Thursday, March 16, 2017

McDonald's Is A Kroc Of Shit...

...and they just signed their own corporate death warrant:


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The left have lost their minds. Corporate children throwing tantrums.. pining for their smooth talking lying dictator. this is insane.

Synova said...

It's really really hard to imagine that's real. There's no way that McDonald's exec's could be that stupid. Got their twitter hacked?

chickelit said...

Is it a Reichstag fire? It's certainly inflammatory.

edutcher said...

Another Lefty-run corporation that doesn't realize Conservatives and Republicans eat, too.

Synova said...

It's really really hard to imagine that's real. There's no way that McDonald's exec's could be that stupid

Remember Target and their bathroom policy?

Amazon and Wally World (especially Wally world) and the Confederate flag?

the Ditzy Twits?

Yeah, they're that stupid.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Synova --

That was my first thought. This cannot be real.
Drunk rogue executive?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

At Drudge link -

"Former Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs is the executive vice president and global chief communications officer at McDonald's."

He is? what the F for?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The twitter post was "real" but not authorized. McDonalds says it was hacked but it may have been a disgrunted employee giving a big FU out the door.

The Dude said...

I assume it is real as they used "of" instead of "for". That level of illiteracy is common among HR and PR hacks.

Preposition Lives Matter!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

McDonalds should fire Gibbs.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The sad thing about this is that the people who would be affected by a boycott of McDonald's are the franchise owners and employees of the individual restaurant establishments. Yeah. A boycott might eventually hurt McDonald's corporate bottom line. But, the first people hurt would be the little guy who is trying to make a living by investing in and running a restaurant.

McDonald's (the corporation), if they are smart need to be vigilant about this and publicly fire that guy and make it clear that they are in the business of providing food, and are not a political establishment.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

DBQ - 100%.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Daily Mirror..

"McHack attack: McDonald's blames compromised Twitter account after firing off insulting tweet at Donald Trump calling him a 'disgusting excuse of a president' with 'tiny hands'"

It makes sense to attack him and then blame it on a hack, however.

If you listened in on conversations at the McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts I frequent, this is the kind of thing you would hear.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

And then I have heard a few black men defend Trump at UPS, and white men defend him at AA meetings.

bagoh20 said...

The Burger King is a quiet but sly bastard.

And: Small hands make your burger look biggerer.

Trooper York said...

I think it was obviously a hack.

I would not jump to conclusions and give them a chance to explain.

As opposed to other National Corporation such as Kellogs and the NFL have a corporate policy that is clear and offensive and deserving of a boycott.

I don't think that is the case with McDonalds.

The fact that they hired Gibbs was just them hedging their bets because they expected Hillary to win and wanted to buy influence. He will be gone shortly with a golden parachute when it can fly under the radar.

Trooper York said...

It makes no sense for McDonalds to take such a stance. Their customers are often Trump voters. I think they realize that and would not want to mess with that. Somebody who wanted to mess with them would send out that tweet.

There are a lot of people who have an unreasonable hatred towards McDonald's. You have seen it here time and again. So it is not surprising that some computer savvy millennial would do this to hurt this company.

They do not have a history of corporate political activism as other corporations do and this is definitely an anomaly.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

the silence from McDonalds is strange.

Trooper York said...

I think they are trying to get their story straight.

If it is really the way the corporate executives feel deep in their hearts they would want to do damage control. Hide it and stop the reaction.

If it truly is a hack they have to find out how it happened and how to make sure it doesn't happen again. Establish a narrative that covers their ass.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to hunker down and do nothing. It will blow over in a day. One strategy is to not give it life by responding.

Amartel said...

The Burger King ads are bizarre. I do not understand who responds to that. I think they're trying to have their very own weird pedophile clown mascot, just like McDonalds. But WHY?
This does sound like a hack and the silence from McDonalds indicates they're keeping their head down and hoping it blows over; they don't want to take either side.

edutcher said...

