Sunday, January 29, 2017

What did you do during the war Grandma?

So many of the major contributions of the African American population has been unjustly ignored in our history. They have not be celebrated for their immense contribution to the war effort. This is of course because of the racist history of the United States that lingers to this very day.

The election of President Barack Obama as our first African American President has changed all of that. He has with the stroke of a pen declassified the true story of the contributions of black men and especially black woman during the darkest days of World World 2. 

The racist nature of most of the high command led them to place black troops in service occupations as truck drivers, stevedores and labor battalions. The female contingent were actually used as domestic servants and laundresses because of the racial attitudes of that time.

However there were some enlightened members of General Eisenhower's staff especially in the OSS the Office of Strategic Services which served as the espionage and intelligence for the American war effort. Under the direction of future celebrity chef Julia Child and OSS agent William Colby a group of brave African American women was gathered together to collect intelligence. Under the guise of being domestic servants and cooks in various venues throughout England before the invasion these brave woman made pancakes and washed skivvies while secretly copying papers and eavesdropping on conversations. But since they had to hide this from bigoted officers in our own army they had to pass on this information in code. Thus they were forced to use the queefing method of transmitting data now known as twatter. They would queef out coded data that trained signal corp officers would transcribe for the spy masters of the OSS.

This brave band of sisters came to be known as the Tuskegee Twatters.

(Vages for Victory, The Invention of Twatter By Doris Kearns Goodwin, Simon & Schuster 2009


ricpic said...

What about the espionage contribution of the High Yallers?! Talk about honey pots!!

edutcher said...

You never heard of the Yellow Rose of Texas.

chickelit said...

You never saw "The Dirty Dozen"?

Jim Brown could not outrun a machine gun, though :(

windbag said...

The Dirty Dozen...was one of them named Sanchez?

It's more fun to ask "Who did you do during the war, Grandma? Uncle Ted looks like he was adopted." Much livelier reaction.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Your sick mind is often amusing. lol.

edutcher said...

I hear they could do it underwater so it could be picked up on sonar.

OT, but so good, the Lefties are calling the defiance of "Trump's Border Patrol" (it's not Pissy's anymore) his "First Constitutional Crisis", happening now in DC as well as Gotham. Cory Booker is certainly running hard for '20.

Rinse is saying it may be expanded.

AllenS said...

As I was reading, I thought... where is this going?

The Dude said...

Cory Booker - the twofer (at least) minority candidate - perfect!

bagoh20 said...

My grandma was not named Rosie, but she did heat rivets in the early forties until my grandfather went off to war. Then, she was put in his seat as crane operator. I think she would have preferred house cleaning to working in an outdoor steel yard through those bitter Pennsylvania winters.

Known Unknown said...

Nary a mention of the Highland Flatulater Battalion.

Known Unknown said...

Those Scots could blow down any door, no matter how fortified it were.