The Nat Sherman cigar store on Fifth Avenue has announced that it will close after 90 years. Yes Cuomo and DeBlasio have done everything they can to destroy New York and all of it's institutions.
Back in the day in 1980's when cigars were in their heyday I would be invited to Nat Shermans for events where they premiered new cigars. Actually my buddy was invited as he had a space in their humidor for his cigars but he was always invited to bring some friends who were into the hobby. I would always spend more than I wanted too and would buy a couple of boxes of cigars. We often went to other events like the cigar cruise around Manhattan that was pretty cool. It was a five course dinner with a cognac and cigar for every course. A lot of fun.
Fun that doesn't exist in New York anymore. They control where you shop. They control how many people can meet up in a bar. They have destroyed the only reason to live in a city.
Another landmark pulled down and destroyed.
I like breathing, I like to have a regular heart rhythm, I try to avoid head and neck cancers, but dang, once in a while I sure do miss having a nice cigar.
Did I ever tell the story of the time I smuggled some Cuban cigars across the American/Canadian border? They were nice cigars, expensive, but damn, smuggling nearly killed me. I am not cut out for that line of work.
I smuggled some Cubans back from Canada back in the day. I shoved them down my pants.
The Canadians were impressed.
Yeah, I just smuggled cigars. You far-up-north types are kinky, just sayin'.
Sounds like it's time for Gotham to rebel.
Do men even give out cigars anymore when they have a kid? I did in 1987. And, I brought home some Cuban cigars in Jan 1987 from Colombia when I went to get our son in Colombia. I didn't give those away in May 1987 when our daughter was born!
I also brought home some emeralds. I consulted w/ a Jew jeweler on how to pick out good ones. He had been to Colombia several times.
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