Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Losers study tactics

Winners, they say, study logistics. 

With that in mind, consider a few facts. In his latest disaster, Brandon shouted, "Challenge me at the convention". The Democrat convention is August 19 - 22. A nasty floor fight would leave the party battered (and possibly broken) with only 2 months left before November.

The 25th Amendment says the VP and a majority of Cabinet secretaries can inform the President Pro Tem of the Senate the President is unable to execute his duties. That will take time to implement and makes makes Chlamydia PUS - with a few already broaching the subject openly of how to dump her. Again, 4 months to November.

Chlamydia, as I have noted, is half black and a woman. Given the Left's penchant for bean counting and tokenism over the decades, it's hard to see this going down well with the Karens or the race merchants, especially since the Sharptons of the party have already complained of their waning influence.

Donald Trump has been uncharacteristically quiescent since the debate. Why not? The Demos are making his case for him.

Party bigs like Chuckie, the Ice Cream Queen, and others have yet to come down one way or the other and the little fish are worried about how this works down ballot, rightfully so.

This would possibly be the second ticket selected, rather than voted on. Great talking point for the Rs about how devoted to democracy the Demos really are.

Time and tide, as they say.

Latest in the series.

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