Saturday, July 13, 2019

Former ICE Director Thomas Homan bitchslaps Democrat representative Chuy Garcia

It's fun to watch.

Garcia asks a question designed specifically to antagonize and so it does. Homan rips Garcia's head off. Being headless never shuts up a Democrat so headless Garcia lamely returns. Just like my little sister imagining getting the last word in means that you win, no matter how lame.

* bessie2003:
Wonder if he will accept the position in the administration he was offered. Was there a timeline for him to accept or turn it down that we know of?

   ** snarkybeach:
He has said things need to change at DHS before he would sign on. This was before he accused McAllean of leaking.

      *** snarkybeach:
He has said things need to change at DHS before he would sign on. This was before he accused McAllean of leaking.

         **** bessie2003:
That’s interesting. Didn’t know that.
Like he was telling the President what to do before he was willing to step down from his great speaking gigs?

Sorry, he really talks a great game but not being willing to be the change speaks loudly too.

I think he is more effective doing what he’s doing, making it clear for people willing to look and listen to what he says from experience vs what the politicians say for points.

Just wish he would clearly let us know if he is going to work in the Admin. or not so the President can move on and get someone into the position.

         **** law4lifeblog:
Bessie2003, that’s not fair to Homan. He can’t “be the change” if McAleenan and others are left in place to tie his hands.


chickelit said...

What a disgusting race-baiter Garcia is. He presumes that Holden is a racist simply because the people crossing the border are latino. Truth is, were we being invaded by hordes of albinos from the North, the response from ICE of would be and should be the same: stop the criminal trespassing.

La Raza racists like Garcia (and AOC) will continue to argue that "their people" have a natural right to emigrate and that we need to stop interfering with this natural process. This grievance is a historical one, driven by history and by demographics. These people are not my fellow Americans -- they are enemies of America.

chickelit said...

Homan not Holden.

chickelit said...

I wonder if there is truer litmus test of "open borders" than the confrontation at these hearings. I would like to hear from fellow Lemlings.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Democratics are assholes.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

democrats are assholes. did I say that already? I dont' know what else to say. They are all assholes.

ricpic said...

"These people are not my fellow Americans -- they are enemies of America."

The United States is the first nation EVER that is allowing itself to be dismembered for fear of the R word. The respectables will not fight back against obvious hostiles for fear of being called bigots and being relegated tp pariah status. First but not alone. The same phenomenon is dismembering England, France, Germany, Sweden. It is unreal. Surrealistic. And yet it IS happening and the invaders ARE winning.

Leland said...

It is clear. The Democrats want to make 2020 about race. I don't think it will work well for them. I get why they are choosing it. Trump made border security a hallmark of his 2016 run, and it did work well for him. But Democrats won't syphon votes from him or Republicans with their message. One could argue that Republicans didn't deliver on border security, and I might agree. You can't argue that Trump hasn't tried all he can. And the arguments fall apart when the alternative is a Democrat vision that is lawless and nonsense.

I worry about GOTV and the vote harvesting like we saw in California and Arizona. Otherwise, the 2020 election will be an easy debate.

edutcher said...

In the old days, the Demos would get out the crying towels and the tickets for a guilt trip.

65 years of televised hearings have educated people how the game is played.

Homan came loaded for bear and handed the Demos their heads.

Leland said...

It is clear. The Democrats want to make 2020 about race. I don't think it will work well for them.
The Demos are fighting so much between themselves on race, it's going to make '20 a very messy year for them.

ricpic said...

And yet it IS happening and the invaders ARE winning.

No, the courts are standing behind Trump and that's where he needs to win. Look at the decisions handed down in the last week. Without the courts to dictate for them, The Demos are done.

Then there's the long-standing rift between blacks and Hispanics coming to a head.

Sixty Grit said...

Senile Nancy says Trump wants to make America white again. Who knows whether that is true or even possible

It's still white majority. Run out the illegals and the seditious Moslems (it's happening) and things go back to nice.

Nobody minds Indian or Korean workers. They want to be Americans. They teach their kids to behave.

The Left is doing to itself what the Girondins did in the french Revolution.