Monday, August 20, 2018

The coming backlash against #MeToo - advice for young men


deborah said...

Keyed to begin about half way through.

MamaM said...

The key doesn't work.

How about adding a clue as to what led you to this video or prompted your interest in posting it?

In other words, what is the game?

MamaM said...

Wondering where you are on this one, deborah?

Benefit of the Doubt would include the possibility of being too busy or involved with life to jump in and respond or provide the time stamp where the vid was to have been keyed to start.

Worst Case Scenario would involve a unfortunate or catastrophic event standing in the way of response.

Ugliest Explanation Based on Past Performance would include the assumption that any acknowledgement of my presence, questions or comments, in the form of a direct answer can not be mustered or managed.

Most Mundane Musing would center around the belief that the topic or video posted that seemed important enough to encourage others to spend time watching, wasn't significant or important in the long or the short run.

Gameist Guessing would suggest stonewalling as a tactic worthy of consideration, with winning or provoking being the point rather than connection or consideration if that's what the game requires.

Which might it be? I'm open to consider additional possibilities. What I'm not willing to do is spend 30 minutes or even 15 listening to a video of someone speak, without some some prior introduction, recommendation or point of interest mentioned.

chickelit said...

Does deborah agree with ponytailed comrade?

MamaM said...

Who knows? I'm finding his voice difficult to listen to for more than a minute or two. It reminds me of a Chirbit.

deborah said...

More or less, chick. I recall hearing back in the Eighties that Billy Graham would refuse to be alone with a woman, e.g., in an elevator.

He does call a 45 year-old woman 'old,' and of course I don't believe in his pretty extreme list of what an 'old' woman will tolerate in the office, e.g., looking at her breasts, he is really onto the backlash thing.

Jordan Peterson has said women are dressing at work to be sexually attractive, and he asks why.

MamaM said...

I recall hearing back in the Eighties that Billy Graham would refuse to be alone with a woman, e.g., in an elevator.

Further back than that, and closer to home now with Mike Pence.

"Billy Graham rule"
In 1948, Graham held a series of evangelistic meetings in Modesto, California. Together with Cliff Barrows, Grady Wilson and George Beverly Shea, he resolved to "avoid any situation that would have even the appearance of compromise or suspicion".The accountability agreement, which has become known as the "Modesto Manifesto", covered not only their interactions with women, but also commitments to integrity with respect to finances, their interactions with local churches, and publicity. Since that time, Graham made a point of not traveling, meeting, or eating alone with a woman other than his wife Ruth.

But it looks like he made an exception for Hillary!

By Graham's own admission, though, he was not an absolutist in the application of the rule that now bears his name: his autobiography relates a lunch meeting with Hillary Clinton that he initially refused on the grounds that he does not eat alone with women other than his wife, but she persuaded him that they could have a private conversation in a public dining room

MamaM said...

Looks like the video was rekeyed, and the manchick was able to rouse a response.

Who is the this "pony-tailed comrade'?

It appears to be Lucian Vâlsan, a Romanian libertarian-conservative, polyglot, and staunch non-feminist men's rights advocat. He runs the YouTube channel Freedom Alternative.

He also is European News Director for A Voice for Men.

chickelit said...


Can I buy a consonant? I’m wondering which one is hidden under that circumflex? In French —a Romance language like Romanian — a circumflex usually means an “s” was deleted.

ps: Does anyone here know ipads really well? I’m tempted to write a blogpost about my keyboard frustrations on a newer iPad. It is so distracting that I end up deleting or not even writing entire comments which require foreign characters.