Thursday, July 2, 2015


That's racist by your own standard, provocative and unacceptable. Explain yourself. 

Mediaiate, Alex Grisworld describes George Takei's remarks in a Fox Phoenix affiliate interview.
“And for him to say, slaves have dignity, I mean, doesn’t he know that slaves were in chains? That they were whipped on the back? If he saw the movie 12 Years as a Slave [sic], you know, they were raped.”
Must we have American history from movies Takei? And did Thomas say that? That is hurtful incredibly pinched and appears to be a paraphrase. I don't believe you. 

Justice Thomas, explain yourself. [justice thomas, slaves, dignity]

Skips. I always feel IQ points drain along with civility whenever I accident upon that foul catch basin. Let's say they have some kind of point on their remote planet after we peel away the distorted framing "marriage equality" we always do have to start two, three steps backward, and stay in disagreement there, before addressing the fresh provocation. So forget it. They're talking amongst themselves.

* Newsbusters,  George Takei's Racist Rant: Clarence Thomas Is A "Clown in Black Face'. That's more like it. I'll read this one that comports with my feeeeeeeelings. And with what I know to be true. With all this information we have to weed things out somehow. We gardner-types do that more facilely than most. I mean, after all that attention to plant details all over the place, all that thinning out, any little thing that doesn't fit or turns brown -- out. 

All I want is what Thomas actually said so I can judge the degree of Thomas' blackfaceness myself, what a term to use, what a way to see things, and confirm the conclusion Takei the one-time actor is a big mouthed racist himself. I'll only scan the article for that bit and save my own opinion. 

Newsbusters has the whole Thomas statement in different typeface so it sticks out. Thomas writes that human dignity is innate. Thomas explains the bible, wish he wouldn't, and finds corollary with the principle that dignity cannot be taken away by government. Thomas said that slaves did not lose their dignity because government allowed them to be enslaved and those held in interment camps did not lose their dignity because government confined them. Likewise those denied government benefits do not lose their dignity because government denies them those benefits.


Thomas spoke to innate human dignity apart from government. Takei sees dignity springing from or confirmed by government, apparently.  It is government that issues a license for marriage.

That part kills me. It just does. Decades of not giving a shit and now suddenly it's everything, the dividing line between types of decency. 

I keep thinking about seeking validation through something so stupid as government recognition of my marriage, it meaning everything to me, and I just cannot. It is the exact same thing as seeking validation from my dog. 

Then I'm thinking about the state issuing dog licenses. I never did get one of those for any of my dogs. All of them were unlicensed. I could probably get in trouble for that. But I sure as heck never sought validation from the state for my dog. These dogs, all four, were champion stock. I was more interested in bogus AKC documentation than I ever was about state recognition. And I wasn't about to have them wear jingly tags around their necks as if the state owns them. Step off. 

Dogs, marriage, when it comes to state recognition, same thing. Irrelevant.

They're speaking different languages. Thomas speaks mind and Takei speaks feels. Thomas's movie has Morgan Freeman as janitor/god and Takei's film is not 12 Years a Slave, rather, it's Idiocracy where all black justices must be liberal justices and all liberal justices vote as solid bricks and without any discernible trace of judicial nuance in their opinions, so long as Takei gets what he wants. He cannot conceive a non-Democrat black justice, that is how racist Takei is. 

Enough of Newsbusters, back to Mediaiate where Takei continues explaining himself.
“My parents lost everything that they worked for, in the middle of their lives, in their 30’s. His business, my father’s business, our home, our freedom and we’re supposed to call that dignified? Marched out of our homes at gun point. I mean, this man does not belong on the Supreme Court. He is an embarrassment. He is a disgrace to America.”
Got me, right in the heart. I see now. Parents, feels, middle of lives, feels, 30's, feels, business, feels, home, feels, freedom, feels... Takei is running his "touch" finger up and down his own chest, everything that government did, nothing about his parent's innate dignity through all that, only the shameful indignity wrought by government, the same one he looks to for license, nothing at all about justices behaving as bricks, nothing about three branches observably behaving as one single branch. None of that would disturb the likes of Takei, so long as Takei gets what Takei wants and even when Takei does get what Takei wants then Takei must still be bitter and racist.

