Wednesday, March 23, 2022

On Pettifoggers, Pillocks and Ninnyhammers


Seeing the snow melt and feeling the heat of the sun, while enjoying the return of more evening light, has been stirring a sense of dormant hope in me.  Our neck of the woods is once again waking up for spring. The birds are calling to secure mates and boundaries, and the warm days and cold nights have set the stage for the sap to start running, with maple sugaring underway in MI for the next three weeks.  I’m looking forward to the 100 plus bulbs we bought at the end of season sale (and managed to get in the cold ground the day before the first snow fell), poking up, along with the arrival of what could be termed a host of daylily-starts, on their way from Smokey’s Garden. 

All in all, it’s a time of blessing and goodness made real, even more so by the fact that I’m now able to be out and about again after living through The Two Weeks to Slow the Spread–Turned into Two Years of Cluelessness, Withheld Information, and Convoluted Vaccine, Mask and Mandate Propaganda.      The fear I carried for two years (of being unable to breath, put on a ventilator and dying a dreadful death from Covid, or losing loved ones to it) and the anxiety I contended with over conflicting and limited information, unsure whether to risk the vax or risk the virus, has finally eased with our survival from Omicron.  What I’m feeling now, however, in the midst of this burst of life, is a deep vibration of anger.  

To the point, where I’ve found myself looking for a word description to hold and convey the revulsion I feel for the three who are currently bumbling around, flapping their hands, and floundering in their attempts to effectively lead and govern our nation from the highest held positions in Washington.

 A Trio of  Mendacious Ninnyhammers was the best I could do without resorting to cursing, with Two Dotards and a Shyster (or maybe a pettifogger?) coming in as a close second.  I found the synonyms for ninny telling as well, with half or more of them a fit for one or the other in that trio, as a goose, loony, madman, nut, featherbrain, scatterbrain, boor, cad, churl, clown, creep, cur, heel, jerk, skunk, snake. stinker, villain.  

Beyond anger over their obviously compromised abilities and their ongoing willingness to tell and promote lies, is my disgust with the media who cover for them, overlooking and hiding what is clearly present and there to be seen.

This, by Joe Concha from The Hill today, goes back to Leslie Stahl's interview of Trump, in which her cool contempt for him stood out as I watched the interview unfold, fostering the impression that he was a bumbler who was misled, foolish and misspoken and she was the calm, cool, person in the know.  When in reality, he was the one in the know; and in place of him today we have foolish, corrupt, bumbling, misspoken, mendacious shysters, pettifoggers, pillocks and ninnyhammers misleading the nation with pretense and lies

"And then there was this incredible exchange between President Trump and CBS’s Lesley Stahl during a contentious “60 Minutes” interview regarding the anchor's refusal to broach the Hunter Biden story: 

“This is the most important issue in the country right now?” Stahl condescendingly asked Trump when he broached Hunter's laptop. 

“It’s a very important issue to find out whether a man’s corrupt who’s running for president, who’s accepted money from China, and Ukraine, and from Russia,” Trump replied. “Take a look at what’s going on, Leslie, and you say that shouldn’t be discussed? I think it’s one of the biggest scandals I’ve ever seen, and you don’t cover it.”

“Well, because it can’t be verified,” Stahl retorted. “I’m telling you —”

“Of course it can be verified,” Trump retorted. “Excuse me, Lesley, they found a laptop." 

“It can’t be verified,” Stahl repeated. 

It couldn't be verified back then, of course, because almost no outlets bothered to use their resources to verify it.  

Instead, most of the media relied on 51 former U.S. intelligence officials, many proven to be partisan actors on cable news, to declare in an open letter that Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents appeared to be the product of Russian disinformation. The signatories of said letter included anti-Trump former intelligence officials John Brennan (former CIA director, current NBC/MSNBC national security analyst), James Clapper (former director of national intelligence, current CNN analyst) and Jeremy Bash (former CIA chief of staff, current MSNBC analyst). 

So, did these former intelligence officers have proof to back up their claim?  

Of course not."


edutcher said...

It all comes out.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

The Victor Davis Hanson quote posted on at Insty today nails it, noting "an angry public worn out by elite incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance".

Elite Incompetence, Arrogance, Ignorance.

With the obvious doddering and lying coming through as the top and bottom of that sh*t sandwich.

ampersand said...

Pretty galling that the MSM is out talking about the laptop now without mentioning their suppression of it. Same thing happened with Lewinsky. My take is that the knives are out for Joe and they want their historic dream girl in before the midterms.
BTW I look for the RINOS to do absolutely nothing should they take over. No impeachments, no budget cuts, no firing of federal bureaucrats. They'll spend the next couple of years stomping on any Trumpists or Tea Partiers if any are left.

edutcher said...

I remember when Dan Blather reported with considerable alarm the possible collapse of the USSR.

Yesterday, Insty had a piece on the war in Europe being the end of globalism.

Your lips to God's ears, as it were. You want globalism gone, bring down Red China.

Or RICO The Democrat Party.