Thursday, February 27, 2025

It all makes sense.

We knew Social Security was crooked, but it took Elon Musk and the Whiz Kids to show us just how crooked. This is why the Democrats were always screaming, "They gon' take away you Sosh Security". They knew once somebody started digging, they'd find the biggest scandal in American history.

When it started, it was basically a second income tax without any of the exemptions or deductions. At a time when it was only for people who worked outside the home and set retirement at 65, most men's life expectancy was 57 - 62. So that little bribe to put up with another income tax slipped right through.

Then came the end of WWII and with it, the introduction of antibiotics into the civilian market. Now men lived to 65 and beyond and the Demos found a political cash cow, so they demagogued anyone who wanted to make it better.

Until the Lone Ranger and his faithful African companion began investigating. Now people are finding out how they've been had.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

"How could Elon do this???" is the cry delivered in a whine as a question. I holds the same phrase in my mind with an exclamation mark of admiration for his courage, drive and tenacity. I'm thankful Trump has surrounded himself this time around with competent men and women who are commited to support him and his agenda.