Takei! Government did that to your family. The same government that is having its way with pretty much whatever it wishes right now because you give it power it would not have otherwise without it. You are using government and Party as bludgeon to ruin people's lives and careers to get what you want and nothing else matters to you. You have what you want apparently you're just a mean bitter little bastard. I must insist knock it off with the sophistry of purposefully conflating inherent dignity with  the indignities overarching government dishes out when people like you put so much effort in working so hard to take umbrage to twist a man's meaning, purposefully mis-comprehending, all to empower crackpots and have them in charge, four justice voting as stupid bricks adjudicating something they have no business handling. And when the position is explained to you, Takai, and Huffington Post, you purposefully argue a different language. You're all too stupid to understand what Thomas said. You will give your own innate dignity to an underserving agency.

Just STFU and enjoy your marital bliss, Racist.


virgil xenophon said...

Boffo, Chip, Boffo...a CLASSIC rant!

(File under heading of: "I wish I'd said that.")

bagoh20 said...
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Rabel said...
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Rabel said...
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Leland said...

I keep thinking about seeking validation through something so stupid as government recognition of my marriage, it meaning everything to me, and I just cannot.

Indeed. My opposition was never to gay marriage as much as opposition to government recognizing marriage.

bagoh20 said...

" If he saw the movie 12 Years as a Slave..."

He often waxes nostalgic about the bathhouses he visited on Alfa 177 – that frozen Class-M planet of love. Retirement on Earth has never quite matched his exploration days.

Rabel said...

Thomas's comments on the innate character of human dignity grow stronger when he goes on to argue that recognizing a right to same sex marriage does not take dignity away from those who oppose it:

"The majority’s musings are thus deeply misguided, but
at least those musings can have no effect on the dignity of
the persons the majority demeans.
Its mischaracterization of the arguments presented by the States and their amici can have no effect on the dignity of those litigants.
Its rejection of laws preserving the traditional definition of
marriage can have no effect on the dignity of the people
who voted for them. Its invalidation of those laws can
have no effect on the dignity of the people who continue to
adhere to the traditional definition of marriage. And its
disdain for the understandings of liberty and dignity upon
which this Nation was founded can have no effect on the
dignity of Americans who continue to believe in them."

As to why this became part of the marriage case, it's an old question of expansion of the definition of constitutional rights to include a right to "dignity." Here's a good article on the background from a mostly liberal writer. It was written before the decision.

Rabel said...

Three tries and that's the best I can do on lining up the sentences. Blogger has besmirched my dignity.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I put out a tweet on this, and its not doing as well as it should.

"#GeorgeTakei's comment is what Scalia fears. A government so omnipotent, godlike, people are made to believe it can provide them "dignity"."

I also asked if Ann Frank ever thought the Germans had stripped her of her dignity.

Tekei completely misunderstood Thomas.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They're speaking different languages. Thomas speaks mind and Takei speaks feels. Thomas's movie has Morgan Freeman as janitor/god and Takei's film is not 12 Years a Slave, rather, it's Idiocracy where all black justices must be liberal justices and all liberal justices vote as solid bricks and without any discernible trace of judicial nuance in their opinions, so long as Takei gets what he wants. He cannot conceive a non-Democrat black justice, that is how racist Takei is.

That was good. I need a cig. and I don't even smoke.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thomas speaks mind and Takei speaks feels.

Tweet that!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The pissy fit the left are having and they just got what they wanted. never happy. Miserable all time.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I forget who said the quote about looking to Rome for salvation.

People are been... brainwashed, hoodwinked, bamboozled into looking to DC for salvation.

The idea that people w/o SSM where without dignity is preposterous. Baseless. Specially considering the safe stipulation that these are the folks who helped put God in the closet.

edutcher said...

Col Kirby would have smacked him from one end of the A-camp to the other.

Troop would have wanted it that way.

AllenS said...

You know what, Takei, if you watched Gilligan's Island, it wasn't all that bad being ship wrecked on an island.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm so glad this post was as long as it is. The entire point certainly couldn't have been told in three sentences.

edutcher said...

Ritmo doesn't get it.

Chip is an artist.

rhhardin said...

It's not racist. It's anti-conservative.

Blacks are actually defined as people unable to take care of themselves.

