Saturday, March 12, 2022

On Butter in the Mouth, "Simply Not True" & All That’s Left is the Shouting

Have you seen yesterday's clip of Joe Biden angrily shouting about inflation and how he’s “sick of this stuff”?  Stuff that, according to him, is  “Simply. Not. True!”   It’s a wonder to behold.  A wonder of deception, affirmation and revelation tied up and delivered in eight words that directly express what a great many people, regardless of political persuasions, have been thinking and feeling.  Left or Right, Deplorable or Woke, Pro Joe, Pro Trump or Otherwise, Vaxed or Unvaxed, For or Against Masking and Mandates:  Who isn’t sick of this stuff?  Who hasn’t taken in or made decisions over the past two years based on information, propaganda (or Science!) that they’ve come to believe Simply. Isn't. True?

While his response first appears to be “all Joe”, I’m wondering if there’s more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye, as the words themselves carry and deliver a canny and convincing clop of psy-ops.  On top of the dementia setting in, in addition to him being a liar and a politician skilled in saying things that are Simply. Not. True, he also appears to know how (either through coaching or learned savvy) to use and twist what is true to his advantage.  With the hell of it all being that what was said, and the tone of it actually matches some of the fury felt, while covering the feelings and thoughts of a large and diverse group of fellow Americans.  It resonates on a deep level, even when “Simply. Not. True." would be an accurate and telling epithet for the man standing there declaring it as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

The post that drew my attention to shouting, which in turn led to subsequent thoughts on resonation, fitting epithets, and congealed butter, was Robert Spencer’s “Angry Biden Shouts, ‘I’m Sick of This Stuff,’ Lashes Out at Those Who Blame Him for Inflation” over at PJMedia.  With this as his conclusion:

"What’s happening to the American economy is entirely the fault of the old man who is shouting about how sick and tired he is of people saying it’s his fault and of the bright young Leftists with whom he has filled his administration and who are anxious to seize as much of the fruit of the labors of the American people as they can, so as to finance their various utopian boondoggles. It is perhaps a symptom of the deep crisis in American society, or at least of the malignant forces that are operating in America today, that a man so utterly frivolous and irresponsible as Joe Biden would become president and do so in his dotage, bereft of the glib and smiling veneer he put on his dishonest presentations in earlier days. All that is left of him now is the shouting."

Update:  The Other McCain has a post up with another take on Biden's simply-not-true statement at:   

Quote of Biden's words:  "So, I’m sick of this stuff. We have to talk about it because the American people think the reason for inflation is the government is spending more money. Simply not true. I don’t think we need any lectures from our friends on the other side about fiscal responsibility, for God’s sake. Look, we have an ambitious agenda. So let’s go get it done."


edutcher said...

I'm sure he said all this when he flunked 3rd grade. For him, Living in De Nile is a way of life.

He's always smarter than whomever disagrees with him. He wouldn't know the truth if God told him.

a politician skilled in saying things that are Simply. Not. True, he also appears to know how (either through coaching or learned savvy) to use and twist what is true to his advantage

Problem is, he doesn't and never did know how to use and twist what is true to his advantage. Everybody saw through his lies. Even his own party can't stand him. The only reason he's where he is is because he was the only old white man who could be counted on to go along to get along.

Bernie still has a mind.

MamaM said...

There is an element of cunning involved with living in De Nile. While the emotion Biden displayed in those two statements was most likely fueled by his dementia, overall foolishness, and defensive self-righteousness, there was also a part of what he said that tapped on the door of truth. That's how bullies and the unholy operate. Those two exclamatory statements were the bread for his bullsh*t sandwich. Psaki does something similar, prefacing her outright lies with feigned interest and the seemingly sincere mention of something twisted that sounds true or might be true (or was previously fobbed off as true)before delivering the more blatant lie.

Trooper York said...

It is obvious that he is suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer's.

I have dealt with several family members who had it and he hit all the benchmarks.

I expect that he is standing at the top of the stairs in his pajamas and is demanding that they check if the mail has come and that someone has stolen his check.

We are so fucked.

edutcher said...

This only ends when people stand en masse and go to DC and demand an end. All as I have said before. This is an extra-Constitutional situation and it will require an extra-Constitutional action to rectify.

Kind of like the truckers in Canuckistan but one led by people with more gravel than your average Libertarian who are simply burning up gas driving around the Beltway.

All that said, rising prices do it every time. Just ask Louis and Marie.