws and automotive supplies.

Deborah has the right idea....keep your gas tank full. We have 6 vehicles and one diesel truck with dual tanks. They are all full all the time.

If anyone is interested here is an old listing of what is in the pumphouse/pantry. I buy new when we use the old, so we have basically the same contents now as then. We've added another coleman stove and some solar lanterns.

Inga, over at TOP, is always making fun of this. The laugh will be on her.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ooops. Forgot the link

Armageddon Pantry.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