FWIW Gibbs had a similar position at Wally World before they decided to drop a symbol revered in the part of the country where half their stores are located (130 closed as a result of the boycott) and viewed favorably in another part of the country where a third of their stores are located.

There's a pattern here.

chickelit said...

"This does sound like a hack and the silence from McDonalds indicates they're keeping their head down and hoping it blows over; they don't want to take either side."

There are no "two sides" on this one. It was just flat-out inappropriate. It would have been inappropriate had it concerned the Beast.

If they were hacked, are they still "hacked"?

Trooper York said...

I agree that it is flat out inappropriate. But corporate guys are cowards. Because they are the accountants and the ad guys who take over after the founders cash out.

It is part of the natural corporate entropy and destruction of a brand. It all started when they instituted Salads and healthy options. That was the beginning of the end.

Providing cheap edible food in a clean environment was a noble cause. They should be proud of that and just do that. That is why they became the multi-billion dollar brand that they became not by kowtowing to social justice warriors.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I find this hard to believe it was an intentional corporate policy. It was way to hamfisted and OTT for that. This was probably a Trump Derangement Syndrome employee in McDonalds who decided to do some personal Twitter graffiti at McDonalds expense.

I concur with most of what Troop says. Actually the beginning of the end was not the salads, it was (dare I admit this as a cow) the taking of tallow out of the french fryer.

chickelit said...

BTW, I would love to give McDonalds the benefit of the doubt. My late father loved him some McDonalds. But we're not dealing with your father's McDonalds here.

A certain fraction of corporate America is sick and in need of help. Look at the Nordstroms fiasco.

Amartel said...

Of course the tweet was flat out inappropriate. Didn't they acknowledge that? They just don't want to go any further than that and get political which is fine.
If they've got Gibbs working for them that gives new meaning to being "hacked."

Amartel said...

Apparently a bunch of high-profile Twitter accounts, including Amnesty International, BBC News North America and the European Parliament were hijacked on Wednesday. It may not be related but the other jacked accounts were infested with tweets in Turkish, which included Swastikas, and appeared to be a reference to the growing diplomatic tensions between Turkey, Holland and Germany. Related or not, it appears that Twitter accounts can be jacked from the outside as well as the inside.

ampersand said...

I find it really hard to take this seriously. However there are some fairly stupid CEOs. That Broad from Pepsi is a prime example. I'm bewildered why any company would use or maintain a twitter account. I can see registering to secure the name, but who in hell would be a follower of tweet ads from any company. I don't see how Twitter or Facebook convinces businesses that this is a wise investment.

MacDonald's has made a stupid decision to move their Company headquarters from quiet DuPage county to Cook County,specifically Chicago. Unless they were given multi-million dollar tax breaks why would you move where hostile politicians will interfere in your hiring practices or institute taxes and laws meant to drive you out of business?

Amartel said...

Pepsi's CEO made her company political. I never liked Pepsi but that was about the time I switched to Sodastream.

The Dude said...

How is Nordstrom's doing these days? Target? How about Kellogg? Has Starbucks taken a hit for hiring 10,000 jihadis?

I am old enough to remember when American companies were run by Americans. Speaking of which, how is Pepsi doing? I hope Vishnu and Shiva are watching over them. Maybe McDonalds should start selling Ganesha burgers - you could get billions and billions burgers out of just one elephant.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The hacked Podesta e-mails revealed Coke gave big bucks to Clinton, Inc. Tho - that might have been bribery.

chickelit said...

Amartel write: "Of course the tweet was flat out inappropriate. Didn't they acknowledge that? They just don't want to go any further than that and get political which is fine."

I'm seeing just one tweet in my feed which states that Twitter notified them, and that they've secured the account. No statement at all about the appropriateness. Of course a reasonable person might sssume they believe that but who knows?

Trooper York said...

At that level of corporate greed there is nothing but bribery. All of the big corporations have forfeited their American Identity long ago.

At least our America. The old fashioned America. The America of church goers and family oriented people who obeyed the law.

