Tuesday, January 31, 2017

"Boy Scouts will allow transgender children into programs"

The organization announced Monday that it had made the decision to base enrollment in boys only programs on the gender a child or parent lists on the application to become a scout. The organization had previously held a policy that relied on the gender listed on a child's birth certificate.

A spokeswoman for the organization says it made the decision based on states and communities changing how gender is defined.

A transgender child in Secaucus, New Jersey, was asked late last year to leave his Scout troop after parents and leaders found out he is transgender.

Via Reddit : Link where they had to shut down comments... 
"Unfortunately we had to lock this thread as it is after midnight and some of the gremlins got water on themselves, but it was refreshing to see a number of the thoughtful comments from all of the Eagle Scouts in here!"


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

When I was in Boy Scouts there was a kid with Downs syndrome.

Maybe that was controversial, back in the day.

I really don't know.

edutcher said...

Sounds like they're facing a lawsuit.

ricpic said...

No matter what Trump accomplishes our institutions (like the Boy Scouts) are shot through with hatred of the traditional American way of life and I don't see how that can be overcome.

Amartel said...

The institutions have been invaded. The Boy Scouts have been sued repeatedly for various transgressions from PC America. Maybe they decided to sit out this particular round of lawsuits. It's a business, ya know. The people turning their kids into transgenders for litigation purposes are the ones who should be sued - for child abuse and endangerment.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Shut it down.

Perhaps progressives can start a new ISIS angry rage against the machine scouts.

ndspinelli said...

Ever notice how it is always male institutions that are investigated by the Orwellian PC Police.

Amartel said...

Nope. The Girl Scouts have been infested as well. Also, transgenders wanting admittance at sororities. Etc.

Trooper York said...

I joined the Boy Scouts in 1966. I went through all the steps. Patrol member. Asst Patrol Leader. Patrol Leader. Senior Patrol Leader. Assistant Scoutmaster. Scoutmaster. We had a bunch of guys from the neighborhood who joined and who had littler brothers and nephews and sons who joined. The leaders were all World War Two veterans who were reliving their glory days in the Scouts. They loved the marching and saluting and the camping and all the stuff that went with it. We cooked together as a family. There are 50 year old guys who come up to me and talk about our days camping at Pouch, Alpine, Spruce Pond and especially Ten Mile River upstate for Summer Camp. How they learned to cook Italian food from us. It was a rite of passage. Every parish had its own Boy Scout Troop. St. Agnes was Irish. St Peters and Paul was Puerto Rican. Sacred Hearts my parish was 100% guinea or half guinea like me. We would go on jamborees and compete and sabotage each other. The rivalries and fights from the neighborhood continued at the Boy Scout Camps.

All of that is gone now. First of all there are not enough kids. The kids that are around are all being parented by your basic helicopter parent. So all of the Troops have closed down. Most of the camps have been sold to developers. The churches can’t support the social engineering that the Social Justice Warriors want to impose on it. The Boy Scouts are dead. They need to close down. The mission of being morally straight has been too compromised. It cannot be maintained. At least not in the manner in which it was intended. Just as many traditional institutions have been compromised we need to walk away from it and hunker down. Protect yourself and your family. Follow the example of Saint Benedict. A new organization can arise from those groups who want to continue like the Mormons who can buy the few remaining camps. Maybe out West. But by and large the time of the Boy Scouts have come and gone. Like the Pony Express, the Lafayette Escadrille and the Mafia it is an organization that needs to lie down and die.

Trooper York said...

When we ran the Scouts we had a rule. Nobody could be part of the Troop unless they had a kid involved. We didn't allow adults to join if they didn't have their son or brother or nephew involved for obvious reason. That would be reason for a lawsuit now. Plus you would have women who would want to be involved. Because one of Heathers two mommies wants to be a dude. That's not how it was supposed to work. Sorry.

The Boy Scouts started in 1908. It had the values of that era. That era is long gone. It is not coming back. Let it go. The SJW will not be content until they destroy everything that the Scouts stood for and turned it into something different. If they want that then they should have their own organization. Can it the LBGT Scouts or the Trans Scouts or whatever. They are certainly entitled to do that. They are just not entitled to besmirch the history of the Boy Scouts and current leadership who is surrendering to this should be ashamed of themselves and drummed out of the organization.

Trooper York said...

Many things have a natural useful life. When society is cohesive and has the same values it easy to have organizations who reflect those values. Most of these organizations have gone by the wayside or are in the death spirals. The Knights of Columbus. The Elks. The Masons. The Boy Scouts. They are still around and they still have members. But they are dwindling down. Americans used to be noted for joining these organizations. And not just these types of things. Some of it lingers on in the heartland. But every day more and more people are sucked into the information culture. They would rather be on their phones than playing pinochle at the Knights of Columbus.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm all for acceptance. Understanding, Compassion.

What about understanding that traditional institutions should be left alone to operate as they please?

Amartel said...

What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

Trooper York said...

This is the same thing as when I talk to people that are new to my neighborhood. They say how much they love it and I tell them that they are killing what they love about it by moving into it. Most if not all of the mom and pop shops are gone. The chains like Dunkin Donuts and Whole Foods and Lucky Jeans are all taking storefronts. The solidarity of a homogeneous population is gone for a cosmopolitan stew pot of different values. Of course that is attractive to some people. It is what they want. The people who were born and raised here think differently. We saw it all slip away. It is not recognizable as the same place it was where we grew up.

I know some of you see it where you live. Especially in the South. Where New Yorkers or urbanites generally move to get the benefits of living in the country. But as soon as they move in they want it to be like where they came from. They don't want the corner bodega or the general store where everybody knows your name. They want the Starbucks and the Whole Foods where organically free trade vegetables are sacrificed to Gaia every Bel-thane. The want the safety of country living away from the dangers of the city but want every crazy fad to be accepted an lionized. Send in boys to the girls room. Have two dudes get married and pretend that is normal. Stop people from gathering together in their own clubs and associations among like minded individuals who share the same values and beliefs. You will be forced to kowtow to political correctness.

Trump is just a momentary blip in the process. A speed bump. Maybe the last gasp of traditional America. Even so they are fighting him hysterically every step of the way. A Vice Presidential candidate says that they need to "fight in the streets." A pop star wants to "blow up the White House." A boycott is organized at a Sandwich shop because the owner simply shook the hand of President Trump. Everything is being pushed with the knob up to eleven. They do not take cognizance of the fact that President Trump is a mild and benign reaction to their non stop attacks on traditional values. They have no concept of where it could go.

It has only been a week or so. I wonder what it will be like six months in.