Michael Yon, whose missives to my inbox tend to contain a call to attention and preparation, along with truths and genuine concerns that ride the edge of doom and gloom, sent a video link yesterday. It went to one of those in-the-moment cartoon drawings on whiteboard illustrations/explanations, presented by After Skool. This one, liberally sprinkled with paintings and quotations, was entitled "A Killing of the Mind", on the subject of Mass Psychosis--how an entire population becomes mentally ill. As I was watching it, part of me felt like I was being sold something and another part was saying, "Oh, my! Does this make sense or what??" Figuring out where to land after taking it in involved looking up Gustav Le Bon, Joost Meerloo, and Vaclav Havel for a start. Toward the end of the video, a five fingered approach (referred to in the vid as "multi-pronged!) to the problem of mass psychosis was listed, coincidentally providing yet another possible answer to the earlier question of which finger to lift!
From the video, the first step in their approach is to "bring order to our own minds, and live in a way that provides inspiration to others". Then commit to:
-Spread information that counters propaganda as far and wide as possible, for "truth is more powerful than the fiction and falsities pedaled by would be totalitarian rulers".
-Use humor and ridicule to delegitimize the ruling elite
-Construct "Parallel Structures" (per Vaclav Havel) as any form of organization--business, institution, technology, or creative pursuit that exists physically within a totalitarian society yet morally outside of it. (more explanation at the 19:15 mark)
-Action, practiced by as many people as possible, in a deliberate, concerted effort to move the world back in the direction of freedom
Here's the link, (which I can't get to imbed) for your own consideration as you regard the dilemma of what to believe, how to move forward and which finger you may or may not wish to raise: