Thursday, August 12, 2021

It looks like they got Vox Day

It looks like the forces of censorship and liberalism have brought down another conservative blogger. The popular blog Vox Popoli has been shut down by blogger. When you go there this is what you get.

Vox Day is a conservative commenter, writer, book publisher and savant who has long predicted that they would shut him down someday. He was one of the leaders of the "Sad Puppies" who led the fight against liberal extremism in the publishing of science fiction. Vox Day is an extremely good sci-fi writer who has neglected his writing to lead a movement against censorship and liberal tyranny. He started a publishing house and has started an on line comic book magizine that has become quite popular. He is a no holds barred truth teller and as such must be silenced by the powers that be. 

I am truly not surprised and I am sure he is not either. He always said you had to find your own means of engaging and to not participate in Facebook, Twitter or Instagram since they are liberal monoliths that will censor you. I guess that the internet provider is following suit and censoring him as well.

This bodes ill for freedom of expression all across the board.


Delaware Blue Hen said...

Vox Day has a back-up site up and running even before the hammer came down.

Tank said...

He’s here