Sunday, July 7, 2024

On Piles & Loads



edutcher said...

Talks like a 13 year old.

Since it's becoming painfully obvious the Demos don't want to run Chlamydia, any interest in starting a pool on how they dump her?

MamaM said...

The Big K's inability to effectively work with and retain staff hired to help and come alongside her is a big tell. One that may seem minor in comparison to the jumble she makes of her public presentations, but it's a huge warning that something is off on a relational/leadership level.

Dad Bones said...

"Only senile some of the time"
That's what worries me. The fact that he's occasionally coherent and outwardly defiant about staying in the race could be enough to inspire the sort of Dem voters we have in 2024 to stick with him. It would be just like him to come out with something like 'Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!' I've already heard the 'Dark Brandon' theme. That they've been able to get away with having a senile president for so long leaves open the possibility that they (Obama) could try any number of schemes that play on his dementia in a likable sort of way. Sort of like your favorite uncle who forgets things but still gets the job done.

MamaM said...

That's what worries me too, Dad Bones. The new cartoon posted (July 9) on Readiness is for you, depicting the hoped for result of schemes already in play and those yet to be revealed.

The other one, on Respect for a POS in place of POTUS just made me laugh, as that's what's being passed off as viable--a favorite well meaning uncle who just forgets from time to time and likes to take naps.

edutcher said...

Brandon has never been anybody's pal. Most people, including most Demos, don't like him and his belief in himself is only bolstered by people who tell him what he wants to hear (this out of his own mouth - remember what he said in the Steffi interview).

Every time he gets a shot at redeeming himself, he just makes things worse, witness the phone in on the Squinty show yesterday where he started yelling and doing his tough guy, blue collar thing.

Dad Bones said...

That they've been able to get away with having a senile president for so long leaves open the possibility that they (Obama) could try any number of schemes that play on his dementia in a likable sort of way. Sort of like your favorite uncle who forgets things but still gets the job done.

First, Zippy is an errand boy, just like Brandon, and 'twas Zippy who thought him running was a bad idea (witness the manufatured votes he needed) and entered political legend with, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to fu(k things up".

Second, they really haven't gotten away with his senility. And, no, it's not part time. It's why he falls down, has his little tantrums, mumbles and slurs, zones out.

It's why they've had Parkinson's specialists in. Witness the symptonms:

Muscle stiffness, where muscle remains contracted for a long time.
Slowness of movement.
Impaired balance and coordination, sometimes leading to falls.

Some people are starting to see a tremor (I haven't).

Third, he's not your favorite uncle who forgets things but still gets the job done. He's the creepy uncle that sniffs little girls. He also doesn't get things done. He's loused up the economy enough, the Demos are hemorrhaging constituencies - blacks, Hispanics, Catholics, Jews, kids. 20% of blacks, supposedly, have moved to support Trump.

Fourth, Dr Jill has emerged unquestionably as this century's Edith Kermit Wilson. Nobody believes he's running anything.

If we can believe what he said to Scarborough, he intends to drag this out to the convention.

Remember Chiraq '68.