Monday, January 23, 2017

My favorite part about the bullying woman being kicked off the plane ...

... is where she realizes she's cornered and whimpers child-like, "I'll be quiet."

You've seen the videos by now, of course.

By the way, searching YouTube [woman gets booted off plane] produces several unrelated results. Apparently women get booted off planes all the time.

And you know, sitting next to that woman the whole flight cannot be nearly so bad as that woman sitting next to me the whole flight. I can counter nag with the best of them. And sitting next to that woman cannot be so bad as sitting next to the drunk guy who came forward from behind up to vacant seat next to me directly behind the bulkhead on flight returning to Denver from Puerto Vallarta. I was so ill that I didn't even bother to deplane for Mexican customs (they had an odd arrangement where everyone got off and had their little paper stamped. My attitude was, I'm sick. Come up here and stamp my little paper if it's so important to you). The guy absolutely could not stop taking. When I told him I need to stop talking and could no longer listen then he talked about that. That was worse than this woman would be. Because I'd make her so miserable she'd want to change seats.


Methadras said...

Oh, i wish a nasty vile short hair cut white haired leftist nag like this odious woman would sit next to me. She would get a verbal thrashing of a lifetime. I would literally unleash holy hell at her repugnant ideology and turn her into a whimpering noodle. I've done it before, I'd do it again. I relish these moments in my life because I derive great satisfaction from showing them how utterly repugnant and wrong they have been their entire lives. The weight of it is usually to much to bear for them and they are left questioning everything they are afterwards. I've seen it.

edutcher said...

It is nice these morons aren't getting any slack anymore.

They had a free ride when Pissy was in.

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

It is nice these morons aren't getting any slack anymore.

They had a free ride when Pissy was in.

See that's the heart of it and all of these collective leftist temper tantrums. The free ride to express your idiotic, emotionally unhinged, mentally deranged points of view are over or they soon will be. That's what that whole moronic 'women's march' was about, a typical RMPC mash-up of stupid meme's couched as 'real' protest when in reality it was an unfocused confederation of various leftist mob mentalities that really meant nothing except expressing the feelz. That's it. Nothing profound, nothing substantive, just leftist vitriolic hatred for that which they don't agree with.

Obama gave them free reign to get in the faces of their opposition because he literally told them too and they did just that and think they can continue to do so, but that is going to hopefully be diminished or come to an end. Your free reign of idiocy is over leftists. Reality is the new norm.

Leland said...

I actually haven't seen the video, as I expect it to be basically the same as the Ivanka harassment video.

However, I like to say something about Ed's comment. You know what's already back in style, and we have all seen it: Business can now refuse service or goods to anybody for a reason as simple as disagreement.

It's just Trump's first Monday, and he's already made America Great Again.

ricpic said...

"He is in my space."

He is in his seat. What is this "my space" garbage?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

When someone is getting on my nerves I usually feel highly conflicted about the situation because I'm supposed to be nice but I'm generally very bad at being nice to someone who is getting on my nerves.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I bet she was lying too about her mother in law's funeral. And , if her husband had had a parachute, I bet he would h have jumped off mid-flight the next plane they boarded.

Trooper York said...

Leland that is not really true.

If you refuse to bake a cake or make a pizza you can lose everything. The social justice warriors in the judiciary make it so.

The Bakers in Oregon lost their business to huge fines. Other businesses had to stop operating because they did not want to violate their religious beliefs.

It is very difficult to refuse service. Trust me I know. I have done it. I still do it. But it causes a lot of grief.

I do it once a day to hipsters who want to bring in their dog. They always claim it is a service dog. 99% of them do not have the paperwork. I have thrown them out even when they had the paperwork. I knew it was bogus so there were no repercussions. But that good have happened and been very bad.

AllenS said...

God, her husband must be a real piece of work. There's only one who wears the pants in that family, and it ain't him.

The Dude said...

Is it okay to carry around a therapy bazooka? I need it to ensure that I am in my safe place.

Methadras said...

AllenS said...

God, her husband must be a real piece of work. There's only one who wears the pants in that family, and it ain't him.

He's a gamma male. not even enough testosterone to be a beta.

Amartel said...

