Monday, June 17, 2024

Much like the Gods of the Copybook Headings...

Benjamin Franklin, Master Will, and the Bible, you have to hand it to old Aesop.

When he nailed it, he damned well nailed it to the freakin' wall with tenpenny nails.

In one of the more delicious twists of fate this political year, it's beginning to dawn on the ponderous thinkers of the Left that no matter how good things may look in prospect, one still needs to be careful of that for which you wish, you may get it.

In this case, certain former Presidents (although, given the dragnet thrown wide by the Demos since J6, any official or even citizen) can now be hauled into a kangaroo court and get the Roland Freisler treatment. Which leads us to, in no particular order, Willie Whitewater and his jaunts on the Lolita Express (and accounts payable), both of the Ozarks for what they did to Haiti, the Big Guy and his 10%, as well as, one surmises, Pelosi Galore for her stock deals, Eric Holder for Fast and Furious, and various Democrat governors for their conduct during the lockdown (arresting people for trying to go to church, all manner of miscues regarding kung flu victims in nursing homes, etc).

The list is endless and, as many of the Rs who doublecrossed Trump on J6 have begun to realize, if they can get him, they can get them, too. They finally get the idea the object of all this lawfare is a one party state and not a Uni-Party state.

I've been saying this on various comment boards since The Verdict came down and, as Charlie Brown once observed, "It's thrilling to be recognized in one's own lifetime". What's more satisfying is that, for all their mudslinging, if Trump is re-elected, all will depend on the character of The Outlaw President.

Will he want to play The Ringo Kid or John Reid?

Stay tuned for our next exciting episode. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

RIP to the Logo

Jerry West has passed. "Mr. Clutch" was one of the best basketball players I had ever had the pleasure to watch in person. I remember seeing him in the 1970 NBA finals against the Knicks. He was the epitome of "White Basketball" which is gone today. You see there was a constant battle between the NBA and ABA style. The ABA style has come to dominate the league. 3 pointers, no defense, high scoring, and no passing. That is why ratings have precipitously declined and the reason why the new outrageous TV deals are so foolish.

The influence of white people in the NBA is not encouraged anymore because of black racism. Witness the attacks on Caitlin Clark in the WNBA which is the angry black woman's league. They are doing everything they can do to drive her out of the league when she is only bringing interest to their sad ship of fools. 

I used to have season tickets. 

I have not seen a game for the past ten years.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ol' Sleepy does it again

This is too cute.

If you've followed the ups and (mostly)  downs of the Democrat party, you know they've been hemorrhaging blacks, Hispanics, women, and kids, as well as vets, working stiffs, well-to-dos, and anybody else dumb enough to live in a blue state that's sick of Shiite in the streets.

So, are there any more shoes to drop?

Oy gevalt!

In their rush to pander to the Middle Eastern vote, the Demos have cast the Jews to one side. It started, of course, when Benjamin Netanyahu ate Zippy's lunch live on global TV. Things didn't improve under the lying dogfaced pony soldier since he didn't attend temple after going to morning Mass (in your dreams) and then to AME services (sure...), but his attempt at full court obeisance to Hamas (which laid a big egg) while trying to keep the Jewish vote tied down seems to be the last straw.

If Sultan Knish has the goods, the Jewish vote is following Chuck Heston to the Promised Land of Trump votes, or at least the Sinai of no donations to the Demos. 

Any of them.

Since Trump raised >200 Million, 30% of which was from small donors, and got a 6 point bump in the polls (most significantly in the ones that sample likely voters), losing the Jews would be a huge last straw for the Demos.

Given we still have the debates and all kinds of leaks about how fuzzy Sleepy really is, this might be that bridge too far the demos fear. An unstealable election.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Vladimir IIych Ulyanov rides again.

If you've been wondering what's happening to Medicare (some of my prescriptions aren't covered anymore and it was a fight to get my insurer to cover my 4 stents being put in), here's your answer.

I'll copy in the salient parts, but the rest is a short read.

Biden’s full-frontal assault on Medicare is becoming visible to America’s seniors. It will result in fewer patient choices, reduced benefits, and ultimately worse health outcomes. Biden’s efforts, assisted by Congressional Democrats, are destroying Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage.

CVS Aetna Chief Financial Officer Tom Cowhey told investors that the company may shed up to 10 percent of their four million MA enrollees next year. Humana CFO Susan Diamond suggested 5 percent of their enrollees may be dropped.

The Democrats promised that their Inflation Reduction Act would increase drug coverage for seniors... But seniors will be shocked on Oct. 1 when their Part D premiums skyrocket. Premiums were up 21percent last year and are likely to jump 50 percent this year. 

Nikolai Lenin told his apparatchiks. "Accuse them of what we do". Demos have been doing that since Social Security was passed.

If you know anybody who still thinks the Demos are protecting the Social Security empire, pass this along.

The God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne becomes The Outlaw President (and, yes, we're winning)

Who was sexier - Jesse James or Louis XIV, Robin Hood or Henry V, Wild Bill Hickok or Kaiser Bill?

All the Demos have is a real criminal who people can't stand.

The Trump campaign raised a record $53 million in one day, mostly from small donors, and, for 10 hours, people couldn't access the site to donate. One Australian said, "I can't donate, but I can buy merch". Joe Manchin, violating the omerta, resigned from the Democrats. Even the Undocumented Democrats who sold him out, up to and including Cocaine Mitch (what's left of them) are rising up to denounce what happened (we'll see how long this lasts, but it's a little like the people who knew (or suspected) what was really happening to the Jews in Europe 80 years ago - if they can do it to them, they can do it to us (and, yes, the Catholic Church was on the agenda, as may have been the Protestants)).

Even now, some Democerats are getting very antsy. One has even asked Gov Kathy Hochul to pardon Trump. Even Zippy's polical guru (and the man likely pulling Brandon's strings), said dumping him now is a pipe dream. Brandon may give his trademark smirk, but it shows many people the petty, mean, vindictive, and narcissistic creep underneath.

Basket of Deplorables writ bigly.

One more point that can't be discounted. Most people admire bravery at the abyss. In an interview, Trump acknowledged the possibility of jail. With that goes the possibility of being Epsteined.

Love him or hate him, the man has guts.

On Lack of Conviction & A Not Possible for Either One Strategy