Thursday, July 25, 2024

 Our new body double preznit is much taller than the old demented one:

These are just two photos that I found - there are others floating around. 


ampersand said...

The new one seems to have more hair too.

Maybe they can shrink and grow at will?

MamaM said...

Supposedly the most recent one has younger looking hands too.

ampersand, you knocked it out of the park with that one!

The Dude said...

Given pervy Joe's proclivities I always wondered where his right hand is.

edutcher said...

There's been speculation about a body double, but I thought it was a tad shake.

Some have noted a difference in the chin.

I'd say Chlamydia better have somebody watching her back, but she can't keep any help for very long.

edutcher said...

Found this with multiple views and, yeah, something is really weird.

So, how long has this been going on?

MamaM said...

edutcher's link led to this one, focused primarily on Trump's handshake but showing Biden's weirdly wrinkled forehead at 2:40 mark. It's bizzare while the rest of the face is slack. Hard to believe it's a mask, but there's something off. Those are some deep wrinkles.

MamaM said...
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Dad Bones said...

Well it's clearly a miracle. When the weight of the world was removed from his shoulders he straightened right up and even his legs got longer.