Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Whut in the wide, wide world o' sports is a-goin' on here?

This is so cute.

2 weeks ago, my girl, Laura Loomer claimed Brandon had some kind of emergency on Air Force One. Stuff and nonsense, they said. Stuffed with nonsense, I thought. They're hiding something.

Then comes the big withdrawl and everybody notices where's the Big Guy? Well, the plot thickens.

Now we get a report from a Vegas TV station Brandon had to be flown back to the East Coast. So fast, it's said, the plane actually shook. Corroboration from Tucker Carlson at the 3:00 mark.

If Brandon is dead or incapacitated, that kicks the 25th Amendment, which makes Chlamydia PUS. That would force her to go in front of the cameras and actually talk. You can bet that's the last thing the fathers of the Democrat party would want.

Supposedly, Brandon will descend on DC come Tuesday (like today?). If so, where are he?

I can't help but wonder if God is reading The Prisoner Of Zenda.

UPDATE: Somebody looking like him showed up today. There's a school of thought there's a body double when he actually has to talk. Not quite the catatonic he was on Juneteenth, but not much improvement. What I loved was, after he did his wussy little salute, it looked like he was trying to bless the crowd as a real Pope (not the Commie) would do.

The next few days could be interesting. Like how soon he goes back to Rehoboth.

UPDATE: According to The Blonde, a person could have a stroke and still remain marginally functional. It depends on the damage and to what part of the brain.

So, is this merely to keep the 25th Amendment from being invoked?

Just as the mask fell during the debate, I have a feeling the truth is going to come out about this.


MamaM said...

He's all perky looking now. Using the tall staircase to board at Dover and deplane at Andrews. Who knows what we're seeing and what's really a-goin' on? It's more bizzaro world, that's for sure.

I still haven't found any cartoons that capture the strange enormity of all that's transpiring, up front and in the shadows, in major moves and in the difficult to reconcile details that keep emerging.

edutcher said...

As I say, try Moon Over Parador. There's also Hot Shots! Part Deux.

MamaM said...

Just as the mask fell during the debate, I have a feeling the truth is going to come out about this.

I believe so as well. In the meantime, it's confusing as hell. And it feels like walking through tar to find a clean place to stand in order to process and address what took place and what is still unfolding.

I don't think the questions that have risen in regard to the shooting or Biden's on-again/off-again, here/not here, physical presence and cognitive function will be easy to dismiss or put to rest.

More phrases to add to my list:

This doesn't add up
This doesn't make sense
So Obvious! (after seeing the watertower and the roof as the two most obvious high points to be secured)
Maybe there's more to this story

While these aren't particularly powerful or strong statements, I believe they express what's rolling around unsettled in the minds those who're unable to process the incongruities they're encountering.

edutcher said...

Thar's a lot more a-comin'.

Count on it.

Trum,p is scaling back his big Jumbotron outdoor rallies. Chlamydia, presumably, is trying to have some.