Thursday, January 11, 2024

Another Nail

Almost missed the New Year's revelation of the names on the Fantasy Island list.

We have a picture here. Menendez, Brandon, Willie, and the Beast. With more to come.

In the old days, that alone would have destroyed the Demos. I have a feeling it does now. Another reason why all the illegals have been flooding in. With Conservative white people making all the babies, demography may truly be destiny.

Long range.

Short range, it would appear there are fewer and fewer people who like the Demos.

Oh, sure, they're going to steal this one, too, Or at least try.

But 4 years of Presidential Depends (h/t Irish) may just make for a real insurrection.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

I like the small d territory the term Presidential Depends covers, along with brand recognition.

Dementia Hitler, is also one that marks the spot.