Thursday, January 26, 2017

‘I Don’t Think That It Served Our Purpose’

Cyndi Lauper on Madonna’s Women’s March Speech...


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

What story?

The 'I hate daddy but daddy must pay for my tampons, birth control and abortions. right after George Clintonopolous lies and claims the GOP are going to remove all the tampons from the store shelves?'

That story?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Is that Rod Stewart? wow - he looks like crap.

ricpic said...

Humanity. Is that the new sacred word they'll fling at us to cover their Marxist assault on same?

The Dude said...

Is she still having fun?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"We're victims!" insist Hollywood wimin. Then they speed off in their Mercedes and retreat to their gated ivory towers.

Rabel said...

Ha! I thought AprilShowers was making a joke about Lauper looking like Stewart. But I see that Stewart is actually in the video.

He's 72. How do you think he should look? What are you going to look like at 72?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"Next time I feel the urge to get married I'll just find some woman I hate and give her my house."

I heard that attributed to Rod Stewart.

Can't recall whether he was supposed to have said that before or after he got his stomach pumped.

edutcher said...

Nice to see somebody gets it.

Synova said...

If you're not as obnoxious as possible and getting people who already agree with you to be angry together, then you might end up without an enemy to fight and what fun would that be?

ndspinelli said...

Madonna and most of these shrill bitches are dumber than a bag o' hammers. Lauper seems to have some intelligence.

chickelit said...

When has Madonna Jane Hudson ever served any purpose but her own? She's a fraud.

Amartel said...

"Lauper seems to have some intelligence."
And talent; Cyndi can sing!

Amartel said...

Rod pretty much looks like he always does. Seems bored by the discussion about the march. Possibly napping. Probably unclear on why there's so much shouting about pussy. That's not how you get pussy! Only becomes animated when drinking time arrives, God bless him.

It's funny that one guy markets a line of shows that can only be described as Bad for Women (those horrible housewives) and the other has had more pussy than he can remember, volume pussy, but Trump talking about how his celebrity allows him to take liberties with ladies, a truth commonly acknowledged on even the most leftish gossip/news sites, is the villain.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Rabel - I am going to look fabulous at 72.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I was unfair to Rod. He's still pretty sexy.

Third Coast said...

For celebrity talk, that was some deep shit right there.

Known Unknown said...

Camille Paglia can have her Madonna moment, but we all know when I was growing up in the 80s in was Cyndi Lauper who blew our minds the first time in her video for "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." It was new and refreshing and interesting in a way Madonna could never be.

Known Unknown said...

Cyndi also preceded Louise by about 6 months on the 80s pop timeline.

chickelit said...

I liked Lauper's "Time After Time" better than "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun."

I'm mopey like that.

Chip Ahoy said...

She grabbed my heart when she sang Money Changes Everything and climbed into metal trash can and was lifted over the audience in Houston.

The Dude said...

I eschewed pop music for a decade, but for a brief period in the early '80s I had cable, and cable had MTV. I was there for Devo, Cyndi Lauper, et al.

Toni Basil FTW.

Then pop became grunge and died, for me, again.

chickelit said...

@Sixty: The first few years of MTV were the golden years. I saw it too. They basically spawned the second British Invasion. Grunge, which was always around, devopled concurrently, but mostly "underground." It truly came into its own in the mid to late 80's. Of course it wasn't until Nirvana broke around 1990 that most people recognized it.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

Cindi Lauper has always had a likable quality. Madonna's politics are an aggravating factor, but on so many other levels beyond politics she's a complete load. When it comes to annoying quirks, she's a Renaissance woman. Jane Fonda is the only woman who even comes close. Still, she's had a successful career and her fans are choosing to grow old with her.......Girls Just Want To Have and I Will Survive are feminist anthem songs, but they're great songs. They're on my playlist and they don't get skipped. Helen Reddy's song seems to be drifting into obscurity. "I am woman hear me roar." Too easy to mock......Debby Harry had the coolest look of any female rock star ever. She should have mated with David Bowie and spawned cool looking rock stars......Doris Day and Madonna should make out in the hadron collider. I think together they could create the anti matter that would explain the paradoxes of quantum physics.