Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Who doesn't like a bit of levity, amirite?

My dogs had a similar response:

Tough crowd!


Dad Bones said...

Your dogs: "You said this was going to be funny."

AllenS said...

Lots of dogs, don't look very comfortable with someone aiming at their head with something that they don't understand.

edutcher said...

All the same, dogs love it when you treat them just like people.

Only better.

ricpic said...

The dogs are probably thinking *we got it, only inferior humans feel the need to laugh.*

A chihuahua variation on that would be *we got it, we don' need to laugh, we don' need no steenkin' badges.*

edutcher said...

Or, "I'm laughing on the inside".

MamaM said...


Only I had to read the joke twice to get it. So put me in the same category as the dogs, who appear to sense something apaw while awaiting more clarity.

They're both in the EF and FFOF position, which were my 4th grade teacher's barked out orders/acronyms for Eyes Forward and Feet Flat on Floor as a sign of watchful readiness to stop, look, listen and learn, with obedience paramount.

Those were the days. I wasn't much fond of her. Preferred the 5th grade teacher who was alert and watchful enough to ascertain that I needed glasses. She also read aloud to us everyday after lunch, with The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" being my favorite, so good it remains on my list of all time favorites for old time's sake. Plus it was my first introduction to the mystery of something more and beyond Calvinist dogma.

I also have strong memories, fond and otherwise of the elderly 3rd grade teacher who'd come over from China after the War. She regaled us with gruesome stories of the horrors of communism and atrocities encountered there, and made us march in a line as exercise in gym class, left, right, left, right. Oddly enough, I enjoyed the marching and remember it as one of the high points during an otherwise dismal year. It was the only time I've ever marched in step with anyone!

Years later (like 50) I learn through the work of Francis Shapiro, that left right left right (bilateral) movement helps with brain integration and processing. Who knew?

The Dude said...

Or "You cannot be Sirius!"

ricpic said...

The Clouds Part

Once, in basic training, we were marching four abreast.
We passed another four abreast marching in reverse.
I felt....I felt a martial stirring in my breast.
Yes, it did happen....to a future filing clerk.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good one SG.