Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Babe Abides

"Babe let me introduce to our new center fielder....Joe DiMaggio."
"Hi ya Keed."
"      "
"Hey you are a dummy or something? Doncha talk?"
"       "
"Joe isn't much for the small talk Babe but he is a helluva hitter."
"That's Ok. Bob Meusel didn't say shit if he had a mouthful. Course he was  fag so he usually had his mouth full of dick so you could never understand what he said anyway. Say you look like you are one of them Eyetalians? Like Tony Lazzeri? Here's a tip. Stay away from cellar stairs."
"    "
"Enough of this shit. Lets get a cigar and a couple of broads."
"Sounds good Babe."

1 comment:

Dad Bones said...

That's a conversation that didn't take place in my corner of the world but Babe Ruth did make it to my Iowa town on his Ford Motor Company tour to promote American Legion baseball. This was the summer of 1948 and there's a picture of him riding through town in a parade waving at fans from a convertible. I've heard that was his last public appearance before dying.