Monday, May 16, 2016

“justice-involved individuals”

NY Post:  The neo-Orwellianism comes to us from the bizarre flurry of last-minute diktats, regulations and bone-chilling threats collectively known to fanboys as Obama’s Gorgeous Goodbye.
In another of those smiley-faced, but deeply sinister, “Dear Colleague” letters sent to universities and college this week, Obama’s Education Secretary John King discouraged colleges from asking applicants whether they were convicted criminals.
So rapists, burglars, armed robbers and drug dealers aren’t criminals anymore. These folks are simply “involved” with “justice,” according to Obamanoids.


ndspinelli said...

Obama has pardoned more criminals[almost all black] than the last 6 Presidents COMBINED. Look for a Presidential Order for reparations before he leaves.

edutcher said...

Right up there with man-caused disasters.

ricpic said...

Whole administration is anti-white. We're not supposed to notice that because then we be HATERS!

I see Lem has discovered the NY Post, the last free speech bastion in the American press.

Well okay, The Washington Times too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's justice to commit crimes.

Methadras said...

This is Urkels last goodbye and he is burning the ground he's walked on behind him with nuclear waste. He doesn't care, his vengeance for his daddy is priority number one and this is exactly what he has planned since the day he took office. This is his giant fuck you to America. He has been the traitor that he feels this country has been waiting for to flip it upside down. He wants to see it burn and he's laughing all the way to to matchstick factory and he knows there isn't a fucking thing anyone can do about it.

Ricpic says this administration is anti-white. No it isn't. This administration run by this president is anti-freedom and anti-liberty which in reality makes it anti-American and that affects us all simply beyond racist lines because in the end this president, no, this man, is anti-citizen and anti-social. His ideology is deadly, his ideology and this man himself has blood on its/his hands. I've shown that to all of you over and over again. He is as exactly as I have described. A radical Marxist progressive collectivist, even legitimate communists would look at this ideology as being left of them. This ideology is death, destruction, chaos, and control. He practices it daily. His edicts reflect that. His vindictiveness is in this respect is well documented. Just recently one of his giant fuck you's came in the form of a federal judge saying Obamacare funding was unconstitutional, so he says transgendered bathrooms in public schools as retaliation.

See? He has a fuck you for every slight against him. He's armed to the teeth with them. This latest stunt of destroying the language further by employing IngSOC style lexiconic verbiage of calling convicts and felons justice involved individuals is so absurd, so blatantly uber-orwellian that he is utterly laughing in our faces while he knows this is total fuck you inside joke against everyone against him. He knows it's retarded beyond words to even say this, but yet he does. It gets under the skin, it gets you angry for no reason, but if you ignore it he gets away with it. If you focus on it and condemn it, it powers him in vindictive spite as another giant fuck you. It's a win win for him. He knows this because the power of the POTUS is on his side and coupled with his RMPC ideology is why conservativism doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell against it.

This is how he's gotten away with all of it from Fast and Furious to HRC's email server, to the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Obamacare, attacks on the 1A, 2A, 4A, you name it without anyone getting censured, fired, indicted, convicted or jailed. He's finally fucked you America and daddy islamic communist is smiling from his anti-colonial heaven down on the son who's realized his dream. The dreams of his father are finally realized using the audacity of hope that his machinations and ideology have brought him to this conclusion.

And we are all the worse for it. This is the vision of what's to come and how anyone who is an adherent of RMPC will continue down this road to oblivion.

Trooper York said...

Hey Lem did you drop Powerline from your blog list?

edutcher said...

Wouldn't be surprised. PowerLine has really gone over the top.

Methadras said...

This is Urkels last goodbye and he is burning the ground he's walked on behind him with nuclear waste

Stick around. What Drudge called Barack Obama's Scorched Earth Exit is just getting started.

Maybe this is his revenge on the Ozark Mafia.

The rule of Lemnity said...

No,?, I'll look into it when I get home. I can't do it via the phone app.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

It's a win win for him. He knows this because the power of the POTUS is on his side and coupled with his RMPC ideology is why conservativism doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell against it.

I have to disagree. The bathroom thing seems to be meeting stiff resistance, so we may have begun to pull away from the idea he's immune.

People will be more than glad to see him go by January. You're seeing it with black support fro Trump. You're seeing it with the Feel The Bern crowd (they won't admit it, but it's still true). You're seeing Trump's attacks about Benghazi, which will beg the question, "Where was Barry?".

His numbers will start to crater. He isn't that far away from Dubya's numbers - and Dubya'd turned Iraq around. Everything he's done and everything he's going to do will come up.

