Saturday, July 6, 2024

Friday, July 5, 2024

Check this out

Maybe she can get a gig in show biz

Looks like everybody's favorite female Democrat governor may have found her place under the bus.

In one of many pieces flying around the Net, there's a list of possible VPs for Chlamydia. Conspicuous for its absence is the name of the Obersturmbannfuhrerin from the Wolverine State. She dared try pull a Hillary and maneuver herself into position as first choice to replace Brandon. I think that's a violation of the Omerta, since no one makes a move unless the party bigs (or whomever is paying them off) approve.

And her autobiography hasn't even hit the bookstores yet.

Are the Demos afraid of an all-woman ticket? I realize the Chinese character for trouble is 2 women under the same roof, but doesn't that reek of sexism?

The names on the list are also interesting. All governors, all white males. Do the Demos think Chlamydia can't hack it as an administrator? She's had 4 years as border czar. Also no blacks. What about Spartacus? Is the DNC afraid of an all "black" ticket? What would George Floyd and Trayvon Martin say?

The Joe Must Go movement seems to have opened up several cans of worms and the wokified Democrat party is going to have fun screaming about any new ticket. Especially if Barry gets his (presumed) way and there's an open convention.

As yet another example of the silliness surrounding this mess (what a way to celebrate Independece Day), we have Hollyweird wailing how they've been lied to the last 4 years. Fake News has been trying manfully (or as close to cis-male as they dare get) to appear shocked, shocked, I say, that the lying dogfaced pony soldier doesn't have it all together, even though he claimed to be proud to be the first black woman to serve under a black female President.

As commentators are starting to notice, we haven't heard a peep out of the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne since the debate. If he could hand them a shovel, I presume he would. He's a generous guy.

* As a black woman, he commanded the 1st American Regiment at the Battle of the Crater, where he rescued the Vulcan Division from almost certain annihilation at the hands of Orson Welles' men from Mars.

On Consequence and Strength


As part of an art project I am working on, I was going through some of my old notebooks and papers today, looking for phrases and drawings that catch my eye and attention.  In doing so, I came across a small page with my father's writing on it, something from one of the little notebooks he used to keep.   Born in 1914 (d.1994) my dad had no dealings with the internet, and wasn't much of a typist, but would take the time needed to handwrite in tiny script with his gold Cross pen (always that pen with blue ink) the quotes, poems, and info that mattered to him and seemed worth saving.  All of that came to me to sort through after he died which means I've probably been holding that saved page with the following for the last 30 years.  Looking it up, I found the quote he'd copied had been written in the 1950's, by Virginia Satir.


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This may become a regular feature

In the interest of enlightenment, I create this post so that all those ignorant Lefties may see the light of reason (fat chance) and tolerance.

Here's an article on the immunity thing. Please note the date.

In its 1867 decision Mississippi v. Johnson, the Supreme Court established that the President is largely beyond the reach of the judiciary by holding that it could not direct President Andrew Johnson in how he exercised his purely executive and political powers.1 The Court stated, it had no jurisdiction . . . to enjoin the President in the performance of his official duties.2

See? 1867? Like a hundred years ago. Right after Brandon freed all the slaves with his Magan Carta, written by the two Tommies, Roe and James.

For those who need to shut somebody up, please feel free to use.

Lest you resort to violence.

On Key Conversations & Worse


Monday, July 1, 2024

On Storms, Microbursts & Circling Vultures


Last week Tuesday, a thunderstorm delivering a microburst of 70mph straight line winds moved through our area in West MI on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.  Five huge oaks in the woods in front of our house went down, blocking our drive and street.  While the next door neighbor, with trees similar to ours, barely lost a branch, the house five lots down had 10 more huge trees toppled over or snapped off at the trunk.  As the storm fanned out, more than half of the roads in our county were rendered impassable due to downed trees and powerlines.   The randomness of the devastation and amount of damage done was amazing and awful to see.  Four days of round the clock work were needed to clear the roads and repair the power lines, with sawing and chipping continuing to happen to deal with the mounds of debris and fallen wood left behind.  

Within the span of 10 minutes, a landscape that had been part of the picture for years was permanently and irreversibly changed.  Hundreds of healthy trees capable of enduring and withstanding decades of brutal winds and icy Michigan winter weather had been pushed over as if they were feathers, left on their sides with roots exposed, unable to be righted or restored back to life again.   All it took was one seemingly isolated storm.   A microburst.

So too with the debate.  Regardless of what comes next, the landscape has been irreversibly changed, with millions viewing the wreckage,  damage control in full swing, and the vultures circling.

Not the biggest

OK, I'm going to usurp TOP's place and talk about a ruling by the Supremes.

Not much, since I'm not all that qualified, but I think it's that important we give credit where it's due. The ruling about immunity is not the biggest thing to come out today.

Really. It may underscore what common sense would tell most people is the way things ought to be, but that shouldn't have to be done. 

Unless the country is dominated by Leftist lunatics.

The biggie IMHO is LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISES ET AL. v. RAIMONDO because it takes substantial power away from regulatory bureaucracies and puts it in the hands of the courts, which in turn puts it in the hands of the people. Not always a win for the people, given all the Lefty hacks who wear black dresses, but at least it gives us some redress.

This is the Clarence Thomas effect. It's why he will go down as possibly the most influential Justice of all time, as well as the greatest defender of the Constitution. We've seen some of the Conservatives vote against him and I've disagreed (for all that's worth) when his opinion was based more on tradition or a moral code than anything else, but it doesn't becloud the body of his work as a whole.

Too bad Brandon isn't coherent enough to reflect on the "high tech lynching of uppity blacks". He was one of the lynchers, along with Teddy Kennedy, and now stands, his life of corruption and deviance exposed, in contrast to the sterling reputation of Justice Thomas. 

This isn't a fan letter, but an appreciation of someone whose intellectual and moral weight deserves a lot more praise than he gets.

Then again, the Lone Ranger was content to leave a silver bullet on the sheriff's desk, too.