When I heard our glorious governor, Michael DeWidiot, had been re-elected, I smelled a rat. Few people in OH were/are as despised as he. Then the Demos whined about a second referendum on abortion, which they lost badly first time around. They got one, to the surprise of many and mirabile dictu this time they got their way.
So, yeah, I knew something was up, but the Demos and Undocumented Democrats, DeWidiot chief among them, covered their tracks a little better. But now we know.
I'm awash in too much winning. With 47 on the job, I have more to read, look through and consider than I have time to handle. Today's signing at the White House, of another EO making another one of his promises good, this time for women in sports, was powerful and sweet to see. If I don't know where to look and focus in the midst of all that's going down, I can't imagine what it's like for those who are used to controlling and shaping the newscycle!
They know there's 3 years, 11 months, and 2 weeks more of this. And today's Show-Up-Or-Clear-Out-Your-Desk Day. I don't doubt they think he's bluffing.
He's not.
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