Sunday, March 26, 2017

"These are moves of power, not of reason"

"Around the county college students are silencing speakers in the name of safe spaces. Filmmaker Rob Montz visits his alma mater of Brown University to find out what happened to free speech and debate on campus in We the Internet's first mini documentary."

"In 2015, video of Yale's "shrieking girl" screaming at professor Nicholas Christakis over a Halloween costume email went viral. A year later, Dr. Christakis and his wife Erika had both left their positions. In this mini-documentary We the Internet TV filmmaker Rob Montz heads to that university to investigate what Yale has become."

Silence U Part 2: What Has Yale Become?


Amartel said...

University: the antithesis of diversity

Amartel said...

All of this is shameful and sad. These universities, and universities in general, are actively harming these kids, turning them into collateral damage in the culture wars. Evil.
The part that really freaked me out was the dean at Yale who was basically singing them a lullaby. Go to sleeeep, all you need is looooove, safe in the bubble.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

If something doesn't change and soon there is going to be a bad batch of "leadership" coming out of these places and it could signal the end of the republic as we've known and loved.

Amartel said...

I wouldn't go to an Ivy now. Save your money and go to a state school, keep your head down and get a STEM degree and get the hell outta there.

Amartel said...

The Ivies and Stanford - and college in general - have devalued themselves. Much like the press and the government. I don't think the public automatically respects the degree anymore.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

You got to be very far gone to be enrolled at fucking privileged Yale and tell off a professor as if he's from mars or something.

Amartel said...

Interesting that the black President of Brown actively encouraged Horowitz to come back and speak whereas the white (current) President of Brown actively discourages the open market of ideas and encourages victimhood, valuing victimhood (real and perceived) at the expense of free speech. This is contempt and disrespect and, yes, whatever ism applies because it implies that the victim in question is too delicate to handle a challenging viewpoint. Vile.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Lem - these delicate progressive speech fascists are all going to get behind Chelsea Clinton. She's the ultimate brainless safe space, paid for by HRC Grifter, Inc.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Amartel - I wouldn't go to an Ivy now. Save your money and go to a state school, keep your head down and get a STEM degree and get the hell outta there.


edutcher said...

The Lefties have been doing this for 50 years, and bragging about it.

Ask the campus commandos of the 60s; they'll proudly tell you how they hounded LBJ from office.