Thursday, August 16, 2018

World of Dance.

The things kids do today. My goodness. This show will blow your mind if you give it a chance. 

Jennifer Lopez said, "you danced it perfectly" and I'm sitting here thinking, yes, now rate them 100, but they actually scored among the lowest on the show tonight. 

Someone in comments here said they don't dig all the synchronicity, but come on, that's always been a thing, Ester Williams, the June Taylor dancers, what have you, but now it's done precisely, militaristically, and the moves these kids are inventing blow my mind. They blow the minds of professional choreographers. Other routines on this show tonight are completely over the top. The combinations of athletics, gymnastics, ballet, group coordination, timing, inventive moves, break dancing, hip-hop, flamenco, tap, ballroom, is outstanding. Each individual is outstanding. It beats everything that I grew up watching. 

Here's another that scored very well. 


The Dude said...

Very nice - I particularly liked the part where he dragged himself on his back towards her using his legs - good move. But seconds later she helps him to his feet - that would have been stronger had he done a kip and not needed her assistance. Minor quibble, however, overall, being a traditional French judge, I give them a 3.2.

rhhardin said...

The third world desparately needs new moves, some commenter said

ampersand said...

In a #metoo world it's time for an Apache dance revival

ricpic said...

Bring back Ginger and Fred! I know that's an old fart thing to say. So sue me.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

Going back to my Grace and Truth model, Ginger and Fred had the complementary grace thing going, with lots of energy and skill present within a happy-land framework without a whiff of conflict, trouble, difficulty or ego needs/desires portrayed; whereas this dance skillfully reveals and invites into consideration the truth end of partnership and relationship.

I had the quote below ready to put on the Aretha thread, as I was having a hard time finding the words to express what was coming up for me in response to reading of her death. And it fits here, as I watched this couple paint a picture and realized beyond their skill, I felt a heart connection to what they conveyed through their dance. Lopez said, "You guys were talking. It was dialog." And it was.

"She paints a picture with a song," said Houston. "Outside of being vocally astute, you can feel what she's singing. You can tell when someone is just singing a song, and when the song is a part of their inner being. With Aretha, what leaves the heart reaches the heart."

ampersand said...

Bring back Ginger and Fred!
this is the best I can do

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Old farts rule.

The Dude said...

You can never be too thin, right?

MamaM said...

While watching the cartoon caper at ampersand's link I was smiling, finding myself amused and wondering if it tapped into my idea of cartoon fun from years ago, or was funny on its own; and then I got to the part where the femurs were pulled to set up the skelezylephone, and I burst out laughing.

It's as good a dance as the dead and living souls mentioned and linked in this post have conjured up! From 1929 to boot. I hadn't seen it before.

deborah said...

Brilliant. Love that thing at :39.

deborah said...

Thanks for the Apache dance, ampersand, who knew??

The Dude said...

I did. Them Frenchies is a big ol' mess of cultural appropriation!

deborah said...

I thought the French invented culture.

ampersand said...

Nostalgie de la boue is a French term for love of mud. It elevates low life stuff to an art form. We do it too,ie.Frankie and Johnny. Other examples of bottom of the barrel French entertainment are the Grand Guignol theater and the original Moulin Rouge.

deborah said...

Thanks, amp, very interesting. Is that what you were referring to, Sixty?