Thursday, July 2, 2015

Comedian Amy Schumer responds to Social Justice Warriors


ndspinelli said...

Thanks. I'm now following her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you're an overly sensitive PC proggy neo-fascist prick, stick with Jon Stewart.

bagoh20 said...

Even those determined to speak freely, are scared of the anti-free speech fascists that are so ubiquitous now. We all fear them like we fear a 4 year old with a loaded gun. They have no idea what they are doing or how dangerous it is, and they don't even come close to realizing how it will suck once they shoot the people protecting them.

Schumer does here, what virtually everyone confronted with these nuts does. They try to get along and placate, and appease these little assholes. Tell them off, and tell them off good. That's the whole point of free speech and what better targets for its exercise than little facist twits.

I'm tired of people telling these jerks that: "It good what you done son. It's real good you wished me in the cornfield."

No, I won't shut up, and I won't apologize. Just bite me!

edutcher said...

You can tell she ain't related to Chuckles.

More like her we can use.

William said...

People are so naive. For every dig she takes at Latin sexists, she'll make twenty at various forms of white, male oppressors. Every so often when there's some really flaming Democratic scandal, Jon Stewart or Colbert will make a joke about it. In this way will they reassure themselves and their audience that they're fair minded, impartial observers of the current scene. Do you think that in your lifetime you will ever see a comedian make fun of any notable black besides Judge Thomas or Bill Cosby?

ndspinelli said...

Condy Rice, Dr. Ben Carson, JJ Watt, SHIT, any Republican black person can be vilified w/ impunity.