So he says Thomas is playing at being black but he's not. Thomas takes care of himself, and a few others as well apparently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo doesn't get it.

Chip is an artist.

Maybe not. But I like the artists who explore new themes every now and then. There's a fine line between emphasis and obsession. Well, maybe not so fine.

William said...

It wasn't just the Japanese that were interned during the war. The Romanians were also interned. But not the Italians. Why not the Italians? FDR liked them, thought that were all a bunch of opera lovers. The fact that they were part of the New Deal coalition may also have had something to do with it. The internment program was as much a part of the New Deal as the CCC and was as much political as racist........And there were internment programs in lands the Japanese conquered. The mortality rate in those camps, while lower than in the POW camps, touched or exceeded ten percent.......Different people can come to different conclusions on the issue of gay marriage. Th way you characterize people of the opposing view is more demonstrative of your bigotry than your actual views on gay marriage. Takei lacks class. Tacky. Tsk, tsk on Takei.

ndspinelli said...

Watched a very good HBO doc on Sinatra last night. The Kennedys were racist bastards. Sinatra was disgusted when he was told to disinvite Sammy Davis, Jr. because he was dating a white woman. Sinatra was a solid Dem. He was investigated by HUAC. But, he turned into a solid Republican because of the hypocrisy of the Kennedy's whom he adored. Kennedys prior to the 1960 election. He smelled limo liberal racists before Sinatra's experience. Jackie backed Nixon in 1960.

ndspinelli said...

Jackie Robinson met w/ the Kennedys prior to the election and smelled shanty Irish racists.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

But I like the artists who explore new themes every now and then. There's a fine line between emphasis and obsession. Well, maybe not so fine.

Pot, kettle.

You know the drill.

William said...

It wasn't just the Japanese that were interned during the war. The Romanians were also interned. But not the Italians. Why not the Italians? FDR liked them, thought that were all a bunch of opera lovers. The fact that they were part of the New Deal coalition may also have had something to do with it. The internment program was as much a part of the New Deal as the CCC and was as much political as racist.

OK, Joe DiMaggio did a plea for the Eyeties, so that cooled a lot of people down, but, yeah, Frank was a politician first, last, and always.

As for the Nisei, it was more complicated. There was a Japanese secret society whose name translates to Black Dragon (very melodramatic, I know).

They controlled the labor camps in Manchuria, the opium trade, the germ warfare labs. They had also infiltrated every Western Hemisphere country with a Japanese minority - one of the reasons Brazil was willing to declare war on Germany, but not on Japan was the threat of sabotage.

One of the reasons the Nisei were interned was to sort out the good guys from the Black Dragon. Marshall, in particular, didn't like it because he figured we needed as many men as possible overseas, but went along for that reason.

Oh, and what happened to the Black Dragon after the war?

They became the Yakuza.

Rabel said...

I learned something today. No, really.

One of the leading actors in convincing FDR to remove the Japanese from California was none other than Earl effin' Warren, first as Cali AG and then as Cali Governor. I did not know that.

ricpic said...

Free speech would have long ago been a memory if the Constitution had included the right to dignity. The reason is obvious: the exercise of vigorous free speech is always felt to be an affront to the dignity of someone somewhere sometime. Therefore it was unfortunate that Thomas, even though his opinion was a defense of constitutionally mandated federalism, felt it either necessary or appropriate to reference dignity.

edutcher said...

Rabel said...

I learned something today. No, really.

One of the leading actors in convincing FDR to remove the Japanese from California was none other than Earl effin' Warren, first as Cali AG and then as Cali Governor. I did not know that.

Oh, yeah.

And that convinced Eisenhower think he would be a real hard-liner on SCOTUS.

ricpic said...

P.S. I understand that Thomas' discussion of dignity was a response to Kennedy's discovery of the right to dignity in the Constitution to impose SSM nationally by judicial fiat. And that Thomas was referencing dignity in a defensive sense not as a cudgel to beat and bully. Nevertheless why go there at all. Why put a toe in the liberals' dirty sandbox? Why respond, thereby giving an illegitimate argument a hint of legitimacy.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What Rabel said @8:16

I didn't know that either.

Rabel said...

Damned clowns. They're everywhere.