Thursday, August 20, 2015

"Mexico denounces Trump immigration plan as racist"

We continue to stand by our position that these comments reflect prejudice, racism or plain ignorance,” Mexico’s foreign ministry said in a statement... “Anyone who understands the depth of the U.S.-Mexico relationship realizes that those proposals are not only prejudiced and absurd, but would be detrimental to the well-being of both societies."
Trump released a policy outline detailing his “three core principles” for immigration reform last weekend.
It emphasized securing America’s borders, increasing enforcement of immigration laws and putting the needs of current U.S. citizens first.
“We are the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own,” Trump said in a statement on his website.
“Real immigration reform puts the needs of the working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors,” he added. “That must change."
By the way, Mexico's own immigration policy is not as generous as the United States. Cries of "racism" and favoritism to the American working and unemployed middle class could backfire. Every time Trump is criticized his numbers mysteriously go up.


ricpic said...

Contrary to what Mexican propagandists and Schmendrik believe, the epithet racist does not intimidate the millions who are sick of border jumpers. If anything it is one more incentive to support Trump and STOP THE INVASION.

Since when did it become conventional wisdom that it's perfectly alright for Mexicans and every other Latin American to crow about "My Country! My Country!" and somehow it's off limits for the gringo to do the same about his country? This is all about national survival which will not go on if the gringo's country and culture is flooded by an invasion of hostiles who are loud and proud about NOT assimilating.

Trooper York said...

They are just mad because our jobs are taking all their Mexicans.

edutcher said...

Another reason to like it.

Mexico has been funneling their problems to us so, if it drops them back in the Mexicans' lap, all to the good.

Methadras said...

So illegal Mexicans invading into the US is now deemed racist. Got it. You see how the tentacles of PC have infested everything. Now even Mexico, one of the most racist countries on earth, who itself deports and shoots on sight illegals coming into its country can use the charge of racism against a presidential candidates immigration policies. This is what PC does. It turns hypocrites into vehicles of virtue.

William said...

There was a recent article in The New Yorker about how all those tunnels from Mexico to Ametica get built. The cartels, most notably the one run by El Chappo, kidnap laoberers and force them to work on the tunnels. Sometimes the workers get buried alive in cave-ins. In any case, after the tunnel is completed, they are executed and laid to rest in mass graves. There have been dozens of victims. This was done with El Chappo's knowledge and consent. El Chappo is a folk hero in Mexico. Trump, on the other hand, is a figure of derision and hate. The Mexicans are a seriously fucked up nation.

Titus said...

The hubby, rare clumber, and I will be doing our Vermont weekend so I may not be posting much dolls.

Think Vermont: farm to table, green mountains, Burlington, border of Canada, Montpelier, Bennington, and dog friendly B&B.

Vermont allows us to let our hair down, relax, and be at one with waterfalls and Lake Champlaign.

Also, think fab NYC/Boston/Montreal peeps-very few children.

Won't be commenting here much-miss me!

Make it a super weekend!

Take a deep breath, hold it, exhale slowly, and say thank you earth for allowing me to inhabit you in the brief period.

Keep reaching for the stars!


Methadras said...

Titus, someday and I don't know when, probably sometime just after the apocolpyse, I'll find you wandering somewhere in Boston in your torn and tattered Benettons, and repeatedly run you down with my car until you are a giant stain that even the cannibals wouldn't touch.

Keep hanging it down low, poofta.


Amartel said...

Do you mean Louboutins?

Rabel said...

I see youse guys are all Hillary supporters.

Nice find by EBL. That's from the GOP. They must have had mixed feelings about putting it on youtube.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rabel - good find.

According to a 1992 quote from Harry Reid - I'm a yuge Harry Reid supporter.

"Our borders have overflowed with illegal immigrants placing tremendous burdens on our criminal justice system, schools and social programs. The Immigration and Naturalization Service needs the ability to step up enforcement. "Our federal wallet is stretched to the limit by illegal aliens getting welfare, food stamps, medical care and other benefits often without paying any taxes. "Safeguards like welfare and free medical care are in place to boost Americans in need of short-term assistance. These programs were not meant to entice freeloaders and scam artists from around the world."
--Harry Reid (D)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

One immigration scam I heard about on the Mike Rosen show today:

Pregnant Chinese women come here on a extended visa then have their baby here in the US. They return to China with the kid, but there is a loophole that says the kid can return to the US as an American citizen. Bullocks to that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anchor babies are not allowed in Canada.

Titus said...

I sense anger Meth...and I don't wear Bennetton-that is like so 80's.

I am all about Italian designers: Prada, Gucci. I will thrown in American Marc Jaobs every now and then.


chickelit said...

Those Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton quotes are fine, but they will deny them tomorrow or claim that they have evolved. Unlimited immigration is their new mantra because it will lead to what they perceive as a permanent D voting block. The American people simply don't believe this truth and think that it's rightwing hysteria. It will take someone like Trump asking them point blank in front of millions in order to get at this truth.

chickelit said...

The permanent D voting block is essentially what states like California have now. California is (as always) a glimpse into the future of the rest of the nation.

chickelit said...

I did a piss-poor job of explaining what I meant by California leading the nation's future back here with links. I was trying to explain what a single-party state would look like based on a past model--a state that lumps both D and R's together. Remember that D's and R's have a vested interest in keeping immigration of both unskilled and skilled labor high. They work together.

chickelit said...

Perhaps Chip could animate my original art work at that link and perhaps add a suckling pair of Romnulus and Reamus representing establishment R's and D's.

Aridog said...

Pretty funny considering Mexico's entrance requirements for passports, visas, and permits...and their new $22 fee for a "permit." Try San Diego to Tijuana without the above and let me know, okay?

We are toast anyway as far as our laws go, thanks to Hillary gurl: as I posted elsewhere today...

Let’s be honest and cut through the crap. If Hillary is not indicted and convicted then there is no justice for any of us. I had a high clearance and worked with classified material for DOD & DA…and had I done 1/10th of the nonsense Hillary has already done I’d be in jail as I write this. When politics overwhelms the law there is no law.

Mexico has historically had laws tough on illegals and must find us amusing for our lack of the same. But why not, we won't indict our worst, so WTF?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Total Agreement, Aridog.

If Hillary isn't indicted, our laws mean nothing.

Methadras said...

Titus said...

I sense anger Meth...and I don't wear Bennetton-that is like so 80's.

I am all about Italian designers: Prada, Gucci. I will thrown in American Marc Jaobs every now and then.


Oh, no. I'm not angry at all, simply delighted at the idea that your uber-faggoty, name dropping douchiness will be coming to an end soon and I hope I'm the guy to do it. Natch.
