Tuesday, January 30, 2024

On Perceptions & Impressions of Chaos



ampersand said...

I don't see how the US recovers from the damage Biden has done. 10 million illegals on top of the estimated 11 million already here. A government that spends more than the entire GDP. We are in Argentina territory. Did you see the migrants beating NY cops? They let them out without bail. There are RINOs in the Senate working on a bill to let 4999 illegals in per day. That's over 1.8 million annually. This is madness.

edutcher said...

The Demos need to be purged at all levels. Including the Undocumented Democrats. And the illegals need to go back.

All of them.

People are already voting with their feet in many cases. Blue states are hemorrhaging voters, which means electoral votes, which means Congressmen, which means influence. I think even the sane Democrats (however few they may be) see this.

The George Floyd thing is coming back to bite them.

Sooner or later, there will be an incident if the people aren't allowed to do this peaceably. There are more guns than there are people in this country and Brandon's unending blather about F-16s shows how little he knows history.

edutcher said...

PS Consider a majority of states support TX stringing razor wire at the border.

Now that's an insurrection.

MamaM said...

Reading about the overlap between Iran and Venezuala through a Powerline link to:


Hard to even take in the amount of willfulness, stupidity and compromise involved.

edutcher said...

Never underestimate Joe's ability to fu(k things up.

B H Ozero