Monday, August 9, 2021

Tim Scott? Seriously these liberals have got to stop


The liberal site Politico is promote the candidacy of Senator Tim Scott to run as the Republican candidate for President in 2024. From the Politico post:

Republican Sen. Tim Scott boarded a plane to Hawaii earlier this year to meet with one of the richest people in the world: Tech titan Larry Ellison. Since last October, Ellison has contributed $10 million to an outside group aligned with the senator — a huge sum even in the super PAC era and the business owner’s biggest known contribution in three decades as a political donor.

The pro-Scott super PAC, Opportunity Matters Fund, has drawn support from conservative donors like Richard Gaby, who has bankrolled the likes of former President Donald Trump and Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. But Scott has also received backing from the party’s mainstream givers, like New York hedge fund manager Dan Loeb, a financier of gay rights initiatives who is slated to host a fundraiser bolstering Scott later this year.

With the top levels of the GOP divided over whether to remain in lockstep with Trump or break away from him, senior Republicans say Scott’s ability to win support from divergent wings of the party could be an asset should he wage a 2024 run.

Bay Area-based investor Bill Oberndorf, who has given millions of dollars to Republican causes over the years and opposed Trump’s nomination in 2016, called Scott “that rare politician who you can trust to be good to his word.”

Ultra liberal commenters and blogs and newspapers love to pick the Republican candidates. You know the ones that will be failures and kowtow to the Democrats even if they win election. Tim Scott is Mitt Romney with a suntan. He never really supported President Trump. He is part of the Beltway corruption that gives in toe the demands of the Deep State. You might as well run Lindsey Graham or Marco Rubio. The Democrats are worried. Harris is a bust and Biden will never be able to run again. They are out of amiable old white men then can trot out as cover for their radical socialist agenda. So they will try to stock their opponents with the least objectionable alternative who is sure to go along with them. Tim Scott is one such individual. The good thing about this post is that it reads a comedy so it can be safely ignored.

The question is really if the Republican establishment has realized that the game has changed and we are not going back to being the Washington Generals. Surrender Kabuki theater is over.

Deal with it.



Amartel said...

I think Trump's running again so all this is just distraction.
Tim Scott has SAID some good things but his ideas are just nonstarters. So disappointing. He should stay in the Senate where nonstarters can thrive for decades.

edutcher said...

Trump keeps hinting at something happening before '24. Given the mess Joe and the Ho are creating (even Yellow Dog Democrats are whining), calls for the real President are already out there.

Stay tuned. Everybody's ox is getting gored.