Thursday, January 26, 2017


Overheard at Lem's:

AprilApple said...

Is that Rod Stewart? wow - he looks like crap.

Men who look and dress like women tend to be harshly judged by women on their looks. Just sayin'.

That looks to be Carmine Appice playing the metronomic beat in that 1978 video. You've probably never heard of him but he coached and schooled many drummers more famous than he. He must have been paid really well for that one, in which he essentially played a robot. 


edutcher said...

Rod was a grave digger and he always looked it.

chickelit said...

There's a good take on the DoS "resignations" up at Power Line right now: link

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Carmine Appice - he looks like Rod Stewart. put blonde spiky hair on him and he's Rob Stewart all over again.

chickelit said...

Was that anywhere near Columbine, April?

chickelit said...

The didn't call the look "androgynous" for nuthin'.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Nope. North and west suburbia. unincorporated boonies at the time. Near Golden and Arvada.

deborah said...

Thank you, chick. Deborah is in the land of middle-age crunch, which would be better described as middle-age crush. I'm surrounded by death and birth, and see life as the endless prospect of 'showing up', as Woody Allen phrased it. (Anyone so inclined, please refrain from Woody Allen lectures. I know.)

I'm so grateful for what I have. So Grateful. But it is so hard dealing with the grief of the dying, the grief of their loved ones, your own grief, and the regrets that surface of how you could have been a better person.

chickelit said...

I'm surrounded by death and birth, and see life as the endless prospect of 'showing up', as Woody Allen phrased it.

That makes you part of the future. Hang in there for now.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I deleted my memory lane because I named someone. Best not do that.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Gratitude is one of the best things in life. Feeling it, knowing it... The big things and the small things.

Sorry, Deborah, if you are dealing with a death in the family. (Not that you are... but if you are...)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

the 80's summed up by Boy George.

deborah said...

Thank you, chick and April...just in overwhelm, thought I'd swing by here for tea and sympathy from my dear friends here.

The Dude said...

Hang in there - keep breathing, be grateful and be thankful for another day.

deborah said...

Thank you, Sixty. I pledge I will, and also grow up, belatedly. 'Night, all.

chickelit said...

@April: I once stayed overnight at the home of friend who lived down the street from the Hinckleys. Same culdesac. That was 1978, a couple years before he did that deed. He was probebly down in the basement.

Another thing I recall from the time was hiking around there and being shown - from a distance - what was said to have been Clark Gable's hunting lodge. even then, you could see slow encroachment. sort of like really stage encroachment on The Stanley Hotel.

chickelit said...

The video exemplifies what British punk was reacting to.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I am convinced, and have been convinced for a long time, that deborah is a good person with a beautiful soul.

Donny Genaro said...

the regrets that surface of how you could have been a better person

When my mother died her 90 yr old sister told me to not let guilt get started, that it has a way of creeping in.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

chick - wow. He was probably down there, watching Jodi Foster films into the wee hours.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I've never heard of Clark Gable's hunting lodge.

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, The older I get the more I see the importance of gratitude. Being a positive person, that comes fairly naturally to me. I sense it does to you as well. Grief offers a unique challenge. For me, allowing the grief to flow over me is comforting. I visualize myself laying on the shore of the ocean and having gentle waves just wash over me. After a certain time, I then go back to gratitude. My prayers are for your peace and of gratitude that you are part of us.

deborah said...

Bat, DB, and Nick, thank you for your comforting words. I will try your visualization, Nick.