Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Marilyn's Diary

It was very sad when Aunt Lily and Uncle Herman broke up. They had been together for 547 years so it was a shame that they couldn't stay true to each other. Their marriage had just gotten stale.

Uncle Herman had met this femme fatal named Carol Herman and she tempted him with her wicked wicked ways. She wanted to have him run off with her on her bus with her family where they could sing and be groovy. But in the end it didn't work out. She dumped him for some old baseball guy named Ricky Branch or something. Uncle Herman was devastated. He stopped by one final time to say goodbye. He told us that he wanted to continue to pursue his career in music. He was getting together with a few friends that he had met at the YMCA and they were going to start a musical group in New York City. They were a very diverse group who were ahead of their time. There was a cowboy and an Indian and even a policeman. He just didn't want to be with us anymore.


ampersand said...

Good news, Rahm Emanuel went to waste without a serious crisis. Maybe he can take up toe dancing again.

The Dude said...

Troop, you are a mess. And I mean that in a good way.

edutcher said...

Carol Herman?

Now that's a blast from the past.

deborah said...

Forget Mary Ann v. Ginger, what about Lily v. Morticia? Pretty sure I know the answer.

I don't recall Carol's shtick, she posted kinda whacko. Thinking about her I was reminded of an unusual man...House, or something. Always had strong opinions.

edutcher said...

Morticia had the moves and the look, Lily had the build.

The Dude said...

Morticia - now there was a woman! Hoowee! Did you see how Gomez reacted in her presence? Yeah, that's the kind of power she had.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Where has Carol Herman been? Is she still over at TOP? Occasionally you would see her pop up at other sites.

MamaM said...

I haven't seen her. It's my guess she found a new shtick. There are several fresh faces at TOP who've put together a story about themselves that doesn't come through as authentic yet manages to harpoon and lampoon at the same time, mixing truth with tale, similar to the way Carol presented as a smart but wacko older woman. Crack is back for another run of attempting to MC and run the herd, telling white folk what they don't know, advocating for reparations and waxing on about the foolishness of anything that to his thinking links to new age cults, including acupuncture. Due to his approach some have been accusing him of being the toothless dentist.

Lately the hostess has taken to advising others to view writing as writing,

Why are you worrying so much about trolls?

Judge writing as writing, and don't rely on who's saying it. Take it for what it's worth and have a critical mind and skepticism about everything. Don't waste your time on what you can detect is crap, and what does it matter if it's from someone who's insincere for some reason or other.

There's so much fakery everywhere that you don't have time to investigate everything. Just read efficiently and critically (which is worth doing for many reasons).

Something about this seems off to me, different from the "good faith" approach previously valued. I need ponder it, as I believe sincerity matters. And insincerity, while amusing to some degree, eventually ends up undermining trust.

A lot of good quotes come up for sincerity and insincerity, with this one by G. Orwell catching my attention: "The greatest enemy of clear language is insincerity"