Saturday, March 12, 2022

On Humor and Coping Tools

From Robert Malone's substack: two of the Friday Funnies he posted, along with a link to his article on: "Science News: Ivermectin Is Associated with Decreased Mortality as well as improved outcomes, more data on myocarditis after vaccination.  Not holding my breath for apologies from medical boards, legacy and social media".

Hard to pick a favorite from this week's Powerline cartoons, as there were many I liked.  Oddly enough, the one that made me laugh isn't really funny, but captures how I felt looking at the three taking up space in top leadership positions at the SOTU.  

In keeping with this I suppose:  "Using Humor as a Coping Tool: If used in the right way, humor is a way to take depression down a notch, a way to tell the truth and a way to cope."


edutcher said...

Shift Change reminds me of Ralph and Sam, the Looney Tunes series about the wolf and the sheepdog.

It's interesting Dr Evil wants the Western Allies to destroy Communism, not only Russia, but Red China, as well. He presumably assumes he's ruined the West and wants them to destroy the Reds, so he will have gotten back at all who brought down his beloved Fuhrer.

It would appear the world is run by senile old men. We're playing Ralph and Sam with nucular weapons.

MamaM said...

It would appear the world is run by senile old men.

Appears so. Appreciating the link to Soro's op-ed, with him at 91 adding his two cents and
another wrinkle to the mix.