Sunday, July 7, 2024

The girl who cried wolf

I swear politics hasn't been this much fun since Walter Mondale tried to impress us.

And, on that happy note, I present this little tale that may go down in history along side Wrong Way Corrigan.

Once upon a time, the state capitol in Harrisburg, PA got a note from those nasty people from Hamas, saying they'd blow the place up. As you might imagine, people were concerned. So far, nothing has happened.

Later a similar note was received at the state capitol in Lansing MI. Howsomever, the people there were made of sterner stuff. They merely assumed it was just another false flag by the looney governor and the FIB, possibly to make her look better after her faux pas with attempting to wangle  first place in the rush to replace Brandon.

May we all raise hosannas and a hearty, "Go, you Wolverines" to the voters of the Wolverine State who prove they are made of the same stuff that Armstrong Custer found in the men of the Michigan Cavalry Brigade at Hanover, which destroyed JEB Stuart's legion and may well have tipped the battle of Gettysburg in the North's favor.



MamaM said...

Just Announced: "Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a rising star, will be, the Sun-Times has learned, the keynote speaker at the Democratic Party of Illinois’ annual top fundraising event this September in Chicago.

And another coinkydink,

"It’s a coincidence that Whitmer’s book, subtitled “What I’ve Learned About Life, Leadership and Everything In Between,” is coming out now... her profile will get even higher as she kicks off a media blitz and national book tour Tuesday

edutcher said...

Publication was doubtless timed. Like the rest of the human race, she knew Brandon was on the downhill slide and planned accordingly, although keynote speaker at the national convention would have been the plum.

You don't violate the Omerta.