Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Tom Ford

One video of Ford, another of Trump. Full disclosure, I didn't watch either of them.


edutcher said...

These nitwits are so eager to proclaim they want nothing to do with Trump, it never occurs to them he wants nothing to do with them.

ricpic said...

Melania will just have to settle for a respectable Republican cloth coat, like Pat.

Which brings up the question: is it taboo nowadays for everyone, even First Ladies, to wear fur?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Just got done watching "The Secret of Kells." Pretty good, I thought. Visually impressive.

Wife had the lights on in the room too bright.

She fell asleep on the sofa and so I turned them off.

Even better.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Who needs that ghastly Hunger Games wear anyway?

Hollywad +fashion elites can pound sand.

Become a lumber-sexual, like me. It's ezee.

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...

Who needs that ghastly Hunger Games wear anyway?

It's called Maoist wear. Drabiness and clothing imprisonment all in one style.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Did you ever see the first Hunger Games, Meth?

The fancy "correct" people in the film (the liberals) all wear over the top gaudy tacky bright colored gowns with over the top hair. Really, the same sort of clownish clothing you see on a fashion runway or at a self-congratulatory hollywad award show.

deborah said...

Too trashy for Melania:

ampersand said...

Which brings up the question: is it taboo nowadays for everyone, even First Ladies, to wear fur?

I think the current FLOTUS grew her own.

chickelit said...

Barack Obama was the first POTUS since Benjamin Harrison to sport a full beard.

chickelit said...

Tom Ford is a modern day Robert Ford; a coward who shot a legend for a reward.

chickelit said...

Hmm... whom will Tom Ford dress this year?

Lena Dunham?

Meryl Strep?


Lady Gaga?

AllenS said...

Let Tom Ford dress the animal that Melania's fur came from.

Leland said...

I never heard of Tom Ford before yesterday. Not once. I thought about various designers and could come up with about ten of them, but the only Ford would be a car designer, that I would caveat as being less a designer of cars than of factories.

Seriously, this Tom Ford guy saying stupid things is in league with John Jones or Robert Smith saying something. I'm sure all three exist (I probably even know a Bob Smith), but they are otherwise a random name.

Leland said...

So, I just stopped in the breakroom, and as normal CNN is on because a prog that comes in early morning always flips it to that channel. I saw one of their new countdown clocks designed to conflate importance by noting urgency. Earlier, if mistakenly showed just 24 hours until Trump's inauguration at 9am EST (I wish), because CNN thought the start of their coverage was the same as the Constitution.

Anyway, I digressed a bit. The newest timer was the start of an inauguration concert. Why this is important; I didn't immediately understand. And then I did, cause it will show who dared to perform. But then I thought why is this really important and when did such a thing become important? What's the history?

The best I can figure is that a festival for inauguration should be something that highlights the strength of a society. The soviets wouuld role tanks, missiles, and fly planes. We have some of that mixed with arts, such as concerts, poetry, and visual things like designer clothes.

But Trump won't have much of this. The thought by the left is because he doesn't deserve it. But if we had a great society, wouldn't these things still be in such abundance that the few limitations would match the probability that Trump would get elected? (I.e. At least 40% of the people voted for Trump).

Then it hit me; after 8 years of Obama, the US is in worse shape. What greatness we had is held by a small few who wish to control it all. Therefore, the festival will be smaller and bleaker to match the society we live in today.

Tomorrow, things will be at a low. But tomorrow starts the process of Making America Great Again.

chickelit said...

Prediction: Tom Ford will be the go-to designer on the Oscars red carpet. They will make sure to drop his s name as well.

deborah said...

At least it's not MSNBC, Leland. In a waiting room I'd have to ask them to at least mute that.

Trooper York said...

I thought Tom Ford mostly did Mens wear?

In any event as Trump says who cares. This is fashion virtue signaling.

Leland said...

Deborah, occasionally I see MSNBC. I work for a mostly European company with a US base. CNN is usually ignored, because its what most know and expect. MSNBC is universally disliked. Once you tell a few that Fox News is like Sky News; all is good.