There is no better example than the NFL. At one time it was the epitome of the American Spirit. Tough. Hard nosed. Competitive. Now it is boycotting states that won't let a guy in a dress bring his dick into the little girls room. Celebrate assholes who kneel during the anthem and suspending those who would wear something to honor policemen who fall in the line of duty. When a corporation loses touch with the people who made it successful it deserves to die.

There is still a lot of choice here in America. You don't have to buy Kellogg's cereal. Shop at Nordstrom. Even eat at McDonalds.

McDonalds has a limited time to make this right. I hope they do. I support them. I want them to succeed. The key is that they should not be ashamed of who they are. If they fall into that trap then they deserve to die as well.

Trooper York said...

Chickie puts his finger on it. They need to do something to acknowledge it. Even something as lame as "People are entitled to their political opinions....this is not the official opinion of the McDonalds corporation.....we just want to sell burgers and fries to all Americans....Republican and Democrat...patriots and social justice are all welcome to our All American Restaurant."

Amartel said...

I've read that Starbucks and Kelloggs have taken a hit. Don't know about Nordstrom or Tragic but heard Ivanka's clothing line is going gangbusters so Nords lost out on that. Assholes. I think at a certain point the people in charge of these brands just don't care if they lose business. Everyone who's in charge is set for life. Their employees further down the food chain aren't but they don't REALLY care about those people.

"The hacked Podesta e-mails revealed Coke gave big bucks to Clinton, Inc. Tho - that might have been bribery."
I believe the term is cronyism.

Re: McDonalds nonacknowledgment that the tweet was inappropriate: It's inappropriate on its face. It was removed. Like I pointed out above, they may have been hacked from outside. Can we let them figure that out before we go nuts?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I do agree -the silence is unacceptable.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Nordstrom is suffering anyway.

A good way to solve the suffering is to piss off half of your already shrinking customer base.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Amartel - I wanna go nuts now! ;-) I'm hankering for some fries and I need resolution.

Nordstrom = cowards. Some lefty complained that if they saw Ivanka Trump on a label, they would faint. That's all it takes now. A leftist fascist and their leftist fascist threats.

Well, two can play that game, Nordstrom.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Chickie puts his finger on it. They need to do something to acknowledge it

Agreeing with both Chick and Trooper. McDonald's corporate needs to more than just say....ooops we were hacked.

If they don't make a public and plainly worded disclaimer that they do not agree with the tweet then the only thing we can infer is that they DO agree with the sentiments of the anti Trump tweet.

If they don't do damage control and soon, they may be facing some very irate customers AND some very very irate franchise holders who are going to be the first ones hurt should there be a boycott of their restaurants.

Amartel said...

I want my quarter pounder with cheeeeeese and I don't want politics with that. THANK YOU. :)

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

How is Nordstrom's doing these days? Target? How about Kellogg

Don't know about Nord's, but Kellogg's is having major layoffs and Target has taken a big hit on its stock.

Trooper York said...

Maybe McDonalds is going to have a schism like the Presbyterians.

The Conservative franchises can operate under a new name .....I don't know....Old McDonalds...just like your Daddy did.

The Social Justice Warriors can be the Rainbow McDonalds.....where you you want a soupcon of White Liberal Guilt....where social justice is more important than how things taste.

I think that is the way to go. The American flag for one group. The Rainbow/Mexican/Pussyhat flag for the other.

Amartel said...

April, exactly. The big shots who are making all the noise - purging Ivanka's clothing line, making progressive pronouncements, putting salad in our fries, etc. - don't care about (1) the consumer or (2) their employees/franchise owners. Ya know, the "little" people. They're all set for life and the rest of us can go pound sand while they signal their magnificent virtues and rack up brownie points with the politicians. I think they literally do not care and are just going through the motions of capitalism.

Trooper York said...

I put up an Ode to the Golden Arches.

I hope it can be saved.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Drudge dropped the entire thing. WTF?