This is where rebellion takes over.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Hey Lem did you drop Powerline from your blog list?

Also notice Insta is gone.

Did you purge all the Cruzzer sites and try to keep it a secret? /sarc

Trooper York said...

It was probably just a glitch. I just wanted to let you know Lem. Editing the list might be a good idea.

I know you didn't do it for ideological reasons. I would like a Breibart link though. Makes it much easier to go to some of the posts I write about plus they have a lot of provocative topics you would be interested in and want to blog about.

edutcher said...

Breitbart was bought by a hardcore Cruzzer halfway through the primary season (boy, was it noticeable) although the last couple of times I looked, they (I'm assuming the Big Government site) had gotten more objective (or at least more catholic) in their appeal.

Webrolls are usually lists of people who linked to that site, so Lem is just showing who likes him.

No problem there.

The Dude said...

Lots of dead links on his blogroll.

Trooper York said...

Ed you are misinformed. Breibart is very pro-Trump. In fact they have been pilloried for that fact. Not that should be a consideration. I just think their site can generate a bunch of posts for us. Similaryly Hotair which is more of what you describe. Either of these would be a worthwhile addition to the blog roll.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

OK. I know where you're coming from.

For a period in mid-March, Breit was very Cruzzer, a couple of its reporters were proud to proclaim their status as Cruz delegates (Michael Flynn was one, IIRC). As I say, it's gone back the other way (and confused a lot of people), and was certainly very rah-rah for Trump after NH.

I've seen some of their stuff since then, as I say, and they seem to have done a reverse; maybe due to falling readership or because they read the handwriting on the wall.

I don't dispute what you say, it's just that things have moved very quickly the last few months and what was there in mid-March is not what was there even in mid-April.

Clearly, YMMV

Trooper York said...

I think the pro-Cruz or more properly put Anti-Trump people left after the Michelle Fields debacle. As you know she was a Brietbart reporter. When management decided what she was saying was fishy and didn't want to support her a whole bunch of like minded cuckservatives quit in support of her. So they have been consistently pro-Trump for quite a while. A worthwhile balance to the virulent Anti-Trump peddled by people like Red State, Instapundit and Glen Beck.

The Dude said...

Ed Driscoll sucks donkey dicks. Or, at least, that's the rumor.

Speaking of communists, and I think we were, how about that sainted Mary Catherine Ham - CNN employee. When I pointed out that her now late husband, the moron who couldn't even ride a bicycle without being hit head on by an automobile, was working in the White House to ensure that the United States would be destroyed from within, well, that was too much for the PJ media crowd - how dare you, they asked - she is saintly! She is one of us! Exactly. And now she works for CNN to further the goals of the one-worlders.

Mask, slipped.

And now Skinhead O'Conner has joined the choir eternal. Her fan will miss her.

edutcher said...

Driscoll's role as co-blogger at Insta seems to have been pared back.

You see a lot more posts by Vodka.

Trooper York said...

Is that true Sixty? I heard she was missing after a bike ride. Maybe Arsenio put out a hit on her.

edutcher said...

For those concerned, Sine-Aid O'Connor has been found.

Let the church bells (or your favorite source of jubilation) ring!!!!!

The Dude said...

I saw a picture of her and figured that was her bloated corpse after they fished her out of the lake. My bad.

Trooper York said...

Nice. She is looking rough lately.

Maybe she should start a blog.

The Dude said...

Hey, she may be an obese, alcoholic, mentally unstable, anti-Catholic self-medicating Irish lesbian, but there is no reason to insult her! She has principles that even in her most debased state she is not willing to violate!

Trooper York said...

Hey. Once she went on a dating website and demanded anal all bets were off.

As a famous communist once said "Who am I to judge?"

The Dude said...

As I said, she had standards. Low ones, for sure, but blogger? How dare you say such a thing about a dead woman?

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Hey. Once she went on a dating website and demanded anal all bets were off.

As a famous communist once said "Who am I to judge?"

O'Conner demanding anal is enough to turn me into a lesbian.

Trooper York said...

Hey it is just her twat that is dead. Sort of like Hillary's. That is why she advertised for a back door man. She wanted to feel something.

Plus most of the guys in entertainment are gay so maybe she thought she could get some action if they pretended she was Andrew Sullivan or something.

The Dude said...

Her career - that's what is well and truly dead.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

if they pretended she was Andrew Sullivan or something.

Maybe if they put an Andrew Sullivan beard on the back of her head or something. Like the real Sullivan they would still be left confused.