Tuesday, July 16, 2024

On Bullseyes & Befuddlement



commoncents said...

WATCH LIVE: Republican National Convention Milwaukee 2024, Day 2


ps. would you please add CC to your blogroll? thanks!

edutcher said...

Both are on the money.

PS Did you know the current head of the Secret Service was head of Brandon's detail when he was President of Vice?

MamaM said...

"Oh, ed", was my immediate response, which tells me I was hit with that one, since I use the full online name in the comments.

Followed by, "No, I didn't know." "Could it be true?" and "What else is tangled up in this unholy mess?"

What unsettles me with the sloped roof defense is the lameness. And how willing she was to put something so incredibly off and unbelieveable out there.

When the improbable and the ridiculous are trotted out in place of rational and reasonable, something more is going on behind the scenes, bigger than the person doing the trotting.

Its pathetic.

MamaM said...

The first comment I wrote and published didn't go through. Maybe it will show up later?

No, I didn't know. What other weird threads and connections are tangled up in this pathetic mess of negligence, incompetance and corruption?

The utter lameness of her sloped roof excuse has me wondering what's going on behind her that would cause her to be willing to trot out such a ridiculous response?

edutcher said...

This is turning into an absolute fu(king mess.

I've been on the fence about posting a couple more items that will blow minds.

PS If it hasn't shown by now, you might want to resubmit - unless you had something in there Troop had to reject, you naughty girl.