OMG, that guy. That's what stood out for me because I meet people like that woman all the time. The man next to her, who may or may not be bound to her in holy matrimony given that that entire institution is symbolic of the patriarchy. I bet his mom died and that wife made him go to the Womens' March/Pity Party and then she turns around and uses it as a pity excuse. She's HORRIBLE and he's so beaten. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. Battered Man Syndrome.

Amartel said...

Like the guy who posted the video said, everyone on the plane was applauding when she was escorted out. Everyone. Even people who were not Trump enthusiasts. SJW's are so toxic.

Amartel said...

If you fight with her you'll be escorted off, too. Recommendation: wait until the doors close and then release your gases. Silent but deadly! (Also, that's the worst thing to be next to on an airplane. The worst. You're afraid to breathe. With the conversationalists you can pretend to fall asleep or claim not to speak English.)

ndspinelli said...

Having shared a meal in a restaurant in liberal Escondido w/ Methadras, I can tell you he is not embellishing his schtick. He picked out and mocked liberals as we ate breakfast. It was like Vin Scully and Rush Limbaugh doing play by play.

Trooper York said...

That couple reminds me of somebody I used to know.

Thank God they are out of my life.

Leland said...


It will take time, but they are telling us now they want this ability by the way they act. The right to do something for another, or more specifically to choose not to do something for another; is a libertarian ideal. I understand it and like it.

Unfortunately, modern day liberals are not liberal nor understand what liberty is. But at least today, they want to have liberty from Trump, so its a start. We needed to start somewhere.

On the actual policy side, Trump is slashing regulations, promising to slash more, and will announce a SCOTUS pick in the coming weeks. I'm going to focus on him, and not the protestors who I wouldn't provide service or coverage to, if my choice.

As for this moron, she decided it was either her or the other passenger. She established that service could be refused to someone, so service was refused to her.

Trooper York said...

Well what started her off was that the guy was wearing shorts.

It all went downhill from there.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

"He is in my space."

He is in his seat. What is this "my space" garbage?

If you remember the 80s, it's that EST business filtered through all the trigger warning safe space nonsense of today.

Trooper York said...

If you refuse to bake a cake or make a pizza you can lose everything. The social justice warriors in the judiciary make it so.

Another thing that may change a lot more quickly in the new America. Thanks to Harry Reid, Trump is going to be able to replace a lot of these malignant growths.

Originally, the number I heard was about 100 Federal judges, but now it looks like about half of them.

Team Jacobson makes an interesting point that, having cost the Demos the White House, Congress, and about 2/3 of state legislatures and governors, the Obamanation could cost them the Federal judiciary.

Consider the possibilities.

The Dude said...

One possibility is we might have the rule of law.

Nah, that's crazy talk.

I used to fly all the time. In airplanes, large and small. I could handle sitting next to the 500 pound guy, no biggie. The most unusual seat neighbor I ever experienced was a guy with physical Tourette syndrome - he would be sitting there, calm as can be, then an arm or a leg would fly out, of its own volition, and bam - what are you going to do?

The flight was only from Chicago to the west coast, so I endured, once again, it wasn't a big deal - he never made solid contact. Plus, I only had to spend a few hours next to him - that was that poor guy's life every single day.

MamaM said...

I'm loving the line " Well, You don't have that right." delivered by the first flight attendant shown.

Trooper York said...

The craziest flight I was ever on was coming back to NY from Florida. Coming back you get the ethnic stew that is NY. Russians. Orthodox Jews. Fat Irish/Italian guys like me. Oh and Puerto Ricans.

When we fly the wife always gets that window seat. She isn't a good flyer so she needs a lot of distraction. She put on her Bose headphones and immediately started watching the TV. It had the original pilot of Modern Family. Which I have to admit is very funny. I was waiting to see who gets the aisle seat just hoping it wasn't a fat fuck like me. Luckily it was this tiny skinny PR from the Bronx. We are exactly the same age and start chatting. We had done some of the same things. Going to Yankee Stadium. Hanging at Jimmy's off the Major Deegan. Even a couple of after hours in Washington Heights. Which is surprising because he was a PR and the Dominicans don't get along with them too much.

Anyhoo he tells me why he is coming home. He is dying. Has about two weeks to live. Bad cancer. Shows me a ziploc bag with about fifty bottles of medication in it. He was saying he had a good life and had gone down to Florida a few years earlier. He was going home to die because he didn't want his family to have to deal with bringing his body back.

All the while the wife is laughing and hitting me and telling me I have to watch this TV show. I say "Yeah I will watch it later." With the noise canceling earphones she didn't have a clue. Which is just as well as she would have burst into tears and cried non stop. The guy had a really good attitude. It was actually inspirational.

That would have been a hell of a viral video.

The Dude said...

I always tried to get a window seat so I could lean my head against the fuselage and sleep. One time I boarded, looked out the window, we were still on the ground, I fell asleep, but when I awoke we were 30,000 feet in the air. I jumped - damn, that was kind of a big change. It also means I slept through the push back, the taxiing, the take off and probably the first 45 minutes of the flight.

I also flew on planes so small that the window seat was also the aisle seat, and one time, in Binghamton I was in the first row and I pushed the curtain aside and talked to the pilot while he was trying to decide whether or not to attempt a takeoff.

He chickened out, we did not emulate Buddy Holly, and mercifully, I have never been back to Binghamton, a very depressing place.

edutcher said...

My weirdest flight was a Brazilian prop engine from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh to meet you-know-who.

The AC is doing weird stuff and it starts snowing in the cabin. Next to that is the AA flight where the plane filled with mist and the stewardae said people weren't allowed to take pix of it.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

Having shared a meal in a restaurant in liberal Escondido w/ Methadras, I can tell you he is not embellishing his schtick. He picked out and mocked liberals as we ate breakfast. It was like Vin Scully and Rush Limbaugh doing play by play.

It was hippy town leftist Encinitas/Solana Beach, but hey, who cares, we had a great time. Fucking leftist scum. You can spot them a mile away, they dress the same, they look the same. The guys look all pasty and decrepit and they were those lame khaki baseball hats that have the Sierra Club or the Audubon Society logo on it. They are wearing those god awful jungle khaki shirts and those gay khaki shorts with below the calf socks in their closed toe sandals or their new balance shoes. The women are all gangly and shit with their wiry hair with the salt/pepper coloring that is unkept and disheveled or they are short cropped like that harpy in the video with the same salt/pepper coloring. And they all talk in either that breathless whispery nasal clipped twang that is so fucking annoying.

It's like there is a radical marxist progressive collectivist school of speech and wear that they all went to at the same time. Pieces of shit. I made sure they heard me and that their bleak little miserable lives would change if they dared think they could out-ideology me. They knew, fucking gammas, they knew their entire ideological basis is bullshit and they use it to try and cow other with it. I dared them to try. I wanted them to try. Nick got a kick out of it. It was like two wolves in the middle of sheep herd.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

That woman is every liberal prog-dem in Boulder.

No honey - FU!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

He's a gamma male. not even enough testosterone to be a beta.


ricpic said...

Were you ever on a flight where the planes get backed up and you have to circle the airport before landing and then when it finally is your plane's turn to land it's a circling/descending landing? I'm sure that's no big deal to veteran flyers but if you're a rare flyer like me it feels as though the pilot's on the edge of losing control all. the. way. down. Touchdown is some kind of a triumph.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's a good thing the dude filmed her. Also good that he didn't engage with her. He would have been escorted off with her. (like Amartel mentioned)
Meth - hats off to you for cramming leftist BS down leftist throats. .. Just don't do it on a plane before take-off.

Actually - they will turn the plane around. Then everyone is pissed.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Last post - sorry. We all know this and those of us who live in leftwing proggy enclaves now it best. Progressives think they have a right to lecture and accost anyone at anytime and subject you to a holier than thou lecture from the church of Stalin.

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...

It's a good thing the dude filmed her. Also good that he didn't engage with her. He would have been escorted off with her. (like Amartel mentioned)
Meth - hats off to you for cramming leftist BS down leftist throats. .. Just don't do it on a plane before take-off.

Actually - they will turn the plane around. Then everyone is pissed.

April, I'm a very frequent flier and I have many stories of douchebaggery and general assholeness on flights, but I've never dealt with a leftist who thought he or she could pop off and get away with it because they would be summarily ignored and told to shut the fuck up, no one cares. I usually mind my own business on flights unless of course a beautiful woman sits next to me and then I become as a toddler playing hide and seek until she starts talking to me. Then I try to figure out if she is a kook or not. If she is, well, she's nice to look at and I move on. If she isn't and she's single, then magic might happen and I put on my wizard cloak and wizard hat on. Yes, I'm a ninja wizard. :D